All lives matter - let in all the refugees

Like I said, you oppose reducing the use of fossil fuels.

No I don't. What I want is an alternative where the poor don't get penalized for its plan. If that doesn't happen then yes I oppose.

Why can't Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, Trump, etc get bumped to several hundred millionaires?

Instead the poor get to say, "thanks for all the neat alternative energy that I can no longer afford rent to actually use. I also appreciate you guys who made it possible now slum it sipping Armande de Brignac Brut Gold Champagne, which I realize isn't the better stuff you're used to."
No I don't. What I want is an alternative where the poor don't get penalized for its plan. If that doesn't happen then yes I oppose.

Why can't Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Buffet, Trump, etc get bumped to several hundred millionaires?

Instead the poor get to say, "thanks for all the neat alternative energy that I can no longer afford rent to actually use. I also appreciate you guys who made it possible now slum it sipping Armande de Brignac Brut Gold Champagne, which I realize isn't the better stuff you're used to."
The poor are getting the shaft through global warming while the 1% suck up fossil fuel profits.

You always get it wrong. The wealthy are lobbying hard to delay the day where this country switches to alternative energy. They aren't doing that just to protect the poor. Why do you always get it wrong?

I grow my own wine grapes and make my own wine, by the way. It's awesome.
More people move in but use the natural resources of their original country? That's awesome! You convinced me now, let them all in!
No they contribute to the growth of the country, and on a per capita level use less resources. Do you honestly think the US would be better off without immigrants. If yes please explain fake Buddha.
Refugees, yes, let them all come in. There is nothing wrong about giving people asylum. The refugees that we have given refuge are productive and a boon for this country.

You said just giving houses won't work. You're wrong. Even Jon Stewart made jokes about how can that be when Utah reduced its homeless by 91%.

Once a policy like Utah's is in place nationally and reduces all homelessness by the same, I'll gladly agree to you letting in the same amount of housed formerly homeless.

Until then, I don't agree.

"The idea of Housing First is that housing comes first, services later. Clients do have to pay some rent — either 30 percent of income or up to $50 a month, whichever is greater.

HUD estimates that annual cost as between $30,000 and $50,000 per person.

Housing them simply costs a lot less."
You said just giving houses won't work. You're wrong. Even Jon Stewart made jokes about how can that be when Utah reduced its homeless by 91%.

Once a policy like Utah's is in place nationally and reduces all homelessness by the same, I'll gladly agree to you letting in the same amount of housed formerly homeless.

Until then, I don't agree.

"The idea of Housing First is that housing comes first, services later. Clients do have to pay some rent — either 30 percent of income or up to $50 a month, whichever is greater.

HUD estimates that annual cost as between $30,000 and $50,000 per person.

Housing them simply costs a lot less."
That is a great program and I’m pretty sure Trumps golf game and family jaunt costs could pay for a big portion of it. Still leaving enough to cover the little amount it costs to help immigrants establish themselves.
You said just giving houses won't work. You're wrong. Even Jon Stewart made jokes about how can that be when Utah reduced its homeless by 91%.

Once a policy like Utah's is in place nationally and reduces all homelessness by the same, I'll gladly agree to you letting in the same amount of housed formerly homeless.

Until then, I don't agree.

"The idea of Housing First is that housing comes first, services later. Clients do have to pay some rent — either 30 percent of income or up to $50 a month, whichever is greater.

HUD estimates that annual cost as between $30,000 and $50,000 per person.

Housing them simply costs a lot less."

Refugees are refugees. Why are you conflating the legal process of applying for refugee status with our homeless population?

Regarding your statements about housing the homeless, you have it wrong again at many levels. Even the title in your link says so. People experiencing homelessness are a diverse group. You mix up "chronic homeless" with the vast majority who typically experience homelessness for 2 years or less. Utah is housing chronic homeless people AND providing services. Good for them. Providing help that is tailored to the person's specific issues that led to homelessness in the first place is the long term solution. Providing safe places to sleep and sanctuary are important and part of the solution, no doubt.

But then again, Utah is using funny statistics to claim success:

Think Utah Solved Homelessness? Think Again

If you take the actual point-in-time counts reported by Utah to the federal government, and if you remove the two time periods when the changing numbers were driven largely by how the chronically homeless were classified, then chronic homelessness in Utah wouldn’t have fallen at all over the past decade. There may of course have been other methodological changes that could have masked actual decreases. But the miraculous story of a 91 percent reduction in chronic homelessness appears to be fiction.

This doesn’t mean that Utah has failed its homeless residents. It just means that the state’s data have been used to spin the tempting but unrealistic narrative that ending homelessness is as simple as giving homes to homeless people. Cities like Seattle, Los Angeles and New York are looking for answers amidst unprecedented levels of homelessness. They need real solutions.


More precisely, Utah provided permanent housing and supportive services to chronically homeless individuals—those with lengthy periods of homelessness and mental health or substance abuse problems. Although overall homelessness has actually increased slightly over the past decade in Utah,

Now, don't you go off into another strawman argument about my opposing housing people who are experiencing homelessness, I'm saying that that alone is insufficient.
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A sense of humor , helps

It’s pronounced ‘seek’ you retard
You're the retard. The real pronunciation is closer to sick and then tried to change your mind to say seek. In this video at about 37 seconds you can hear what a person with a Hindi accent says which is clearly much different, than what the host says.

English has 44 phenomes, but the human can produce many thousand more.

You suffer from white boy savior who thinks he knows everything syndrome. Please seek help.

You're the retard. The real pronunciation is closer to sick and then tried to change your mind to say seek. In this video at about 37 seconds you can hear what a person with a Hindi accent says which is clearly much different, than what the host says.

English has 44 phenomes, but the human can produce many thousand more.

You suffer from white boy savior who thinks he knows everything syndrome. Please seek help.

I love that show. Did you see the one where the filthy hippy was carrying a distressed child screaming for his mommy off of a beach?

Thank goodness nearly everybody called the cops.
I love that show. Did you see the one where the filthy hippy was carrying a distressed child screaming for his mommy off of a beach?

Thank goodness nearly everybody called the cops.

You poor abused white boy who thinks of cops as the only good pig is a dead pig. But when you get triggered, your first reaction is to call them to save your ass. Yeah you crackers got life rough.

Instead of you macho proud boys walking up to one autistic and saying, "sup, why's the kid calling for his mommy? We got a problem?"

"Nope, my wife told me to take my son for a walk so he grows up not to be a mamma's boy. She's right over there."

She waves back. You then have one of your ever so concerned other proud boys walk over to her. She explains then same. You can then go back and have wild sex with your partner about how much of a brave boy you and your clan were.

It's amazing you guys hate cops so much but are dependent upon them like little bitches.
You poor abused white boy who thinks of cops as the only good pig is a dead pig. But when you get triggered, your first reaction is to call them to save your ass. Yeah you crackers got life rough.

Instead of you macho proud boys walking up to one autistic and saying, "sup, why's the kid calling for his mommy? We got a problem?"

"Nope, my wife told me to take my son for a walk so he grows up not to be a mamma's boy. She's right over there."

She waves back. You then have one of your ever so concerned other proud boys walk over to her. She explains then same. You can then go back and have wild sex with your partner about how much of a brave boy you and your clan were.

It's amazing you guys hate cops so much but are dependent upon them like little bitches.
Wow, such hostility.

The police have a legitimate role in society. My criticism of them has to do with the way they frequently overstep that role.

Most of us would agree that protecting children from creepy, malignant people is in harmony with their stated purpose. I am glad that, in this case at least, they were fulfilling their duties admirably.