New Member
Heck, willow water will work 

their PH down is nice and strong though, lol
My understanding is that this Product he is talking about is the real deal.Its like $150.00 I've heard per Qt.!!Crazy,but it is really supposed to be awesome.
Then buy a bottle each of Dyna-Gro's Foliage Pro (9-3-6) and Blossom Booster (3-12-6), 8 oz of each at about $5.00 bottle. It will last you for years. Each product contains least 15-16 essential elements.
Mr.Ben I'm not trying to correct u sir ,but I went to Dyna-Gro's site and they don't have a Blossom Booster (3-12-6) listed, but they do have a Dyna-Grow Liquid Bloom (3-12-6) under Complete Plant Nutrients not under Nutrient Supplements.Is this the one you were referring to?
How strong is it? Phosphoric acid from a brewers supply store is a cheap (and stable) product for dropping your pH. Added benefit is the P available to plants.
Jump Start? Right....
I'm not here to debate his status as an upstanding human being. I'm simply pointing out something which is not seen too often in business. he found a better product made by someone else and is willing to admit it is better and he's pulling his product off the shelves until they can best it.
That's a rare thing.... and worth mentioning in my opinion.
I always listen...but you simply said he was a used car salesman indicted for child porn in NYC... not exactly on topic.
Was he charged in child porn?
That's all.... I get it guys don't like him, but he still did a rare and good should be acknowledged.
I agree, but that is the norm in the weed industry. Weed can be successfully grown to a high standard just using nursery grade fert's and supplies, so really the whole hydro scene is a marketing sham of overpriced products.
has anyone been keeping track of how many products AN has discontinued??
it is a lot! ... first they release a million ads and videos letting you know about their breaking research on their amazing products and tell you how the other companies got the ratios wrong (i.e. Hammerhead pk 9/18 VS. standard pk 13/14) ect., ect... Then a year or so later they discontinue those same products because they cant live up to their own "Guarantee".
I think the fact that so many of their products dont last in the market even by their own standard says a lot about the company... Obviously they didnt do their research before releasing the products to the public and that seems to be standard practice for them.
Thats nice big mike says another company is better than them, but im sure its just until he releases another new product twice the price of roots exelerator.... just my opinion tho... if you get good results and like the stuff and dont mind paying the $, then keep rockin them... but i would concider having a back up just in case they pull your favorite AN product off the market... Im not trying to insult the people who use AN, im just trying to point out that they often end up eating their words...
Scorpion Juice, the entire Monkey Juice line, Hammerhead, Jump Start, Sweet Leaf, Carbo Load are just some of their products that they have discontinued lately... im sure there are many more im not aware of.
something just seems wrong about the constant hype up and discontinue thing... doesnt seem like a reliable trustable company to me.
well I took about 40 cuttings of some grapefruit diesel that I had grown from seed and I used Juicy Roots by AN because:
A. it was a good price-- $12 for 2 oz (more than enough)
B. friends who work at the hydro store I buy from were all raving about seeing the biggest roots theyd ever seen when their cuttings rooted
C. saw beast like results here on from others who had used it.
still interested to see how the Jump Start works tho, so I soaked my rapid rooter plugs in a diluted solution of it and then misted the cuttings once under the dome. Im tempted to try the HG root accelerator but why should I pay more for HG if the AN products work fine? the Jump Start was only $20
but I will say this, I do believe their real ferts and nutes are just fancied up bottles with catchy labels that dont elaborate much on what's really in the mix, so I will NOT be buying any of their ridiculous over-priced lines of ferts