All lives matter - let in all the refugees

One thing I have learned in my 70 plus years on this planet. Most people who want to become police, fire people, military etc want to be a hero as my ti told us in basic. He liked to say " you want to be a hero boy"... Now since we know some will be attracted to these positions we need to look closely why. Quite simple. They want to be hero's.
I don't think it's as simple as that. It can be multiple reasons. It could be a sense of duty or want to serve your contry. It could be a family legacy and you want to follow in family footsteps.

It can also be more menacing than that. Could be that some join because they want a legal way to actually kill someone. Could be they want to be a cop because they want the power to bully on people.

It could be they want to be heros.

Could be it was the only job in town.
I don't think I have a right to control others or their justly acquired property. I do have a right to control me though, in fact I'm the only person with THAT right.

One who shits on floor, should clean up his own mess - The floor mopper guy at Wendy's
Why did you send your kids to public school ? No matter the reason, time to pay you pair share. We already went over the numbers and you still owe. Do you also use public streets in your area ?
Why did you send your kids to public school ? No matter the reason, time to pay you pair share. We already went over the numbers and you still owe. Do you also use public streets in your area ?

The first question is a fair question. I sent my kids to public school, for several reasons. I was being taxed for it anyway. I was not as aware then as I am now. It wasn't entirely my decision, since their mother's wishes were part of the consideration. If the math were done, I would have grossly overpaid several times over by now.

When you say public streets, do you mean "streets are owned by everyone" ?

Why would you force a person to pay for something they don't want and don't use ? Do you accost people and demand they pay you for services they never asked for and don't use ? I bet you don't, so why do you think anybody else should be able to make those kinds of demands?
The first question is a fair question. I sent my kids to public school, for several reasons. I was being taxed for it anyway. I was not as aware then as I am now. It wasn't entirely my decision, since their mother's wishes were part of the consideration. If the math were done, I would have grossly overpaid several times over by now.

When you say public streets, do you mean "streets are owned by everyone" ?

Why would you force a person to pay for something they don't want and don't use ? Do you accost people and demand they pay you for services they never asked for and don't use ? I bet you don't, so why do you think anybody else should be able to make those kinds of demands?
The only ones not using public streets live in a bunker
The only ones not using public streets live in a bunker

I should clarify. I do use those things referred to as public streets. I contest that they are "owned by everybody" though as commonly espoused.

Live in a bunker? Nonsense. I live in a cave.

typical. alt.right trolls say things like this.

Informing you guys what your fellow idiots think is being a troll? I consider it a public service. Taco now knows to rethink his positions, because he called himself an idiot.

Many on your side(UncleBuck) have a mental illness coined by your very own an as "internalized racism," which means their racism runs so deep that it's there 24/7. Just looking in the mirror is enough to put UncleBuck into a homicidal rage.

How sad your lives must be to have to constantly reassure them, and moments later chatise them for a skin condition which is impossible to "fix."
Informing you guys what your fellow idiots think is being a troll? I consider it a public service. Taco now knows to rethink his positions, because he called himself an idiot.

Many on your side(UncleBuck) have a mental illness coined by your very own an as "internalized racism," which means their racism runs so deep that it's there 24/7. Just looking in the mirror is enough to put UncleBuck into a homicidal rage.

How sad your lives must be to have to constantly reassure them, and moments later chatise them for a skin condition which is impossible to "fix."
Neo-nazis, alt.right trolls, kkk, Trump, Trump's supporters, you (redundant because I called out alt.right earlier but you are slow and I didn't want to confuse you), Independents who vote Republican, libertarians who in fact support capitalism and not liberty, all have this one thing in common.

They use the "you smelt it, you dealt it" argument whenever a liberal points out that the reactionary right are neo-Nazis because they fit the Nazi ideology to a tee.

Ok, they have other things in common such as antipathy to facts but it's very common for the muddled masses of the new right to completely miss the meaning of the words fascism and Nazi. You never get it right. I keep waiting for you to make a typo and so mistakenly get it right but that hasn't happened yet.
I don't think it's as simple as that. It can be multiple reasons. It could be a sense of duty or want to serve your contry. It could be a family legacy and you want to follow in family footsteps.

It can also be more menacing than that. Could be that some join because they want a legal way to actually kill someone. Could be they want to be a cop because they want the power to bully on people.

It could be they want to be heros.

Could be it was the only job in town.
Duty is taught. I was in during a draft military. You knew the lifers. They loved it. Some ROTC some just military families. Duty to a country is only as good as the country. NK would be a good example of being taught constrained views. My cousin was a popo. A real dick. Firefighters. Lots in the family. Strange bunch. Would I want them running the country? Nope. We'd be killing people for weed possession. I hear all of the stories every damn holiday. I set and can't say a word. Right after grace this Thanksgiving maybe I'll tell them they are 30' away from evil weed. They would freak. Appalachia is wonderful.
I should clarify. I do use those things referred to as public streets. I contest that they are "owned by everybody" though as commonly espoused.

Live in a bunker? Nonsense. I live in a cave.

Call me curious but I sure would live to see your place, it might shed some light on your ramblings.
Duty is taught. I was in during a draft military. You knew the lifers. They loved it. Some ROTC some just military families. Duty to a country is only as good as the country. NK would be a good example of being taught constrained views. My cousin was a popo. A real dick. Firefighters. Lots in the family. Strange bunch. Would I want them running the country? Nope. We'd be killing people for weed possession. I hear all of the stories every damn holiday. I set and can't say a word. Right after grace this Thanksgiving maybe I'll tell them they are 30' away from evil weed. They would freak. Appalachia is wonderful.
I think most view it as a career now more than duty. I’m speaking more of Canada though, being in the military can be a very good career with excellent training. The police is a different thing I think, takes a “special” person to want to do that job IMO. Firefighter here is also mostly just a job when applying for most I believe but may be wrong. I do know lots (brother is one) and it was just an opportunity for a high paying job with great benefits for them.
I think most view it as a career now more than duty. I’m speaking more of Canada though, being in the military can be a very good career with excellent training. The police is a different thing I think, takes a “special” person to want to do that job IMO. Firefighter here is also mostly just a job when applying for most I believe but may be wrong. I do know lots (brother is one) and it was just an opportunity for a high paying job with great benefits for them.
This is volunteer fd. But the blue lives matter.
Duty is taught. I was in during a draft military. You knew the lifers. They loved it. Some ROTC some just military families. Duty to a country is only as good as the country. NK would be a good example of being taught constrained views. My cousin was a popo. A real dick. Firefighters. Lots in the family. Strange bunch. Would I want them running the country? Nope. We'd be killing people for weed possession. I hear all of the stories every damn holiday. I set and can't say a word. Right after grace this Thanksgiving maybe I'll tell them they are 30' away from evil weed. They would freak. Appalachia is wonderful.
For the most part in the area of Appalachia I know is fairly weed tolerant. If it's just possession it's a ticket now for small amounts. Even for larger amounts it's a slap on the wrist here. Most I know are in favor of cannabis. The police here are fairly lax on it.

I get what you are saying though. It's different here. Pretty conservative bunch.

Ive lived my whole life around military, leo and firefighters. I strongly dislike police. I've had them violate my rights, lie and make false charges.

I was ROTC myself. I loved and hated the military both. I mainly joined as I felt it my obligation to serve. At times I wished I wouldve stayed in.
This is volunteer fd. But the blue lives matter.
All lives matter, not at all saying I don’t respect them for the jobs they do, just as I respect the guys in my trade subset. The cop thing was not really meant to imply I think they are all bad as I know a few good cops who I call friends. It just takes a special person to bust someone for, what I deem harmless activity. I would let most walk away, so probably not a good candidate for that career lol. The Canadian military is different I think, in that we don’t/didn’t run into any war we could so that made it more of a job, not a duty, again IMO.
For the most part in the area of Appalachia I know is fairly weed tolerant. If it's just possession it's a ticket now for small amounts. Even for larger amounts it's a slap on the wrist here. Most I know are in favor of cannabis. The police here are fairly lax on it.

I get what you are saying though. It's different here. Pretty conservative bunch.

Ive lived my whole life around military, leo and firefighters. I strongly dislike police. I've had them violate my rights, lie and make false charges.

I was ROTC myself. I loved and hated the military both. I mainly joined as I felt it my obligation to serve. At times I wished I wouldve stayed in.
Weed in this area will get the attention of popo and you better have someone with hard drugs on your list to flip on. Anytime anyone sees only one side of a story your vision isn't clear. Popo around here see white trash heroin and meth users and don't connect the person's personal problems with the activity. It's always the drugs. I've been through the courts around here many years ago. This was before Nixon era drug policies. They busted me for selling half my dime bag of weed to whom I thought was a friend. A few days later this friend asked me about black mollies. I said I'm not into speed and didn't know he was. I realized something was odd. Busted a few days later. I had a real job in the big city and they wanted to know about it all. I said i bought my weed from someone on the corner. So I got 3 years probation. I was moving away from Appalachia to the big city. My probation officer met me after moving. He looked like Serpico. After an hour or so talking with my wife and myself he came out and said I can't believe you got 3 years probation on this. He checked back with us the first month. Then he said I'll give you a call once in a while to check up on you. He called once in 3 years. You see the popo in Appalachia needs a job. Making people afraid is their goal. I on the other hand had a real job and earned it. This was all because one if my friends got busted for dui and ratted me out. We visited the area back in the 90's and my wife got pulled over by county popo and they wanted to know why she was their. She said to visit. They told her to make it short. It's the poorest county in the state btw. Yeehaw! I'm glad I moved out many years ago.
All lives matter, not at all saying I don’t respect them for the jobs they do, just as I respect the guys in my trade subset. The cop thing was not really meant to imply I think they are all bad as I know a few good cops who I call friends. It just takes a special person to bust someone for, what I deem harmless activity. I would let most walk away, so probably not a good candidate for that career lol. The Canadian military is different I think, in that we don’t/didn’t run into any war we could so that made it more of a job, not a duty, again IMO.
Even reporters lives. Except Nazis.
Informing you guys what your fellow idiots think is being a troll? I consider it a public service. Taco now knows to rethink his positions, because he called himself an idiot.

Many on your side(UncleBuck) have a mental illness coined by your very own an as "internalized racism," which means their racism runs so deep that it's there 24/7. Just looking in the mirror is enough to put UncleBuck into a homicidal rage.

How sad your lives must be to have to constantly reassure them, and moments later chatise them for a skin condition which is impossible to "fix."
How sad you are. Go to college and get a life. Stop spouting silly nonsense and you will be happier. At least trump has allowed me to see how spoiled kids today are. You keep paying my social security. I'll be gone in another 10 years or so. But I'm laughing my ass off watching you.