Advanced Nutrients has class....

Man you folks are harsh on AN aren't you? I don't get the personal grudge attitude going on.

It will be EVERY competitors game plan to do the same thing, what the hell do you folks expect? It's not a charity and you don't have to buy... Get over yourselves already.

I dont have any grudge against the guy. People are free to spend their money how they see fit, and he's doing everything in his power to get that money, and rightfully so.

I just think people need to realize he's not their friend. Anyone that is trying to sell you something whether it be nutrients, cars, furniture, etc are always going to be nice and friendly and want you to think that they are "looking out for you". When in reality they're looking out for themselves and only care about making the sell and as much as possible on it.

Sure there are some honest business people out there that want to make a sell and actually give people a good deal, but this man is selling nutrients to marijuana growers. Thats a huge market of gullible people right there and he'd be an idiot not to prey upon them, but if people want to think he's their friend, then by all means go ahead.

Just dont get upset when he's pickpocketing you while shaking your hand at the same time :).
What's this "we" shit? You now a self appointed spokesman for the silent minority?

Do you not understand pronouns or what? I think to anyone else reading THIS THREAD that "WE" means everyone else who has read THIS THREAD.

I think you've made it very clear here....

Damn, that's the used car salesman that was indicted for child porn in NYC!

....despite the fact that I never saw any evidence of this charge

But you made it clear here as well....

:shock: This guy wouldn't know ethics or morality if the Pope came along and beat it into him! Gotta hand it to him, he's a marketing genius and plays on the psychology of the cannabis community to a T.

Don't be a fool, he's a cheesebag only in it for the money. Look at the whole cheesey approach of these shysters. I guarantee you he is not being Mr. Niceguy, he is getting some kind of kickback or he wouldn't be tossing his arms out with the typical used car salesman non-verbals and such.

and here...

"We" don't use snake oil, some of "us" aren't that foolish.

Like I said, if you LISTEN starting at exactly one minute, you'll hear this pot belly shark ADMIT he only cares about the money, about sales. After all, making money is his "moral obligation."

and here again...

There's something basically "evil" with a company when they have to resort to lies, sales pitches, half naked women on their web page, colorful labels, silly juvenile product names, multiple products that are overpriced and incomplete, videos by some cheesey looking fat dude who touts other's products with the sole intent to slip a couple of sales comments in regarding how wonderful Advanced Shyster products are, etc. It's laughable, or shall I say the fools that fall for it are laughable?

and here yet again....

It's the Tammy Faye's and Jimmy Baker's of the world I hate. Advanced Shysters falls into that kind of deceptive, unethical group marketing to the sucker crowd. He has no class, unlike say...... Jack Peters, who made it on his own without having to resort to any of the hype or sales gimmicks while offering better one-in-all products at a fraction of the price.

Here again of course...

That fat ass, puffy black eyed ex used car salesman wouldn't know "class" if it bit 'em the ass.

and here

It's obvious his strategy worked on you, but mama didn't create no fool. Big Mike is a fast talking scumbag.

and here

Ahhhhhhh, OK :rolleyes: It's obvious that our definition of "common sense" is vastly different, thank gawd.

How did your hero test and verify these snake oils?

I guess you also believe that 9/11 was an inside Bush job and that OJ Simpson is innocent of murder? lol

Obviously YOU don't believe you are very good at making your point. If you haven't made your point by now do you believe that repeatedly posting the same thoughts in the discussion repeatedly is constructive or just abusive? It's not really a discussion or debate when you run in circles calling names and repeating points.

Anyway, I guess that answers who "WE" are. Anyone who has read this thread, KNOWS unequivicably that you do not like Advanced Nutrients and we know your official stance on the subject. Thank you, I promise you are better at making your point than you think, there's no need to repeat yourself.
I dont have any grudge against the guy. People are free to spend their money how they see fit, and he's doing everything in his power to get that money, and rightfully so.

I just think people need to realize he's not their friend. Anyone that is trying to sell you something whether it be nutrients, cars, furniture, etc are always going to be nice and friendly and want you to think that they are "looking out for you". When in reality they're looking out for themselves and only care about making the sell and as much as possible on it.

Sure there are some honest business people out there that want to make a sell and actually give people a good deal, but this man is selling nutrients to marijuana growers. Thats a huge market of gullible people right there and he'd be an idiot not to prey upon them, but if people want to think he's their friend, then by all means go ahead.

Just dont get upset when he's pickpocketing you while shaking your hand at the same time :).

Yes, Mike is such a nice and friendly person.
advanced nutrients is hands down the best products on the market. no exceptions -- except for humboldt root excelurator -- Period. end of story. tried 'em all. have an immense amount of empiracle evidence... never has there been a question since. All things being equal, if you use AN, you will get superior quality and yield. End of story. No. Really. End of fucking story.
advanced nutrients is hands down the best products on the market. no exceptions -- except for humboldt root excelurator -- Period. end of story. tried 'em all. have an immense amount of empiracle evidence... never has there been a question since. All things being equal, if you use AN, you will get superior quality and yield. End of story. No. Really. End of fucking story.

roots exelorator is made by House & Garden....

i found this link interesting, maybe you will too?

i would say its a long way away from the "end of the story"
I just think people need to realize he's not their friend. Anyone that is trying to sell you something whether it be nutrients, cars, furniture, etc are always going to be nice and friendly and want you to think that they are "looking out for you". When in reality they're looking out for themselves and only care about making the sell and as much as possible on it.

Sure there are some honest business people out there that want to make a sell and actually give people a good deal, but this man is selling nutrients to marijuana growers. Thats a huge market of gullible people right there and he'd be an idiot not to prey upon them, but if people want to think he's their friend, then by all means go ahead.

That's in every business....every one.

I personally feel ALL weed fert's are overpriced. Most weed growers have little or no experience growing plants in general. Add the HYPE and "perceived" status of growing and you have a customer base PLEADING to be $$$$ raped.

Which is why I though it was a bit REFRESHING to see someone.... ANYONE.... endorse a competitors product.
That's in every business....every one.

I personally feel ALL weed fert's are overpriced. Most weed growers have little or no experience growing plants in general. Add the HYPE and "perceived" status of growing and you have a customer base PLEADING to be $$$$ raped.

Which is why I though it was a bit REFRESHING to see someone.... ANYONE.... endorse a competitors product.

I totally agree. Aside from the blatant lies like the kiddy porn (honestly, do you believe that crap or are you just that petty?) there isn't one accusation leveled at Big Mike that isn't equally true of anyone running any business.

As an employer it's my job to see to it that my customer is happy only as far as I can do so while protecting my bottom line. Does that sound mercenary? Maybe.

But you got to remember I've got bills to pay, a business can't be run for free, and I've got a few people working for me that won't take "but people like lower prices better" as an excuse for why I can't pay their wages this week.

And I small time compared to Advanced Nutrients, and AN is small time compared to some of the giants in the industry. The more people you have working for you the more responsibility you have to stay successful.

Yes, Mike is such a nice and friendly person."

No one here is saying he ought to be Time's person of the year or anything. No one here - including you - knows him.

I couldn't speak authoritatively as to whether or not he's a friendly guy, a good friend, or whatever. But the point is neither can you.

But if he's going to come clean and say the competition has him beat on something the grown-up thing to do is to at least acknowledge the good behavior.
advanced nutrients is hands down the best products on the market. no exceptions -- except for humboldt root excelurator -- Period. end of story. tried 'em all. have an immense amount of empiracle evidence... never has there been a question since. All things being equal, if you use AN, you will get superior quality and yield. End of story. No. Really. End of fucking story.

Oh yeah because we all know you give some noob a bottle of AN and they will set world records with it. It is advanced after all so it must be great.

I think I will save the huge gaping fucking hole in my pocket after dropping hundreds of dollars on shit that has been used for years. Slap a nice label on something, market it like crazy on being some kind of new product or idea that has never been done before and charge a SHITLOAD of money when you can get the same results for a 10th of the price.

Again, people here are just trying to save you all some major money.

I will say it again, one of their products is the equivalent of water and kelp extract and they charge over 100 dollars a gallon for it. That is a fucking joke seeing that you can mix up 20 times that for around 10 dollars.
Oh yeah because we all know you give some noob a bottle of AN and they will set world records with it. It is advanced after all so it must be great.

I think I will save the huge gaping fucking hole in my pocket after dropping hundreds of dollars on shit that has been used for years. Slap a nice label on something, market it like crazy on being some kind of new product or idea that has never been done before and charge a SHITLOAD of money when you can get the same results for a 10th of the price.

Again, people here are just trying to save you all some major money.

I will say it again, one of their products is the equivalent of water and kelp extract and they charge over 100 dollars a gallon for it. That is a fucking joke seeing that you can mix up 20 times that for around 10 dollars.

Yes I could mix up 20 times that for 10 dollars. I could buy the ingredients to make shampoo for 20 cents, but am I going to? I go out to restaurants and buy food and spend 1300% of the actual food cost, why? I could make it at home for 1/13 the cost. It's about the quality with which they MIX and prepare the product. I don't claim to know if they do anything "for real", but the results users get keeps them coming back and paying the price.

Price isn't dictated by cost. I don't know why free market economics wouldn't apply here. Price is dictated by supply and demand and most importantly the price the market will bear.

Their marketing and their customer satisfaction (yes, they have repeat customers) have lead to higher demand. The market has clearly shown that they are WILLING to pay the higher price.

Now if this was just people attacking their marketing I would understand that a bit better, but attacking price is silly. If people are willing to pay it, how does it make you a bad person to charge it?

Their marketing is a bit sketchy (particularly in the claims about yield department) although I've never run side by side comparisons with other nutrient MFG's to see if I get a 20% increase with this or a 15% increase with that, etc....but I think we all know how that works. No one believes those numbers are true or indicative of normal performance.

The only real knock against AN is the an overall review would be, product works well and is easy to use. Company proved feeding schedules and suggestions, customer service is fantastic and the company tries to be outspoken about MMJ and about growers rights. A little pricey though.
Yeah it's just the prices that get me. It's all way to expensive and a lot of people understand that and continue to use the products. I just wont pay for something that I know I can make my self for a fraction of the cost. I have nothing against anyone that wants to spend their money on these products or anything else for that matter. It's their money.

Attacking price isn't really silly though, there is a reason there are all sorts of consumer watchdog groups out there, to stop people from being ripped off.

I don't see how you have an issue with someone wanting to help people save some cash. If you want to pay 300 dollars for voodoo juice then by all means get ripped off. Sorry, i just cant understand that logic at all.

Laser where did I ever say he was a bad person? He is a salesman, plain and simple and if people want to continue to over pay for the products that I can get the same results from for almost pennies on the dollar, then so be it.
Yeah it's just the prices that get me. It's all way to expensive and a lot of people understand that and continue to use the products. I just wont pay for something that I know I can make my self for a fraction of the cost. I have nothing against anyone that wants to spend their money on these products or anything else for that matter. It's their money.

Attacking price isn't really silly though, there is a reason there are all sorts of consumer watchdog groups out there, to stop people from being ripped off.

I don't see how you have an issue with someone wanting to help people save some cash. If you want to pay 300 dollars for voodoo juice then by all means get ripped off. Sorry, i just cant understand that logic at all.

Laser where did I ever say he was a bad person? He is a salesman, plain and simple and if people want to continue to over pay for the products that I can get the same results from for almost pennies on the dollar, then so be it.

Clear thinking. ;)

Their approach is all about dreams and images, they know their target very well. Even the name "Advanced Nutrients" was scripted to conjure up excellence or something "advanced". After all, everyone likes "new and improved", "advanced", do they not? :) And, if you can get people to buy into the hype, then you can charge triple (the organic Green Movement cult comes to mind.)

Bottom line - they are not selling anything unique or advanced as it's all about crap that has and is being sold by hundreds of others, rebottled stuff, that is if you can believe there's any truth in the stated contents and want to believe it's required by the plant in the first place (i.e. - plants don't need outside applications of vitamins or enzymes, they internally manufacture plenty on their own). ADVANCED is a kewl buzzword, a (not so clever) marketing approach that carries on into their product names. What they are selling is concepts, false and phony they be..... via colorful labels, cute names that appeal to youth and lemmings full of dreams and hopes of "big bud" and such. Company sure as hell isn't about ethics and value. ;)

Quite funny really.....
and unless you do a side by side grow one useing what you always use and then try advance next to it you WILL see a diff...and all good nutrients (besides you makeing them yourself )are going to be alot of money (YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR) i have already been down the side by side road one with general hydroponics one with house and garden and one with advanced .... two of them do well and the last is shit compared to the two (would not go with general hydroponics because thats what it is is general..)

I agree the prices are over the top, but anything connected to weed is overpriced.
You can buy top notch fert's through the regular commercial pipelines much much cheaper....but it won't have a kewl name like VooDoo, and no leaves on the label. :lol:
at the end of the day, Big Mike is taking a product off the market that is inefficient to his bottom line, that is his moral obligation, to protect his business, and in doing so he's pointing to another product. He's still only marketing AN products in this video, despite the suggestion to buy from his competitor.

Public Relations and Marketing are two seperate business functions.....

I'll let you guys figure out which heading this video comes under....