Advanced Nutrients B-52. Is it worth the price?


Active Member
I tried the terpinator with last Botanicare run I did and did half with the Bud Factor X and the terpinator produced decent resins and terps and nice aroma but the ones I hit with the bud factor x were just some much danker IMO and my guys also said the same thing who didnt know which ones buds I gave which, you could literally see and smell the difference between the two.

Idk everyone has their own recipes and shit they like I just dont like people clowning on products they dont even use and just repeat things they hear other people say without even knowing it for themselves. Nothing make me more mad than followers, and kiss asses which I see alot of on here unfortunately. You seem to be familir with AN and know what Im talking about so I respect you and your opinion for that for sure.


Active Member
First time I ran AN i was pissed my run came out like crap I overfed em I was using the Conni line and then tried Ph perfect I called made em refund me my money they wound up giving me the jungle juice gallons and sensi bases both for free they were cool as shit about it. They knew i wasnt an amateur grower I spoke to them in detail for about an hour and they threw me a bunch of advice on how to run their shit they dont tell you on the bottle. Foliar feeding the rhino skin and bud factor and running things a lil diff im not gonna give everything out but since then been night and day. I still wont even run the ph perfect i dont like it or trust is and had bad experience with it as i said so imo fuck that ph perfect shit and stick to the regular bases because i think that shit is snake oil in a bottle for sure. But the rest of the shit is grade A to me

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
I tried the terpinator with last Botanicare run I did and did half with the Bud Factor X and the terpinator produced decent resins and terps and nice aroma but the ones I hit with the bud factor x were just some much danker IMO and my guys also said the same thing who didnt know which ones buds I gave which, you could literally see and smell the difference between the two.

Idk everyone has their own recipes and shit they like I just dont like people clowning on products they dont even use and just repeat things they hear other people say without even knowing it for themselves. Nothing make me more mad than followers, and kiss asses which I see alot of on here unfortunately. You seem to be familir with AN and know what Im talking about so I respect you and your opinion for that for sure.
If advanced would drop their price and not claim such ridiculous things it would be more accepted. It is not a miracle juice that makes you yield more and produce better flowers, so they shouldn't price it like it is.


Active Member
I was running the conni ph perfect in a coco grow with RO and had nothing but problems. I could never get the ph in check or correctly and the pens dont register the ppm or ph properly so trying to adjust it or fix a problem once it happens is like operation 007. Never ever use that shit ever


Active Member
Well to me thats like Canna. Most of the line is good and inexpensive but the main shit you need which gives you your yield is the boost which is like 500$ for a fuckin gallon. It is definetely a dope product but shit is crazy.


Active Member
If advanced would drop their price and not claim such ridiculous things it would be more accepted. It is not a miracle juice that makes you yield more and produce better flowers, so they shouldn't price it like it is.
At the end of the day its a business long story short and the dude does his thing and I respect him for that, hes a hustler who had a vision started this company and took off. Yeah they make some crazy claims and got some stupid ass labels and shit which I dont like but at the same time its kinda funny when u think about it. Nuttin better than some good kushie kush for my Louis OG CUT HAHA

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
At the end of the day its a business long story short and the dude does his thing and I respect him for that, hes a hustler who had a vision started this company and took off. Yeah they make some crazy claims and got some stupid ass labels and shit which I dont like but at the same time its kinda funny when u think about it. Nuttin better than some good kushie kush for my Louis OG CUT HAHA
Am I mad at them for the way they market. No. Do I respect it. No.

They take advantage of people not knowing any better. Like I just pointed out, bud factor x is freaking Epsom salt in a bottle man, with an incredible mark up.

If people would do their research they would know you do not need all that shit. You don't need big bud. You don't need overdrive. None of those additives. Fucking beneficial microbe with synthetic fertilizers. What a joke.

A base nutrient that covers your macros and micros, is all you need. I was a huge skeptic when I changed to this one part. It was the best decision I made in a long time.

You can achieve all of the ratios advanced does through its feeding schedule with GH's 3 part if you still feel like the plant wants something different each week.


Active Member
Idk about all of that. The Bud Factor x replaced the old scorpion juice from awhile back. From what I know from the local AN grower in my state is that the Bud X has chitosan, some types of acids and other ingredients they dont list because they dont have too and obviously dont want anyone to copy the recipe. Idk for a fact but I dont think its just epsom salts and sulphur and thats it. I dont know for sure exactly what it is and I cant say its worth the price they demand for it but I do like the results I get from that better than I do the Terpinator which alot of people in the grow community have been raving about. I tried it on 2 runs and I dont think it is as good a product as Bud X but its also only like 20$ for half gallon or whatever it is. I did make some nice aromas and oil production in the tests I ran but I dont see the hype of that shit.

I like insect frass personally been running that in my organic grows and I think thats a best kept secret.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Idk about all of that. The Bud Factor x replaced the old scorpion juice from awhile back. From what I know from the local AN grower in my state is that the Bud X has chitosan, some types of acids and other ingredients they dont list because they dont have too and obviously dont want anyone to copy the recipe. Idk for a fact but I dont think its just epsom salts and sulphur and thats it. I dont know for sure exactly what it is and I cant say its worth the price they demand for it but I do like the results I get from that better than I do the Terpinator which alot of people in the grow community have been raving about. I tried it on 2 runs and I dont think it is as good a product as Bud X but its also only like 20$ for half gallon or whatever it is. I did make some nice aromas and oil production in the tests I ran but I dont see the hype of that shit.

I like insect frass personally been running that in my organic grows and I think thats a best kept secret.
"Epsom salt and sulfur". This reiterates my point of advanced user not really understanding what they are using. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate. There is no and.

From my recollection, the liquid is clear and odorless, while chitosan fucking stinks and usually uses other essintial oils to cover that smell (mint,Rosemary,ect). Plant produce their own amino acids, so no reason to have those in the bottle. Just a marketed gimmick.
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Active Member
"Epsom salt and sulfur". This reiterates my point of advanced user not really understanding what they are using. Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate. There is no and.

From my recollection, the liquid is clear and odorless, while chitosan fucking stinks and usually uses other essintial oils to cover that smell (mint,Rosemary,ect). Plant product their own amino acids, so no reason to have those in the bottle. Just a marketed gimmick.
It white and pretty thick and has a weird smell to it. Definetely not odor less but i cant explain it. But yes mag sulphur is main listed ingredients.

I know that this replaced the old scorpion juice which had chitosan, salycic acids and some other shit in it. It is hard to say exactly what is in the bottle without someone sending it to the lab to get analyzed. So i take your word for it if thats what you believe is all thats in there. Im gonna look into it now and try find out anything else I can regarding the exact makeup of the bottle. Thanks


Active Member
My buddy just confirmed it does have chitosan oglisacchride in the product he said 100% idk what that other word means but it does contain chitosan. Which make sense because the product it replaced was scorpion juice which also contained chitosan


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@budman111 and @chuck estevez
ripped my a new one probably 9-12 months ago for using all that useless stuff and I have gained nothing but knowledge ever since. It was a night and day difference on my cost, while yields an quality have done nothing but get better. Keep it simple is now something I live by.
Ive seen a few people fellow growers I know thru the community out my way who have used both DG and Jacks and the results they get are subpar so until someone shows me otherwise I dont agree on any of those products at all for growing cannabis. Nothing they have ever done impressed me nor did the yields they were getting. I know a couple stores who carry both those lines and they rot on the shelves and people who have tried them from what I know dont continue to use them.

One kid was running a huge 30+ light warehouse with the jacks hydro and citrus feed and some other shit idk what it was called exactly. But everything he brought to show my buddies was average at best. Tasted like crap and yields were nothing to talk about so my experience with those products is meh. This is nothing more than my experience and opinion as mentioned so idk. Just where I stand for now.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
My buddy just confirmed it does have chitosan oglisacchride in the product he said 100% idk what that other word means but it does contain chitosan. Which make sense because the product it replaced was scorpion juice which also contained chitosan
Chitosan oligosaaccharide is pretty cheap. Around $150 for a kilo, and they are probably only using a few grams per bottle. It's usually 2-5% volume in a concentrated nutrient solution.

From my understanding it doesn't seem to have much of a purpose in hydro, because microbes must break it down into chatinase enzymes for it to have any use.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Ive seen a few people fellow growers I know thru the community out my way who have used both DG and Jacks and the results they get are subpar so until someone shows me otherwise I dont agree on any of those products at all for growing cannabis. Nothing they have ever done impressed me nor did the yields they were getting. I know a couple stores who carry both those lines and they rot on the shelves and people who have tried them from what I know dont continue to use them.

One kid was running a huge 30+ light warehouse with the jacks hydro and citrus feed and some other shit idk what it was called exactly. But everything he brought to show my buddies was average at best. Tasted like crap and yields were nothing to talk about so my experience with those products is meh. This is nothing more than my experience and opinion as mentioned so idk. Just where I stand for now.
I can not say anything about jacks or dyna because I haven't used them. I was never a fan of the nitrogen sources in dyna. I want nitrates. Not ammoniacal nitrogen.

Carolina Dream'n

Well-Known Member
Ive seen a few people fellow growers I know thru the community out my way who have used both DG and Jacks and the results they get are subpar so until someone shows me otherwise I dont agree on any of those products at all for growing cannabis. Nothing they have ever done impressed me nor did the yields they were getting. I know a couple stores who carry both those lines and they rot on the shelves and people who have tried them from what I know dont continue to use them.

One kid was running a huge 30+ light warehouse with the jacks hydro and citrus feed and some other shit idk what it was called exactly. But everything he brought to show my buddies was average at best. Tasted like crap and yields were nothing to talk about so my experience with those products is meh. This is nothing more than my experience and opinion as mentioned so idk. Just where I stand for now.
So you've stated multiple times now you can't stand the people who talk shit about advanced but have never used then turn around and talk shit about products you've never used, only your friends used them and didn't get results.

Kind of hypocritical.