Afganistan Collapse

Yeah, I hate Israeli tactics, but imagine if your country had been invaded over some obscure interpretations of the Bible and nearly a million people are forcibly removed from territory known as theirs for eons.
Are you talking the Palestines or the Israelis?
Not 100% sure its true but im of the belief that the Afghanistan Gov were not even a part of the last stages of peace talks/ Americas surrender with the Taliban.
Can anyone confirm? Shot 2021-08-27 at 7.04.42 AM.png
“The Afghan people are ready for a sustainable reduction in violence and a political settlement that will end the war,” the State Department statement said.

The U.S. Security Adviser Robert O’Brien had a long call with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani last week. American officials have also pressed neighboring Pakistan to get the Taliban to the table.

Relentless delays over the exchange of prisoners —5,000 held by the Afghan government and 1,000 by the Taliban — have hindered efforts to get intra-Afghan talks started.

In late August, a delegation led by the Taliban’s political office head and the chief negotiator of the February deal with the United States, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar came to Pakistan. While little was revealed about the details of his meetings with Pakistani officials, it is believed he was pressed to get started with intra-Afghan talks.

With many of the Taliban leadership council living in Pakistan, Islamabad has been pressed by Washington to use its influence to push negotiations forward. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has repeatedly said he wants peace talks started and that a military solution for Afghanistan is an impossibility.

Pakistani officials reportedly met a second time with Baradar on Friday before his return to Doha again pressing for a swift start to Afghan peace talks, it is believed.

U.S. and Afghan officials have both said they want to see a reduction in violence in the conflict going into talks with the Taliban, but the militant group maintains that a cease-fire would only be on the agenda once talks begin.

Washington’s February agreement with the Taliban was reached to allow the exit of American troops after nearly 20 years at war in keeping with a promise President Donald Trump made during the 2016 U.S. election campaign. The withdrawal, which has already begun, is not dependent on the success of the Afghan negotiations but rather on commitments made by the Taliban to fight terrorist groups and ensure Afghanistan cannot be used to attack America or its allies.
name one good withdrawal you are personally happy with.
As everyone, even the Taliban thought, nobody though they could just waltz in and take the town
I did, why the fuck didn't they?
The Afgan military is/has been fucking useless, thats the major reason we had troops there for 20 fucking years.
What did the US military strategists think, that once the US withdrew their forces the Taliban would stop at the gates of Kabul, an objective that they have had for 20+ years, and just play cricket & sip tea & wait for their rooms to be ready?
I guess the Talban had too take a shit & couldn't wait :)
As everyone, even the Taliban thought, nobody though they could just waltz in and take the town. If the Afghan army fought them off there would have been plenty of time.
After 20 years and all that money we said, "We think they can hold them off a month." If it was my life on the line I wouldn't wait till that month.
Your document doesn't support your hyperdramatic and inaccurate allegations. Simple as that. I'm not going to chase you around in circles arguing every rhetorical accent and reference.
lol you need something showing that the dude Manafort was giving the RNC data to was a Russian spy? I can find that for you too.

But I am sure you will just evade that too.

...and this thread is about afghanistan. Why are you intent on changing the subject?
Becasue 1. I am curious if you can be a real American for even a minute (so far the answer is a hard no), and 2. you brought up the bullshit Trump started no war thing, and I pointed out that he bent the knee to Putin before he ever even took office and sold out his own nation (which you are pretending didn't happen in the face of actual information showing otherwise).
lol you need something showing that the dude Manafort was giving the RNC data to was a Russian spy? I can find that for you too.

But I am sure you will just evade that too.

Becasue 1. I am curious if you can be a real American for even a minute (so far the answer is a hard no), and 2. you brought up the bullshit Trump started no war thing, and I pointed out that he bent the knee to Putin before he ever even took office and sold out his own nation (which you are pretending didn't happen in the face of actual information showing otherwise).
You're very confused...I never typed the word "trump" in any post I made...except just now. Your hyperpartsan excitement clouds your mind.
I think that maybe we should have made some chair bombs, so that when those idiots sat in the president's office to take selfies they would have a little goodbye surprise.
Lions and tiger and RUSSIAN TROLLS.
Oh my!

Is this more deflection from you trying to normalize the attack that has been taking place on our society?

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You're very confused...I never typed the word "trump" in any post I made...except just now. Your hyperpartsan excitement clouds your mind.
Nah, you are just trolling now. Once again another sock puppet that is (so far) indistinguishable from any other foreign paid troll attacking our nation.

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Oh my!

Is this more deflection from you trying to normalize the attack that has been taking place on our society?

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Nah, you are just trolling now. Once again another sock puppet that is (so far) indistinguishable from any other foreign paid troll attacking our nation.

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I was reading a study that indicated that people who overly resort to posting political memes and cartoons do it because they don't have a strong ability to think for or express themselves.
If I quoted you 10 times you would say, of fuck let me just quote you again....
Again curious that you can't answer why you are so focused on Russian trolls and deflecting from it.

I was reading a study that indicated that people who overly resort to posting political memes and cartoons do it because they don't have a strong ability to think for or express themselves.
So you fall back on trolling to try to get a rise or something instead?

Interesting you can't answer something like any red blooded American could though.
Search your name and Russian and there are 10 pages and hundreds of posts if not thousands of your paranoid ass crying about Russians on the site. Dude, get out of your house and see the world a little, for real.
I asked why you are fixated on Russian trolls man. Showing I have said it doesn't mean shit. Are you trying to pretend like I have said there are not trolls from everywhere?

Your tactics of trying to dismiss this as some kind of weak ass attack on me is telling.

Yup, extremely low opinion of you.
Oh know, the guy who is so triggered he makes bullshit propaganda threads about 'Mexican girls' has a low opinion of me, how will I ever go on?
Why are you so fixated on Russian Trolls man? lol.
Um, I know it might not matter to you that a foreign nation is attacking American citizens, but it should if you actually care about this nation.