
Be firing mine up within the next 2 weeks. Let’s stay in touch. The one thing I did get based on reviews was a check valve and I plan on using an air stone in the res for added o2. Hope it doesn’t swing the ph too much.
I guess the newer setup comes with a little air valve that you install on the return hose that prevents back flow, so I skipped the check valve. Will see how that goes.. I've been using a couple small aquarium airstones in my current setup (auto pots) along with a shot of pool shock and it seems to be working pretty good as far as keeping the shit from growing in the resevoir.

Did you decide yet on coco or hydroton?
Yo man. I was dead set on doing the first aircube run in coco, but after thinking about it a while I flip flopped and just picked up a shit ton of hydroton. My first experience with coco was less then ideal, not the coco's fault lol. Just figured I'd try something else. I haven't set it up yet, waiting for that tent space to open up, hopefully a few more weeks..
Hey Beard, how does your garden grow? heres a pic of mine i just flipped a couple days ago. Until then, i was only flooding 2x light cycle. They seemed to be ok. I added one more cycle when i went to flower as i dont want to over-feed and still trying to read the plants to see how they respond... How many times are you flooding for flower.? they grow so quick in this thing!
Hey Beard, how does your garden grow? heres a pic of mine i just flipped a couple days ago. Until then, i was only flooding 2x light cycle. They seemed to be ok. I added one more cycle when i went to flower as i dont want to over-feed and still trying to read the plants to see how they respond... How many times are you flooding for flower.? they grow so quick in this thing!
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I was running 7 cycles and just switched to 9 when I flipped a few days ago. I've never seen anything grow this fast, ever. Not even the weeds in my hillbilly neighbors yard. These are 3 weeks old out of the cloner, had to flip a few days ago and supercropped just now. Growing like 2 inches a day, they're outta control lol!!20230517_153159.jpg20230517_153656.jpg
also, might want to think about a trellis to maximize canopy This is my first attempt with one and its filing out nicely!
Hey, I got a question for ya don’t know whether you pay attention to VPD but every time my unit floods the containers, my humidity spikes for a bit I’m thinking maybe putting some sort of cover over the tops of the planters to contain the moisture. Any ideas or thoughts? I do have a dehumidifier coming in I think I’ll put it in the lung room
Hey, I got a question for ya don’t know whether you pay attention to VPD but every time my unit floods the containers, my humidity spikes for a bit I’m thinking maybe putting some sort of cover over the tops of the planters to contain the moisture. Any ideas or thoughts? I do have a dehumidifier coming in I think I’ll put it in the lung room
The controller for my lights tells me temp but not humidity. Honestly I haven't given it any thought cause my plants look like they're on steroids.

I would think some type of tarp material cut into squares should work. My first thought was landscape cloth (the shit people use to keep weeds down) but I'm pretty sure moisture would go right through that. Or maybe tin foil?
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One thing to watch out for.. The drain valve developed a crack somehow, my stoned ass probably bumped it or something, I donno..
So I got to spend much of the day shop vaccing a lake of water. Good thing I had another one, but to put the other one in I had to remove the broke one lol.. what a mess
I just ordered my AC system, how's it going for you guys?

It seems like I should just skip the res they send me and go find my own.
I just ordered my AC system, how's it going for you guys?

It seems like I should just skip the res they send me and go find my own.

for the price its hard to beat a husky trash can.

I needed a 2nd controller module for my other system and the 3/4" tubing seems to fit, will give it a whirl for the savings.
Goin good man, better then good Id say.. Nothing wrong with the resevoir that comes with the kit, I use their 60 gallon but did some mods. If I got the energy I'll take some pics later
I've just seen a bunch of people mention leaks from the res. I got the 25 gal res, is yours the collapsible one too?