Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
There's that axe again....![]()
I am not a re-seller therefore I have no axe to grind.
My axe can be found in my tool shed, used by real men that work for a honest living.
There's that axe again....![]()
you realize plant have hormones right? I mean that's something that's kinda important to know when growing isn't it? make me laugh kinda like when people ask if minerals are organic. Or when they wont use fish emulsion because there convinced it will make the buds taste like fish."hormone based rooting product" YUCK
you realize plant have hormones right? I mean that's something that's kinda important to know when growing isn't it? make me laugh kinda like when people ask if minerals are organic. Or when they wont use fish emulsion because there convinced it will make the buds taste like fish.people are freeking ridiculous.
That big mike basically called out all the other companys when sunlight tried to get his products boycotted,whats all that about,
Well, I'm sure a believer in what a salesman says, aren't you?! The other day I was looking at this kewl car at the local car lot and this guy comes up to me and says....... Oops, I digress.he also said that other nutrients they looked at have hormones and they are the wrong hormones.
Of course you do. You want your plants to have "big buds" don't you? (sheesh, some people just don't have any faith in the written word).I didnt like them at first but after looking at stuff on the net,I want to try it.I just want to know if you have to buy the whole range,
Is it possible they include the hormones the plant itself produces, so it doesn't have to? so that it can divert energy to you know growing roots seeing as were talking about clones with limited energy supply, and not entire plants. and isnt a hormone a natural stimulant, like isn't that basically the definition of what a hormone does? maybe you haven't seen the idiots I have shrubs but that might have something to do with the difference in the amount of time we've been on here. there are idiots everywhere not just in the newb forums. like in here for instance....
Rhizotonic has hormones in it fyi
RHIZOTONIC also contains Cytokinins and other hormones...
The information comes from Ralph B. of CANNA's Research Department, North America.
they aren't legally obligated to list every ingredient on the label but i assure you the hormones are in there...
guess what there utilizing out of that seaweed and cactus. I bet you use willow tea to start your clones, guess what your utilizing there buddy.Come on man, you're argueing basic logic, the derivation is just as important as
the ingredient, there are plenty of natural stimulants based off of seaweeds, cacti,
there are quillaja saponaria extracts, amino acids, humates, vitamins. Plenty of natural
and organic methods.
My organic milk delivery says antibiotic and hormone free. Why wouldn't my herb?? There are better ways, even Rhizotonic makes for better rooting
Maybe I'm just in the wrong thread, but I'd stay away from "hormone based"
rooting mixtures. Such as Superthrive, jumpstart, and any others.
For gods sake hormones are not unnatural dude.Where do you get this information?
"RHIZOTONIC adds more than 60 microbiological substances that considerably
speeds up the growth of a balanced root environment. Various trace elements
and vitamins such as B1&B2 have been added to RHIZOTONIC in order to
stimulate the plant production of hormones and root growth, thus providing
better and stronger roots."
Straight from canna. Rhizotonic is 100% natural. Marine Algae based..
The closest thing to a hormone in Rhizo is Oligosaccharide, which is an organic compound.
It's basically a carbohydrate.
For gods sake hormones are not unnatural dude.
Synthetic hormones are derived from plant progesterone and animal estrogens, but are not identical to the hormones your body uses (generally an extra covalent bond or molecule is added so that it can be patented). Synthetic hormones act as toxins because their chemical makeup cannot be metabolized properly.
BodyLogicMD only uses natural bioidentical hormones. Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones or NATURAL (meaning synthetic hormones are UNNATURAL) hormones are replicas of the bodys own natural hormones. Bioidentical hormones are made from soy, yams and other plant extracts, which are changed in a lab to be biologically identical to the same hormones your body makes.