alien defiency or what???


Well-Known Member
Ok, check this out.... DO NOT WATER until you can with a little flick of your finger tip over your planter on it's side. LOL!

After that, use your pinky, stick it into the soil up to the first knuckle just past your nail, pull it out, if soil sticks to your finger, don't water.


Well-Known Member
Well, once they dry out, you can still interact with them as much as you wish, just scale back on how much you give... just little doses of water.. wait for the leaves to wilt, see how long it takes between waterings for your leaves to wilt, then water just before they get to that point... it takes time to learn their schedules.... even on brand new grows with years and years of experience. Not every plant does the same thing, or feeds the same way or is thirsty the same way... through out its entirety of its growth even.... Towards the end they pretty much stop taking in water.. from my DWC for example and that's how I know they're getting close to maturity.

Once they start drying out they will start standing straight and tall... Overwatering can promote cell damage and do the exact opposite of what you intend. Starve them of water, by drowning them. Killing off the roots from drowning will show up as necrosis(Dead spots) in your leaves.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Outdoors or indoors the plant is in a cup. And besides a spot or two it looks pretty damn healthy. To say this plant is experiencing a deficiency of any sort is retarded to say the least...water.