AK-47 Fall/Winter Attic Grow 2008

Hey just went up and checked on them. The soil finally seems to have dried out enough for me to water again. I will water today and that will set my next two day watering schedule at sunday the 9th. And it just so happens that sunday the 9th at 3:05 is when my aussie blue seedlings will be ready to transplant so I can just water then. The taproots will all be 3/4'' and over.
Just went out and watered them with the ionic nute water. (note to self** re-water blueberry, ran out of water). Here are todays update pics. I also added some bud porn posters to give my little ladies something to take after and self motivate.


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Just went up and checked on them, and let me tell you it put a smile on my face. BOOM, thats how I describe their growth, at some places my seedlings stems are over 1cm wide w00t. What a good morning, wake up with a grape swisher, and then find your plants doing amazing. I'll post pics later.
Here are todays update pics. I'm working on my SCROG screen in the basement. it is going to be a 3' x 3' screen since i dont have much more room.
Not sure why those pics didn't load. Well I just went and planted the four Australian Blue seeds that I germed a few days ago. Each taproot was over 3/4 - 1 inch in length. This brings my numbers to 9 plants. There was 5 Aus Blue seeds in total, i planted two in one pot as an experiment of sorts because I only had 9 containers, if they both take off nice then each will have it's own pot.

AK # 1-3 - Each have a stem wider than 1cm, and have more then 8 leaves each at day 20. These little ladies are some bushes

AK #4 - (mutant) - Seems to be slightly recovering from its rough welcome into the world. Growing more then one set of leaves, still growing looking like lettuce, but starting to grow branches. Who knows whats going on with it.

Blueberry - Bushing as well but noticeably smaller than the ak47's, but that is purely genetics. Seems to have made a full recovery from being transitioned germinated in the Aerogarden and now being in soil.

Aussy Blues - None have broken the surface, pics tonight

******note to self, full dose of nutes 4tsp/gal on AK and Blueberry plants on next watering, approx Oct 23. Moisten soil on Aus Blue Oct 22.

Pics later on today.
the pics i promised.


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They're looking sweet. Very similar to my biggest plant although slightly further along...maybe due to your light. It's looking really good though. It almost loses something when you only have to water every few days. It doesn't give you an excuse to go and check on the every 18 minutes!!

Note to camera..

Try daylight,cloudy or tungsten setting on your white balance and your pics will lose their orange tone.
Okay just went out and checked my babies and all the Australian Blues have broken the surface. Others are still bushing, pics later on.