All lives matter - let in all the refugees

A man enters a bathroom after you have defecated on the floor. He doesn't notice your pile of liquidy putrid waste and steps into it, falls and suffers a major injury.

It would have been polite and reasonable for you to notice him as you pass by him, "hey buddy I just took a major smelly dump in there...on the may want to watch your step etc. "

Your noticing him would have been "polite and reasonable" whereas your action, projectile shitting virtually obliterating stall #4 would not have been polite and reasonable.

I feel like I may have corrected you on this allegation in the past. Are you experiencing memory loss?
You like poop?
These folks are walking big miles, read they did 26 miles the other day and are doing 43 today. No buses that I’m raring about. I found a few gofundme requests but only small dollars raised so far. They will need millions. Wonder if donations will increase. I’m rooting for them.
A man enters a bathroom after you have defecated on the floor. He doesn't notice your pile of liquidy putrid waste and steps into it, falls and suffers a major injury.

It would have been polite and reasonable for you to notice him as you pass by him, "hey buddy I just took a major smelly dump in there...on the may want to watch your step etc. "

Your noticing him would have been "polite and reasonable" whereas your action, projectile shitting virtually obliterating stall #4 would not have been polite and reasonable.

I feel like I may have corrected you on this allegation in the past. Are you experiencing memory loss?
Yes, keep explaining how polite and reasonable your racial segregation signs are
These folks are walking big miles, read they did 26 miles the other day and are doing 43 today. No buses that I’m raring about. I found a few gofundme requests but only small dollars raised so far. They will need millions. Wonder if donations will increase. I’m rooting for them.
No one buys that

Go celebrate something with white supremacists
That's nonsense.

My ideology centers on peaceful human interactions based in respect for other peoples rights to self determine their own body and their own justly acquired property.

Which part of that do you find objectionable?
Not objectionable at all. Unworkable, asinine, delusional perhaps. I would never object to your thoughts, your free to be delusional, carry on.
When I was a teenager in the tiny town of Joseph, Oregon my stepdad was a volunteer fireman- on thursday nights at 7 the siren would sound and he'd go off to drink beer so I can totally relate
So like bowling night then lol. I’m 15 minutes away from the nearest fire hall, god forbid, I’m figuring there won’t be much left of my knotty pine house lol. That was one consideration when building a remote (from house) grow.
That's nonsense.

My ideology centers on peaceful human interactions based in respect for other peoples rights to self determine their own body and their own justly acquired property.

Which part of that do you find objectionable?
Yes it may center on those very desirable aspects of life, but in today’s world your libertarian ideology encompasses much more that. You have failed many times to explain the workings, it would seem you can’t. Surely you have given some thought to this tax free, do as you please, raping of children world. Please feel free to elaborate so the debate can be relevant instead of the rantings of a pedo whose ultra ego is a hairy mythical forest dweller.
Yes it may center on those very desirable aspects of life, but in today’s world your libertarian ideology encompasses much more that. You have failed many times to explain the workings, it would seem you can’t. Surely you have given some thought to this tax free, do as you please, raping of children world. Please feel free to elaborate so the debate can be relevant instead of the rantings of a pedo whose ultra ego is a hairy mythical forest dweller.
Stinky's theory is the same as most republicans. I get mine screw you. It took me 72 years but I now realize some people won't change. I believe it to be genetic. Hoarding genes actually exist. Stinky can't help what he is. It's the way he is wired. Like those Mongolians of ancient past. My retirement has allowed me to study science and history related to civilizations and culture. It would be interesting to do a study.
These folks are walking big miles, read they did 26 miles the other day and are doing 43 today. No buses that I’m raring about. I found a few gofundme requests but only small dollars raised so far. They will need millions. Wonder if donations will increase. I’m rooting for them.
Are you taking some into your home? Good for you!
Yes it may center on those very desirable aspects of life, but in today’s world your libertarian ideology encompasses much more that. You have failed many times to explain the workings, it would seem you can’t. Surely you have given some thought to this tax free, do as you please, raping of children world. Please feel free to elaborate so the debate can be relevant instead of the rantings of a pedo whose ultra ego is a hairy mythical forest dweller.

Well Oprah, it goes like this.

Having a voluntary human interaction is acceptable but initiating (by threat of force) an involuntary interaction is not.
Nobody (singular or plural) has any right to initiate offensive force, everybody has a right to defend themselves and / or be left alone.

Your "system" in todays world, yesterdays world and in the future, violates human rights and relies on guns being used offensively.

Speaking of being unable to explain things...why do you believe in two opposing things at once? That taking something from another person without their permission is theft if you or I do it, but "not theft" if certain special people do it. Why don't you address that, so the debate can be relevant?
Stinky's theory is the same as most republicans. I get mine screw you. It took me 72 years but I now realize some people won't change. I believe it to be genetic. Hoarding genes actually exist. Stinky can't help what he is. It's the way he is wired. Like those Mongolians of ancient past. My retirement has allowed me to study science and history related to civilizations and culture. It would be interesting to do a study.

Except, you're wrong.

I'm not trying to control other people using a gun to do it. People who seek political solutions are, people like you.

In my world view you should get to be a communist, a socialist or a parakeet, but you don't get to make others become that by forcing them. Peaceful co-existence and democracy are often opposing terms.

Genetically I'm closer to a Gigantopithecus than a Mongolian, not there's anything wrong with Mongolians, Mongoloid.
Not objectionable at all. Unworkable, asinine, delusional perhaps. I would never object to your thoughts, your free to be delusional, carry on.

Assuming you've had relationships with women...did you initiate the relationship on a voluntary and mutual basis or did you and your friends vote that she would be "yours" and subject to your demands?

Then if she objected, you called her delusional and locked her back in the basement?
For some reason that story gets him so excited. I'm guessing he likes to be shitted on. Part of why he feels like a slave and victim of rape. Sick fella is Rob. The institution failed him.
rape, slavery and shit fantasies clouds the mind of @Rob Roy

Now you're just talking shit.
Except, you're wrong.

I'm not trying to control other people using a gun to do it. People who seek political solutions are, people like you.

In my world view you should get to be a communist, a socialist or a parakeet, but you don't get to make others become that by forcing them. Peaceful co-existence and democracy are often opposing terms.

Genetically I'm closer to a Gigantopithecus than a Mongolian, not there's anything wrong with Mongolians, Mongoloid.
Yes, keep explaining how polite and reasonable your racial segregation signs are

I think government sponsored forced segregation or forced integration are both wrong, since it takes out the wishes of the respective participants and replaces it with an edict by an uninvolved third party backed by a gun.

I'm a little surprised that even a person of your extremely low intelligence wouldn't see the contradiction in using a gun offensively to try to achieve a positive outcome. Especially when you, at the same time, disavow guns, but still want to use them to force your ideas on others, Poopy Pants.