Advanced Nutrients has class....

roots exelerator works good but it is expensive... it was expensive enough for me to avoid trying it even though i had a ton of experienced growers telling me how well it worked... well eventually i tested it out using a large number of plants and the results were obvious. every plant that received roots exel. had thick fury bright white roots filling all 5 drain holes and starting to circle in every pot, while the plants that didnt recieve R.E. had 1-2 skinny roots barely sticking out 1-2 of the drain holes. Now im not saying that you couldnt get these same results cheaper by experimenting and mixing your own vitamin B1, and kelp extracts, hormones, ect. but i rather not bother... if you are doing any grow thats worthwhile then you should be able to afford the R.E. and any other products you need that have proven to give good results.

but as far as i know Roots Exelerator is not a cloning product like Rootone F or Dip-N-Grow, Clonex, ect... It is meant to be used AFTER you get roots not before like with the products i just mentioned.

H&G recommends using it at 1.1ml per gal. with every watering all through veg and continue using it until around the 4th week of flowering depending on the flower time of your crop.
Agreed, the title could have been different. I did a search for for rooting hormone, a bunch of stuff popped. This was close to the top and one of the threads I clicked on. I was hoping for insight instead I got this.

Quit your whining.

This is the kind of info you need, awesome PDF files with REAL world value, not some crap from another money hungry fat guy. Read and digest Parts 1-5 and you'll be light years ahead of the next guy.

However when you keep playing the same tired ass rant; let's just say that it gets old and leave it at that.

You want others to learn from your mistakes or do you perfer that they just "Recommend you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself.". So all this AN hating and your advice is to "you buy an assortment of products and see for yourself.", isn't that one of your reasons for hating AN UB?
I care about my community and don't like seeing people being screwed by the Tammy Fayes and Jimmy Bakers of the world. You really don't get it, do you? Root Accelerator is part of the multi-part swindle drill, ya pinhead. For starts, you don't need it, you only need an auxin based product that sells for a few bucks at Walmart. :rolleyes: The most important considerations are using some common sense and understanding what makes a plant tick.

jeebuscheebus, Uncle Ben, and everyone else i'm not (and was not) trying to pick a fight I simply became frustrated after three pages of the same old same old, from the same old people.
Sounds like a personal problem.

Quit your whining.

This is the kind of info you need, awesome PDF files with REAL world value, not some crap from another money hungry fat guy. Read and digest Parts 1-5 and you'll be light years ahead of the next guy.


I care about my community and don't like seeing people being screwed by the Tammy Fayes and Jimmy Bakers of the world. You really don't get it, do you? Root Accelerator is part of the multi-part swindle drill, ya pinhead. For starts, you don't need it, you only need an auxin based product that sells for a few bucks at Walmart. :rolleyes: The most important considerations are using some common sense and understanding what makes a plant tick.

Sounds like a personal problem.


Hahaha Good post UB!! :clap:
You guys will fall for anything as long as they present themselves as being "one of us".

I have to admit I almost fell for his sales pitch.
But I never go with my first instincts, I have to research it and see what everyone else thinks.
If most say It's a great product, then I'll cough up the money and try it.
If it works well in my garden, then I'll even say it's a great product too.

But so far I've always liked what you have to say Ben. Wish you were my neighbor. :razz:
330 dollars for a gallon of "voodoo juice". I think that is all that needs to be said. Anyone paying for that deserves to be scammed. And don't forget the seaweed and water mix (forgot they're name for it) that sells for 120 a gallon.....LOL
To those of you who wish to take shots at Uncle Ben you had best read all of his posts... hidden in there are nuggets of wisdom that will make anyone a better grower and links that could take weeks of searching to find.... if you don;t like his advice move along and buy some more overpriced stuff... for those of us who are learning and soaking up as much as we can.... thanks Uncle Ben....
roots but as far as i know Roots Exelerator is not a cloning product like Rootone F or Dip-N-Grow, Clonex, ect... It is meant to be used AFTER you get roots not before like with the products i just mentioned.

I read the same thing from the product's cut sheet. Then I found this on the distributer's site:

Why does the feed chart say "Never use an oxygen pump in the nutrient container or on the growth table."
This is an error on the feed chart. We have tested House & Garden extensivly in aeroponic, deep water culture, and ebb & flow hydroponic systems with great success. We have done side-by-side test runs with two ebb & flow tables, where the only difference was the addition of air pumps in the reservoir. There were no differences in the results.
Finally, we have tested Roots Excelurator in aeroponic cloners such as the EZ Cloner and Power Cloner with wonderful results. So go ahead and use an air pump if you wish.

It is working in my cloner (@1.1 ml/gal) , but I still dip my cutting in Rootech before placing them in there.
I only jump in this battle every now and again. UB seems to like to jump in every single time. He doesn't post grow journals, he doesn't do side by side comparisons, hell he's never even tried AN's products.

You know what you don't see very often? People who use or have used AN products and now come back to fight on the Anti-AN side of the argument. So while maybe their marketing helps sell their product (wholy, shit, we don't want people using marketing) customer retention is solely based upon the quality of the product and the satisfaction of the customer.

The product is pricey, the results are good. Their marketing is good, their product is good and wow with that combination they make a lot of money.

Evil sons of bitches, like Coca Cola (It's just sugar and water right?) is a complete ripoff! Do you know what it costs for carbonated water and sugar? This company is a sham and obviously their product is shit because they spend so much on marketing.

Have you ever tasted Coca Cola UB? Would you call it shit without tasting it because you think the ingredients are cheap? Would you say "I've had RC Cola and it tastes good so anyone selling Coca Cola is a used car salesman or selling snake-oil?"

It just doesn't make any sense your disdain for this company when A) They haven't wronged you and B) You aren't a dissatisfied customer. You're just a guy who gets all poopy butt about their products while thousands of happy customers keeping buying it. See the thing with snake oil is, it doesn't work, this product does.
yea its pretty obvious that some people are comparing apples to oranges and then patting themselves on the back for it and ignoring the facts... lol... same old game...

I read the same thing from the product's cut sheet. Then I found this on the distributer's site:

Why does the feed chart say "Never use an oxygen pump in the nutrient container or on the growth table."
This is an error on the feed chart. We have tested House & Garden extensivly in aeroponic, deep water culture, and ebb & flow hydroponic systems with great success. We have done side-by-side test runs with two ebb & flow tables, where the only difference was the addition of air pumps in the reservoir. There were no differences in the results.
Finally, we have tested Roots Excelurator in aeroponic cloners such as the EZ Cloner and Power Cloner with wonderful results. So go ahead and use an air pump if you wish.

It is working in my cloner (@1.1 ml/gal) , but I still dip my cutting in Rootech before placing them in there.
To those of you who wish to take shots at Uncle Ben you had best read all of his posts... hidden in there are nuggets of wisdom that will make anyone a better grower and links that could take weeks of searching to find.... if you don;t like his advice move along and buy some more overpriced stuff... for those of us who are learning and soaking up as much as we can.... thanks Uncle Ben....

You're welcome. I bet not one lurker has looked at that (priceless) link I posted earlier.

330 dollars for a gallon of "voodoo juice". I think that is all that needs to be said. Anyone paying for that deserves to be scammed. And don't forget the seaweed and water mix (forgot they're name for it) that sells for 120 a gallon.....LOL
Unbelievable, eh?

"A fool and his money are soon departed."

Someone's in love: ;)

The product is pricey, the results are good.

....and his journal runs its course.......

Soil side looks good like I said, hydro side is just getting worse. They'll turn around I'm sure, just wondering how long it's going to take.
About as long as it takes for you to learn you've been had. If I were you, I'd quit wasting my time and money on Advanced Shysters.

Folks, I've said it over and over again, some of the most <cough> compromised looking plants I've seen journaled in forums were based on AN products.

Advanced Nutrients Sensi 2 part as the base nutrients.
Big Bud
Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus


It's nice of you to do a side by side, but when you fail, how about not blaming the strain. :rolleyes:

BTW, I've been journaling my gardens for around 14 years in about 6 different forums. Where have you been?

Now, you may have noticed lately that some of the better looking gardens are from those that have switched out of the cannabis specific foods to value added (and complete) products from Schultz, Dyna-Gro, Peters, etc.

Witness my coaching of this feller who pretty much went from an impending disaster with FloraNova to some fine looking plants. And if you can stomach it, I also stick by my principles:

Come to the light side,
I have to admit I almost fell for his sales pitch.
But I never go with my first instincts, I have to research it and see what everyone else thinks.
If most say It's a great product, then I'll cough up the money and try it.
If it works well in my garden, then I'll even say it's a great product too.

But so far I've always liked what you have to say Ben. Wish you were my neighbor. :razz:

So much for understanding the video....did you watch it?
He's not selling his product. He's selling a competitors.... :wink:

i'm not endorsing any product...just pointing out that this company steps up and admits when they've been bested.

I'm amazed at how many ppl can see a negative in a positive.
So much for understanding the video....did you watch it?
He's not selling his product. He's selling a competitors.... :wink:

i'm not endorsing any product...just pointing out that this company steps up and admits when they've been bested.

I'm amazed at how many ppl can see a negative in a positive.

I'm amazed that some are so gullible. So be it.......
I'm amazed so many are cynical.... give the man his due...he did the right thing.

It's a rare thing to see in business..... if you don't understand haven't owned one then.
give the man his due...he did the right thing.

It's a rare thing to see in business..... if you don't understand haven't owned one then.

I own my own business and am smart enough to understand that there is an ulterior motive working when a CEO runs an infomercial on YouTube hyping someone's else product, AFTER, first telling the world that you're a product hawk, chanting "sale, sale, sale hard".

You think Ford would pull such a shallow stunt on national television pushing a GM car? Of course not, they know the public is too smart to fall for such (psychological) marketing strategies. The first thing that comes to mind after the attempt to project an image as Mr. Nice Guy is that he's getting a kickback from Humboldt, a competitor.

It's obvious his strategy worked on you, but mama didn't create no fool. Big Mike is a fast talking scumbag.
I find it hilarious that he clearly states,"We do not sell second best!" Nice way to build up a nice value of your products; you don't sell second best, yet all your other products are on the market? Not saying that AN is the worst, they do perform well, just too much marketing involved with the quality of product. I have years of experience in sales, currently going to school to get my masters in the foundations of business, and this guy is literally pulling one of the oldest tricks in the book, introduce a "better" product, (anyone else notice that he didn't choose a veg or flowering nute, just a rooting hormone?) talk it up and create a value and a need for this "alien" product. No lie, he probably followed the age old advice of ,"If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" and is somehow under a contract, offered money, or even bought the "competitor" and just slapped a different label on it. So basically you think your buying something else, but its the same ol' shit in a different bottle. No CEO is going to advertise a competitors product. This is my first time seeing what Big Mike looks like, he definitely looks like he has a background in Car Sales or managing a phone sales company like Enzyte or Extenz and all those other placebos.
What do you call his hard core sale pitch beginning at 1:00 minutes, and I quote him: "Moral" what? :shock: This guy wouldn't know ethics or morality if the Pope came along and beat it into him! Gotta hand it to him, he's a marketing genius and plays on the psychology of the cannabis community to a T.

Don't be a fool, he's a cheesebag only in it for the money. Look at the whole cheesey approach of these shysters. I guarantee you he is not being Mr. Niceguy, he is getting some kind of kickback or he wouldn't be tossing his arms out with the typical used car salesman non-verbals and such.

If I had to choose a value added, quality rooting product it sure wouldn't be from these guys. I would buy Rootone-F at half the price and ten times the value.

You guys will fall for anything as long as they present themselves as being "one of us".
Ben, im a new guy here but not new to forums. take a deep breathe man if you don't like his nutes so what but you're wasting your time posting in this thread. I use advanced nutes cuz they work for me not because that guy used to have a vagina or two dicks in his pants or had sex with his sister. get over it man it sounds like a big chip on your shoulder.