All lives matter - let in all the refugees

You poor abused white boy who thinks of cops as the only good pig is a dead pig. But when you get triggered, your first reaction is to call them to save your ass. Yeah you crackers got life rough.

Instead of you macho proud boys walking up to one autistic and saying, "sup, why's the kid calling for his mommy? We got a problem?"

"Nope, my wife told me to take my son for a walk so he grows up not to be a mamma's boy. She's right over there."

She waves back. You then have one of your ever so concerned other proud boys walk over to her. She explains then same. You can then go back and have wild sex with your partner about how much of a brave boy you and your clan were.

It's amazing you guys hate cops so much but are dependent upon them like little bitches.
One thing I have learned in my 70 plus years on this planet. Most people who want to become police, fire people, military etc want to be a hero as my ti told us in basic. He liked to say " you want to be a hero boy"... Now since we know some will be attracted to these positions we need to look closely why. Quite simple. They want to be hero's.
Wow, such hostility.

The police have a legitimate role in society. My criticism of them has to do with the way they frequently overstep that role.

Most of us would agree that protecting children from creepy, malignant people is in harmony with their stated purpose. I am glad that, in this case at least, they were fulfilling their duties admirably.

This is an example of your nearly getting something right. There is a real need to be able to hire security or not, as individuals circumstances vary. That doesn't mean there is a real need for Police to be the security though, since police from the onset derive their money from threats of force rather than consensual contracts.

The problem with the police scenario, is they exist, (allegedly) to protect people, yet it is impossible for anybody to really protect people when those same protected people are forced to pay the alleged protector (even if they would prefer a different option) or suffer consequences. You should start your examination of the police at the beginning, lest you deceive yourself and become a hypocrite.

Are you bringing up those imaginary Chinese, Vietnamese and North Korean communists again? None of them are communist, ditz.

Capitalism killed more than the 110 million you claim were killed by communism but you don't really know what communism is, so you claim is in doubt. The reality is, zealots and their ideology are responsible for both numbers, so combined, it's safe to say that rigid ideology is the number one killer. You should learn to think instead of cite deadly ideology.

It's easy to confuse the Tool or Umbrella of "Commerce" with Capitalism.

Self willed, "Commerce" has killed them all.

As for them not being Communistic, well words and actions matter.

They proclaim it, I believe them.

Perceptions of autonomy of Hong Kong
On 10 June 2014, Beijing released a new report[9] asserting its authority over the territory. This ignited criticism from many people in Hong Kong, who said that the Communist leadership was reneging on its pledges to abide by the "one country, two systems" policy that allows for a democratic, autonomous Hong Kong under Beijing's rule.[10],_two_systems

China Gives Communist Party More Control Over Policy and Media


BEIJING — China on Wednesday issued a blueprint for shaking up its bureaucracy that will sharpen the Communist Party’s power over films, books and newspapers, while raising the profile of hitherto secretive party groups that steer policy on the economy, the internet and foreign affairs.

This is an example of your nearly getting something right. There is a real need to be able to hire security or not, as individuals circumstances vary. That doesn't mean there is a real need for Police to be the security though, since police from the onset derive their money from threats of force rather than consensual contracts.

The problem with the police scenario, is they exist, (allegedly) to protect people, yet it is impossible for anybody to really protect people when those same protected people are forced to pay the alleged protector (even if they would prefer a different option) or suffer consequences. You should start your examination of the police at the beginning, lest you deceive yourself and become a hypocrite.

and what is your solution...I mean besides wordplay on RIU
So your answer comes in the thought of a man from 500BC ? You do realize he did not achieve known of what he wanted. Why ? He nor you can control human fucking nature. Humans can be some evil, cruel, selfish, greedy individuals.

One who walks around with head in ass, will always see shit- Confusedshit

I don't think I have a right to control others or their justly acquired property. I do have a right to control me though, in fact I'm the only person with THAT right.

One who shits on floor, should clean up his own mess - The floor mopper guy at Wendy's
You poor abused white boy who thinks of cops as the only good pig is a dead pig. But when you get triggered, your first reaction is to call them to save your ass. Yeah you crackers got life rough.

Instead of you macho proud boys walking up to one autistic and saying, "sup, why's the kid calling for his mommy? We got a problem?"

"Nope, my wife told me to take my son for a walk so he grows up not to be a mamma's boy. She's right over there."

She waves back. You then have one of your ever so concerned other proud boys walk over to her. She explains then same. You can then go back and have wild sex with your partner about how much of a brave boy you and your clan were.

It's amazing you guys hate cops so much but are dependent upon them like little bitches.
Traumatizing my autistic child to own the libs
Traumatizing my autistic child to own the libs

You fucked up big time choosing to be born white. In your next life demand to get reborn as a worthwhile race. No matter how much you posture hatred, it'll never be good enough. You'll ALWAYS be one of the bad ones.

"white liberals are the white folks who really get it. Right?

Wrong. This is, in fact, another microinvalidation. Beverly and Pendler call that particular microaggression “attack by racial resume.” We say, “Look at all the work I’ve done on behalf of people of color! I’m one of the good ones!”"
You fucked up big time choosing to be born white. In your next life demand to get reborn as a worthwhile race. No matter how much you posture hatred, it'll never be good enough. You'll ALWAYS be one of the bad ones.

"white liberals are the white folks who really get it. Right?

Wrong. This is, in fact, another microinvalidation. Beverly and Pendler call that particular microaggression “attack by racial resume.” We say, “Look at all the work I’ve done on behalf of people of color! I’m one of the good ones!”"
Poor bitter nazi
Refugees, yes, let them all come in. There is nothing wrong about giving people asylum. The refugees that we have given refuge are productive and a boon for this country.
That's what I was going to say. Most refugees and other immigrants tend to be a productive member of our society.
Nah, communism isn't anything like today's China's system.

Their economy best fits a mercantile economy similar to those of Europe in the 1600 -1700''s. Their leadership are family members from old communist generals but it's become an incestuous oligarchy. Corrupt politics, thy name is Chinese communism.

Many people confuse totalitarian states with communism but that's not what communism was intended to be. I'm not defending communism, I think communism should have been relegated to the dust bins of libraries along with anarchocapitalism as both are unhinged from human nature. Soviet and Chinese versions communism were badly conceived, failed experiments that set back human development several generations.

Adam Smith coined the term “mercantile system” to describe the system of political economy that sought to enrich the country by restraining imports and encouraging exports. This system dominated Western European economic thought and policies from the sixteenth to the late eighteenth centuries.