Advanced Nutrients has class....

Yeah it's just the prices that get me. It's all way to expensive and a lot of people understand that and continue to use the products. I just wont pay for something that I know I can make my self for a fraction of the cost. I have nothing against anyone that wants to spend their money on these products or anything else for that matter. It's their money.

Attacking price isn't really silly though, there is a reason there are all sorts of consumer watchdog groups out there, to stop people from being ripped off.

I don't see how you have an issue with someone wanting to help people save some cash. If you want to pay 300 dollars for voodoo juice then by all means get ripped off. Sorry, i just cant understand that logic at all.

Laser where did I ever say he was a bad person? He is a salesman, plain and simple and if people want to continue to over pay for the products that I can get the same results from for almost pennies on the dollar, then so be it.

I wasn't necessarily aiming the comment directly at you. The reason there are consumer watchdog groups is to stop companies from ripping consumers off. After most consumers purchase AN products and use them they don't feel ripped off or taken. Repeate business is huge for them.

And I MOST CERTAINLY don't mind people explaining cheaper ways to do things, more efficient ways, etc. It's a great thing and the reason I enjoy forums so very much. I just don't see the attacks on "Big Mike" as valid when they are generally about price. If it stayed withing the realm of price instead of getting personal and claiming he's a child predator, a snake oil salesman, etc. it just gets a bit ridiculous.

If everyone else's product was "just as good" and they came along with a better product at a better price and put some marketing behind it AN would be gone....but they aren't.

There's no reason AN would be protected from this free market phenomenon, best product at the best price with the best marketing = 800LB Guerilla. It must not be that easy to make a better product at a better price. There are zillions of marketing people out there trying to tap this market.
Just always remember.... (except for the hydro folks).... the better you make your soil...the less fert's you will need. A strong foundation yields an easy grow.

Leaf mold pile.... very good....takes 2 years.

Compost ... layering grass,leaves,manure, repeat. .... takes 1 year

Ash ... sprinkle into compost occasionally and leaf pile (which is separate from the compost pile) takes one day (don't burn ur house down).

Do these simple things ... and you will be surprised how little ferts ur weed needs. It will also keep disease at bay since the plants will be always strong and vibrant.
I received this video the other day and I must say, Big Mike has outdone himself.

He has found a better product than his own, and once he verified it was better through testing, has ENDORSED it over his own product (Jumpstart).

He is now endorsing H&G's Root Excelerator.

That's class.... and smart.

Here's the vid...

I Love Big Mike! Sure he's a salesman...but he sells the products for the plants I'm growing. I'd like to see some of these other companies come out and promote MMJ publicly. Soon enough I guess.
I Love Big Mike! Sure he's a salesman...but he sells the products for the plants I'm growing. I'd like to see some of these other companies come out and promote MMJ publicly. Soon enough I guess.

BM has played you well.

What does cannabis politics, idealogy and plant nutrition have to do with one another?

Seed sales is the same bullshit. You will buy mutts based on some stupid name and claim. The cannabis business is just one big rip.

BM has played you well.

What does cannabis politics, idealogy and plant nutrition have to do with one another?

Seed sales is the same bullshit. You will buy mutts based on some stupid name and claim. The cannabis business is just one big rip.


AMEN!!! :clap:
I agree with Uncle Ben thats clever marketing strategy,making you think wow what a company!I was looking in to Advanced but a lot of negative shit floating round the net bout them.
What do you call his hard core sale pitch beginning at 1:00 minutes, and I quote him: "Moral" what? :shock: This guy wouldn't know ethics or morality if the Pope came along and beat it into him! Gotta hand it to him, he's a marketing genius and plays on the psychology of the cannabis community to a T.

Don't be a fool, he's a cheesebag only in it for the money. Look at the whole cheesey approach of these shysters. I guarantee you he is not being Mr. Niceguy, he is getting some kind of kickback or he wouldn't be tossing his arms out with the typical used car salesman non-verbals and such.

If I had to choose a value added, quality rooting product it sure wouldn't be from these guys. I would buy Rootone-F at half the price and ten times the value.

You guys will fall for anything as long as they present themselves as being "one of us".

lol at u thinking the popes little child molesting ass has morals..fuck the pope
All weed supplies are overpriced.....

So is weed.....

What a coincidence.....

....just another racket like I said. BTW, we get great bag weed for $50/oz. There is value if you look for it. Won't find it on California streets where fools pay $100 for an 1/8 oz. I mean, you REALLY got to be hard up or stupid to hand your money over to some weasel.
I agree with Uncle Ben thats clever marketing strategy,making you think wow what a company!I was looking in to Advanced but a lot of negative shit floating round the net bout them.

No matter what any company does .... it's simply marketing. That's business.

What I said was ..... this is UNUSUAL. And it is.

UB is right (about fert prices, not Mike)...but so is AN. :wink:

If doing the best by your customers isn't good enough for you.... perhaps it's not them with the problem.... it's you.

I'm just being objective here..... no judgment. But I've been around the block business wise for many years.....owned three companies along the way....dealt with just about every kind of business person....and after all of those years of experience and observation.... I found this to be refreshing to see.

No judgment...just an observance.... you don't see this that anybody, in any business. many would actually tell you it is a MORTAL SIN to mention someones else product unless you are DISSING it. That is the norm in business.
No matter what any company does .... it's simply marketing. That's business.

What I said was ..... this is UNUSUAL. And it is.

UB is right (about fert prices, not Mike)...but so is AN. :wink:

If doing the best by your customers isn't good enough for you.... perhaps it's not them with the problem.... it's you.

I'm just being objective here..... no judgment. But I've been around the block business wise for many years.....owned three companies along the way....dealt with just about every kind of business person....and after all of those years of experience and observation.... I found this to be refreshing to see.

No judgment...just an observance.... you don't see this that anybody, in any business. many would actually tell you it is a MORTAL SIN to mention someones else product unless you are DISSING it. That is the norm in business.

It boils down to one thing, we will believe what and whom we choose to believe. You've got your YouTube infomercial, I have the AN website, claims, hype, high cost price structure and all the lies that go with this organization. If the stoner market were as sophisticated, experienced and educated as the typical nurseryman, farmer or horticultural expert, BM and his crap would not stand a chance. My network of horticultural professionals would guffaw just looking at the site, much less buy into the stupid product names, claims, and such.

You don't see "this" that often because in other areas of normal and legitimate commerce folks are not that naive to believe bullshit designed to make him look like a friend to "our community". (Isn't Mike such a nice and decent fellow!) Guess you missed the first part where he yells "I tell my staff to sell, sell, outsell the competition!" That's a lead in to the game.

Now, he touts "nitrogen!" in another one of his YouTube cartoons complete with computer contrived charts while selling products deficient in the very element he screams about as being so important, tells his staff to sell, sell, sell and then turns around touting someone else's product as being superior without providing any proof. Fucker is a (crafty) loony tune selling to a bunch of co-dependent suckers.

You really can't be this gullible, eh? ;)

See my sig line,
I just have an observation based on years of experience. What he did was unusual and refreshing.

That's all.

It's obvious you have an axe to grind UB...:wink:

I have none.... I take no sides on AN.... just a business mans perspective.

What he did was NOT a negative. More companies should do it. Most just run the other fellow down. If not all.
I love Advanced Nutrients, someone mention they heard about great results just check it they have their own grow show called Urbangrower

Shows nice buds at the end~

Results~ (great song during it too :bigjoint:)

I'll never switch to another nutrient company again. I know pro's like Uncle ben dont use it and thats cool. The only important thing at hand is that the grower him/herself feels like its worth the money and believes in the results. IMO its a great investment but to Uncleben its just colored water. Everyone is different and we have our own preferences. Enjoy the day everyone :weed:
I just read an article in cc bout advanced their nutes are ment to be amazing but I want to find out for myself,dont like the marketing ploys but check out cannabis culture.
Uncle ben what nutes do you use?I have used canna for my first grow with good results.I want to see if advanced are as good as they claim,the cost is ment to be down to the concentration you use a lot less than other nutes.