All lives matter - let in all the refugees

Except, you're wrong.

I'm not trying to control other people using a gun to do it. People who seek political solutions are, people like you.

In my world view you should get to be a communist, a socialist or a parakeet, but you don't get to make others become that by forcing them. Peaceful co-existence and democracy are often opposing terms.

Genetically I'm closer to a Gigantopithecus than a Mongolian, not there's anything wrong with Mongolians, Mongoloid.
You like poop?

I prefer rabbit shit, but have used chicken shit, goat shit, cow shit and pig shit. If you use chicken shit make sure it's aged or your tomatoes won't set fruit until late and you'll possibly burn your plants.

I assume by your posts, you're a fan of bull shit ?
I prefer rabbit shit, but have used chicken shit, goat shit, cow shit and pig shit. If you use chicken shit make sure it's aged or your tomatoes won't set fruit until late and you'll possibly burn your plants.

I assume by your posts, you're a fan of bull shit ?
No I use 19-19-19. An acre of garden and sweet corn requires it. Hard to get nitrates anymore for corn because of people like you bombing federal buildings.
Stinky you are a pleasure to debate with. Funny, anyway I have firewood to cut and split. And at 72 I'm a bit slower. I did buy a log splitter here a few years back. Lots of dead Ash from those Chinese borers. I don't care for ash but it's tough to split and the btu per ton compared to Nutwoods such as hickory is less. This autocorrect has no idea what I'm trying to say. Hilarious. Kids today writing code. A little data on lack of gubment controls. The ash borer got here from wooden pallets from China. China requires imports on skids must be heated to a sufficient temperature to kill all bugs etc. We have no such requirements. Rules suck huh stinky. Then you have to pay for them.

Explain to me how these two men look the same. Or is it your ignorant white side talking out the side of your neck.

i was actually waiting for this post.
I think government sponsored forced segregation or forced integration are both wrong, since it takes out the wishes of the respective participants and replaces it with an edict by an uninvolved third party backed by a gun.

I'm a little surprised that even a person of your extremely low intelligence wouldn't see the contradiction in using a gun offensively to try to achieve a positive outcome. Especially when you, at the same time, disavow guns, but still want to use them to force your ideas on others, Poopy Pants.
“Let me tell you what type of racial segregation I prefer, you racist idiot”
Well Oprah, it goes like this.

Having a voluntary human interaction is acceptable but initiating (by threat of force) an involuntary interaction is not.
Nobody (singular or plural) has any right to initiate offensive force, everybody has a right to defend themselves and / or be left alone.

Your "system" in todays world, yesterdays world and in the future, violates human rights and relies on guns being used offensively.

Speaking of being unable to explain things...why do you believe in two opposing things at once? That taking something from another person without their permission is theft if you or I do it, but "not theft" if certain special people do it. Why don't you address that, so the debate can be relevant?
Ok so I guess you can’t explain how it actually works then, I mean actually work, I’ll wait
Assuming you've had relationships with women...did you initiate the relationship on a voluntary and mutual basis or did you and your friends vote that she would be "yours" and subject to your demands?

Then if she objected, you called her delusional and locked her back in the basement?
Typically they initiate as I’m a bit shy, but thanks for asking pedo.
Well Oprah, it goes like this.

Having a voluntary human interaction is acceptable but initiating (by threat of force) an involuntary interaction is not.
Nobody (singular or plural) has any right to initiate offensive force, everybody has a right to defend themselves and / or be left alone.

Your "system" in todays world, yesterdays world and in the future, violates human rights and relies on guns being used offensively.

Speaking of being unable to explain things...why do you believe in two opposing things at once? That taking something from another person without their permission is theft if you or I do it, but "not theft" if certain special people do it. Why don't you address that, so the debate can be relevant?
You don’t like Oprah?
Yes all lives matter, but when do you draw a line to the regulation and laws in place to filter potential threats to others safety and not just the safety of those occupying said country, but those lives of the refugees.I think the migration and refugee crisis currently in the world is horrific and I know for a fact that cartels/organized criminal groups are exploiting the disparity of those refugees.With regard to Europe's crisis, most of the refugees are traveling in small rafts that are organized by smugglers.This cant be sustained if millions of people are moving into another country, it will compound unemployment in said places that they migrate too.Drawing focus back to the question at hand, yes their lives matter, however if their lives matter do you think it is right that we allow the refugees to endanger their lives and die traveling to said country?
This issue is hard to solve and I don't think it will be solved anytime soon.

Happy Toking.:bigjoint:
Assuming you've had relationships with women...did you initiate the relationship on a voluntary and mutual basis or did you and your friends vote that she would be "yours" and subject to your demands?

Then if she objected, you called her delusional and locked her back in the basement?
Do you force children to have sex with you or do you manipulate their young minds into thinking they are there willingly?

ummmmmmmmmmm, no we don't use coal anymore.

and they all get jobs too..they just don't like working for a telemarketing company..i hear Sirius XM pay$.

life changes; learn to door closes another's always about the first step, execution or what you want to call it: it's up to you by making that first move. you know what happens then? you change time continuum; you meet those you never would of and suddenly you are swamped with makes you want more..this is called: motivation.

you've just self-motivated (when this whole time you've been searching for 'someone' to motivate you..they can't) for NO ONE CAN DO THIS BUT YOU.

just take the first step, men.