All lives matter - let in all the refugees

LOL well yes most of your ideology would be better practiced on that little gray planet in the upper left.

That's nonsense.

My ideology centers on peaceful human interactions based in respect for other peoples rights to self determine their own body and their own justly acquired property.

Which part of that do you find objectionable?
How sad you are. Go to college and get a life. Stop spouting silly nonsense and you will be happier. At least trump has allowed me to see how spoiled kids today are. You keep paying my social security. I'll be gone in another 10 years or so. But I'm laughing my ass off watching you.

Does social security come from taxes or does it come from the inflation machine / federal reserve borrowed money ? (Not a trick question)

If kids are so spoiled these days and they're the ones paying for you to live, via social security, while you sit on line whining, who is the spoiled one?
Does social security come from taxes or does it come from the inflation machine / federal reserve borrowed money ? (Not a trick question)

If kids are so spoiled these days and they're the ones paying for you to live, via social security, while you sit on line whining, who is the spoiled one?

it comes from EE and ER 7.65% contribution from both with a cap in wages. The issue is the cap. Do away with and we'll be rolling in dough unless it gets spent elsewhere..but you'd have to tax the wealthy and, well..we all know how that goes.

anything i am extorted goes to the current kitty..when it's my time?

right now the people that make $1-$127,200 carry the weight and everyone above get's off scott free.

this should be unlimited - no cap but it would offend the wealthy.
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it comes from EE and ER 7.65% contribution from both with a cap in wages. The issue is the cap. Do away with and we'll be rolling in dough unless it gets spent elsewhere..but you'd have to tax the wealthy and, well..we all know how that goes.

anything i am extorted goes to the current kitty..when it's my time?

Thank you for the explanation.

So it is susceptible to fluctuations due to population bubbles and if there are more people taking than putting in, what happens then?
Thank you for the explanation.

So it is susceptible to fluctuations due to population bubbles and if there are more people taking than putting in, what happens then?

that's why all wages should be subject no fixes that.

i used to converse with accounting community quite a bit about this very thing.

but fixing it would make wealthy people sad..especially those with a bible.

have you ever noticed sheldon addelson and george soros look like the same person?

EDIT: once again middle class america is PAYING FOR EVERYTHING..this is one of the biggest sources of revenue and it would be so easy. the 1% are a protected class. doesn't it blow your mind that in addition to all those dividend checks they get to deposit a social security check in the stack?
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that's why all wages should be subject no fixes that.

i used to converse with accounting community quite a bit about this very thing.

but fixing it would make wealthy people sad..especially those with a bible.

have you ever noticed sheldon addelson and george soros look like the same person?

No, but I have noticed that Jesse Jackson and Reggie Jackson sometimes looked alike.

So, if a person doesn't want to participate in social security, (pay nothing in and receive nothing) should they be "allowed" to do this ?
No, but I have noticed that Jesse Jackson and Reggie Jackson sometimes looked alike.

So, if a person doesn't want to participate in social security, (pay nothing in and receive nothing) should they be "allowed" to do this ?

yes, if you have no taxable wages..if you find yourself a cash job..mazel tov! If you have taxable wages you MUST as part of the social contract of living in america. ALL states agreed with arizona being the holdout..states HAD to agree so this is not just about the fed. if your mother or someone you know is receiving SS/MED're welcome!

who's who?


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No, but I have noticed that Jesse Jackson and Reggie Jackson sometimes looked alike.

So, if a person doesn't want to participate in social security, (pay nothing in and receive nothing) should they be "allowed" to do this ?
Just like vaccinations
NO ! for the health of the country
Does social security come from taxes or does it come from the inflation machine / federal reserve borrowed money ? (Not a trick question)

If kids are so spoiled these days and they're the ones paying for you to live, via social security, while you sit on line whining, who is the spoiled one?
It comes from you and me . Duh
yes, if you have no taxable wages..if you find yourself a cash job..mazel tov! If you have taxable wages you MUST as part of the social contract of living in america. ALL states agreed with arizona being the holdout..states HAD to agree so this is not just about the fed. if your mother or someone you know is receiving SS/MED're welcome!

who's who?



I have no objection to people participating in group financial endeavors. like social security, as long as everybody in the endeavor is there of their own accord.

I think the guy with the dyed hair should either give it up and let it be white hair or go full crazy with the dye job. George Soros looks like he may be reconsidering his choice that morning not to wear diapers.
Weed in this area will get the attention of popo and you better have someone with hard drugs on your list to flip on. Anytime anyone sees only one side of a story your vision isn't clear. Popo around here see white trash heroin and meth users and don't connect the person's personal problems with the activity. It's always the drugs. I've been through the courts around here many years ago. This was before Nixon era drug policies. They busted me for selling half my dime bag of weed to whom I thought was a friend. A few days later this friend asked me about black mollies. I said I'm not into speed and didn't know he was. I realized something was odd. Busted a few days later. I had a real job in the big city and they wanted to know about it all. I said i bought my weed from someone on the corner. So I got 3 years probation. I was moving away from Appalachia to the big city. My probation officer met me after moving. He looked like Serpico. After an hour or so talking with my wife and myself he came out and said I can't believe you got 3 years probation on this. He checked back with us the first month. Then he said I'll give you a call once in a while to check up on you. He called once in 3 years. You see the popo in Appalachia needs a job. Making people afraid is their goal. I on the other hand had a real job and earned it. This was all because one if my friends got busted for dui and ratted me out. We visited the area back in the 90's and my wife got pulled over by county popo and they wanted to know why she was their. She said to visit. They told her to make it short. It's the poorest county in the state btw. Yeehaw! I'm glad I moved out many years ago.
Oh for sure the cops are real dicks here. Most people don't realize the special kind of crooked cops they have in Appalachia.

I'm going through a mess fighting with them right now because they won't do thier job. No money in investigating an accident.

They chase drugs here mostly too. Just not weed. The state changed simple possession to a ticket.

I moved back to Appalachia. I have to bite my tongue a lot. Lot of ignorant folks here. Though I won't bite it with police here. It's caused me a lot of problems. The police know me by name.
No, but I have noticed that Jesse Jackson and Reggie Jackson sometimes looked alike.

So, if a person doesn't want to participate in social security, (pay nothing in and receive nothing) should they be "allowed" to do this ?

Explain to me how these two men look the same. Or is it your ignorant white side talking out the side of your neck.
That's nonsense.

My ideology centers on peaceful human interactions based in respect for other peoples rights to self determine their own body and their own justly acquired property.

Which part of that do you find objectionable?
The part where you say it’s polite and reasonable to hang “no blacks allowed” signs

Explain to me how these two men look the same. Or is it your ignorant white side talking out the side of your neck.

Reggie looks old. I remember him from the 1960s. Arizona in college. Reginald Martinez Jackson. Anyway, calm the fuck down, it was meant as a reply to Sky when she was comparing some old fuck to George Soros in one of her posts. I was kidding around with a back atcha of two guys who DON'T look alike. Now go fold some laundry!
The part where you say it’s polite and reasonable to hang “no blacks allowed” signs

A man enters a bathroom after you have defecated on the floor. He doesn't notice your pile of liquidy putrid waste and steps into it, falls and suffers a major injury.

It would have been polite and reasonable for you to notice him as you pass by him, "hey buddy I just took a major smelly dump in there...on the may want to watch your step etc. "

Your noticing him would have been "polite and reasonable" whereas your action, projectile shitting virtually obliterating stall #4 would not have been polite and reasonable.

I feel like I may have corrected you on this allegation in the past. Are you experiencing memory loss?