Advanced Nutrients has class....

most of that research from those links is over 20 years old and i will quote the important part here:

"It should be noted, however, that a few instances of positive product performance have been seen, particularly with the plant growth regulators and stimulants."

well its been 20+ years, research continues, and those happen to be pretty popular "secret" ingredients these days... maybe there is something to it when everyone sees the results? and yes some of the similar products seem to be bunk.
fuck me how many times a week do i see posts by uncle ben saying it all marketing hype this n snake oil that then recommend a fucking product.

growers try things for yourself if you like it buy it if not don't.

shits tired as hell ben.
Big Mike did a good thing, but for some's never enough.

No one here is ripping on the people using AN products. The thing most of us are complaining about are the outrageous prices of what they are pushing. You seriously believe that paying over 330 dollars for voodoo juice isn't a fucking rip off?

Or over 100 dollars to what basically comes down to a seaweed and water mix? (per gallon)

You can make this shit yourself with maxicrop for so much cheaper and it works just as well.

Half the time in most of these products they're secret ingredient is molasses.... another product you can buy dirt cheap and mix yourself.

People are pointing out the fact that you can grow plants just as good using no-name brand salts all the while saving your pocket book from the embarrassing beating it takes paying for labels.

EDIT: You want voodoo juice for real cheap? Get some quality earth worm castings, a little mollasses and a decent air pump. Make an ACT with the castings and molasses. Guess how much that cost? Nothing compared to 330 dollars. And I still can't believe they actually state on this particular product that it contains beneficial microbes in a bottle that last a year? Yeah right......
I don't get why you all get upset when we are trying to save you people some
I stick with a good starting soil and the basic AN micro/grow/bloom and have no problems at all.

Never bothered with all the specific, expensive products. I can't bother spending so much on nutes. Although I'd like to try the Connesuir A+B from AN.
I use their bud candy. I know it's overpriced but it's got all these b vitamins and a great mixture of carbs. it works incredibly for me.
No one here is ripping on the people using AN products. The thing most of us are complaining about are the outrageous prices of what they are pushing. You seriously believe that paying over 330 dollars for voodoo juice isn't a fucking rip off?

Or over 100 dollars to what basically comes down to a seaweed and water mix? (per gallon)

You can make this shit yourself with maxicrop for so much cheaper and it works just as well.

Half the time in most of these products they're secret ingredient is molasses.... another product you can buy dirt cheap and mix yourself.

People are pointing out the fact that you can grow plants just as good using no-name brand salts all the while saving your pocket book from the embarrassing beating it takes paying for labels.

EDIT: You want voodoo juice for real cheap? Get some quality earth worm castings, a little mollasses and a decent air pump. Make an ACT with the castings and molasses. Guess how much that cost? Nothing compared to 330 dollars. And I still can't believe they actually state on this particular product that it contains beneficial microbes in a bottle that last a year? Yeah right......
I don't get why you all get upset when we are trying to save you people some

But since that's not the topic of the thread...ur off base. Most of the tirades came about Big Mike himself...not the fert.

It's a free market (sort of) ... and AN charges what it thinks it can.... only the customers can change that. If AN is highly successful, it's because ppl want their products.... end of story. All personal bitching aside....which is childish.
But since that's not the topic of the thread...ur off base. Most of the tirades came about Big Mike himself...not the fert.

It's a free market (sort of) ... and AN charges what it thinks it can.... only the customers can change that. If AN is highly successful, it's because ppl want their products.... end of story. All personal bitching aside....which is childish.

I tried not to jump into this, but I have to.

Funny how Advanced Nutrients gets everyone talking, huh? Any press is good press, isn't that the adage?

Here's what frustrates me about these 'discussions' of people's ideas.

1. The main argument, some would say, is about the cost of the product.

Fair. Not everyone can afford Advanced Nutrients products. But instead of whining to other growers about the prices, why not take the complaints to the company? That seems like it would be a much more effective use of time than to vent about the prices to people who either don't use AN anyway or who can afford to pay for AN.

Just talking about it on a board is silly, isn't it? Doesn't really solve anything, just gets a bunch of people together to commiserate.

2. Why do people care what others use?

Seriously folks, I could give a flying f*** what any of y'all use. I mean, if it's doing amazing things, then, yes, I want to know. I do not care what you think of my nute schedule UNLESS I ASK YOU FOR ADVICE.

Most people come on the boards to share their own personal experience with nutes, so that's in response to the person posting the thread or to another person on the thread that wants to get a question answered. That's all there is to it. To jump in and start ripping on the opinions of others is NOT a discussion. It's a waste of time. List your own suggestions, maybe some reasons as to why you'd choose something over something else, but then MOVE ON.

To argue about why "everyone else's grows are stupid and yours is the best" just shows that you're not as concerned about helping others as you might seem to be.

Really, everyone. It's a thread with Advanced Nutrients in the title. If you don't like em, go to another thread. When you start jumping into these frays just to rip on the product being discussed, it's starting an argument that isn't necessary.

Head to the threads where you can talk with other growers on how to maximize your particular nutes.

Rant done. Yeesh. :wall:
I just use my own common sense..... it's not BS ... it's a rare and good thing.

Some folks are simply glass half empty types.

Endorsing some one else's product is not a bad thing.... and the negative responses reveal the attitudes of the posters....not Big Mike or AN.

You don't like AN products .... fine ... but give Big Mike his due... he did the right thing. Is it self serving? Of course....what isn't in this world if you're in business that is.
I just use my own common sense.....

Ahhhhhhh, OK :rolleyes: It's obvious that our definition of "common sense" is vastly different, thank gawd.

He has found a better product than his own, and once he verified it was better through testing, has ENDORSED it over his own product (Jumpstart).

How did your hero test and verify these snake oils?

I guess you also believe that 9/11 was an inside Bush job and that OJ Simpson is innocent of murder? lol
I was really impressed when I saw this.

It takes a big man, no pun intended, to admit when someone else has got you beat. Especially when it's so easy to just pretend it isn't true.

Big Mike didn't have to do this. He could've made up some excuse for why his product really was better in spite of anyone else's results.

But no, he told the truth even when he didn't have to.

That's integrity: telling the truth even when it hurts you, even when you don't have to.
I was really impressed when I saw this.

It takes a big man, no pun intended, to admit when someone else has got you beat. Especially when it's so easy to just pretend it isn't true.

Big Mike didn't have to do this. He could've made up some excuse for why his product really was better in spite of anyone else's results.

But no, he told the truth even when he didn't have to.

That's integrity: telling the truth even when it hurts you, even when you don't have to.

Just wait until 2 months later he comes out with a new product that he claims is twice as good as H&G's Root Excelerator, yet costs 2x as much.

I dont think you'll equate him with integrity any more after that.
Just wait until 2 months later he comes out with a new product that he claims is twice as good as H&G's Root Excelerator,

I think you have his game plan nailed. ;)

It will cost 4X as much, because "our new and improved Root Excelerator Plus now contains 2,000 amino acids and vitamins and is 4 times better than anything our competition offers and as usual it comes with our exclusive money back guarantee." :spew:
I think you have his game plan nailed. ;)

It will cost 4X as much, because "our new and improved Root Excelerator Plus now contains 2,000 amino acids and vitamins and is 4 times better than anything our competition offers and as usual it comes with our exclusive money back guarantee." :spew:

Man you folks are harsh on AN aren't you? I don't get the personal grudge attitude going on.

It will be EVERY competitors game plan to do the same thing, what the hell do you folks expect? It's not a charity and you don't have to buy... Get over yourselves already.
Man you folks are harsh on AN aren't you? I don't get the personal grudge attitude going on.

I've said it before, it's all about ethical principles versus blind faith ideology. I don't like con-men, you don't see thru his games because you're mesmerized with the glamor, "dreams/hopes of greatness" and the pro-cannabis movement which he claims to represent. Such is the voice and inexperience of youth. If this fat ass wants my respect, then he needs to provide full disclosure of his product's contents, drop the prices to make them value added, and stop the bullshit claims along with the childish labels and names. Just list the frickin' ingredients, charge a reasonable price, and be done with it. I would also like to know who he is buying from. There is some reason why these guys (have to) go to EXTREME lengths to market their products. If it sounds too good to be true......

There is a saying that applies to our community TO THE T -

"We're all dreamers, and con men fulfill that dream.
I've said it before, it's all about ethical principles versus blind faith ideology. I don't like con-men, you don't see thru his games because you're mesmerized with the glamor, "dreams/hopes of greatness" and the pro-cannabis movement which he claims to represent. Such is the voice and inexperience of youth. If this fat ass wants my respect, then he needs to provide full disclosure of his product's contents, drop the prices to make them value added, and stop the bullshit claims along with the childish labels and names. Just list the frickin' ingredients, charge a reasonable price, and be done with it. I would also like to know who he is buying from. There is some reason why these guys (have to) go to EXTREME lengths to market their products. If it sounds too good to be true......

There is a saying that applies to our community TO THE T -

"We're all dreamers, and con men fulfill that dream.

We get it UB, you don't like AN. Who cares? They aren't con men just because you say that they are. They sell a product and just because they don't tell you the exact formula (who the hell would do that?) you get all upset and start having fits. Their website lists what all of the ingredients are, I don't know what more you want, when in all reality they sell a "turnkey" product that is supposed to work right out of the bottle. It doesn't matter if the product is overpriced in your mind, price isn't determined by the company selling the product, it's determined by WHAT THE MARKET WILL BEAR. You can't call them con-men when they sell a product that people purchase REPEATEDLY and it actually DOES work as described. There's no con there. There's no rip-off, and there's no great moral blunder.

We get that there are cheaper products and this it's all just marketing, but so is everything else, why is this SUCH a big deal to you? Some people shop at Payless for Shoes, others buy Nike's. Does it irritate you so much that you believe Nike, Reebok, ADIDAS and the other big time Shoe MARKETING companies are still around?

Do you join basketball forums and tell them they are all retarded for buying Nike shoes and that there are zillions of people making shoes out of the same materials for cheaper? Than why do you feel you need to do it here?

Marketing exists, and it works, and it certainly helps sell the product, but how is that against your moral code? If there prices were set wrong there sales would & demand and market economics, they didn't arbitrarily price their products.