Almost there! Build thread to grow thread. 2x 100qt igloos 1000w HPS/MH-unkwn strain

Using those products incorrectly I seriously doubt you would see any benefit from any of them and is the main reason why your haveing issues in the first place. And yes, if done properly the AN sensi line can work in DWC as we have tested it many times. I am just saying it is not really made for DWC as it contains UREA for a nitrogen source which is not available to the plants without bacteria being present to break it down. Lots of DWC users are told to run a sterile res and use products like H202 which will KILL all the bacteria you add in using expensive products like Voodoo Juice......So I would not expect for you to see any amazing or even improved results from those products as they are not being used correctly and with compatible products.

Stop wasting your money on Voodoo Juice, I mentioned at least 5 products that is cheaper and better suited for DWC. Also see "crown feeding" to properly learn how to use some of these products in DWC.

A mineral based formula would better suit your DWC enviroment, there are MANY good ones on the market like Dynagro, House & Garden Aqua Flakes both of which are actually MADE for hydroponics and specifically DWC and RDWC enviroments.

If your going to use bacteria products you need to research how to use them properly in DWC like with the use or addition of a biofilter. You need to provide a "home" and "food" for your bacteria herd and make sure conditions stay optimal for there good health.

The "claw" refers to the leaves being hooked or bent inward and is a sign of over feeding and low O2. You need to get better pumps and air stones or provide alternate ways of getting DO into your water. Otherwise a anerobic condition will exist and eventually you will start growing pathogens instead of MJ like your doing currently......

For the price of just one bottle of that crap Voodoo Juice you could purchase a nice DO meter so you can see whats going on with your water. A water analysis is critical for DWC as your water is so very important. You need to know how much calcium and magnesium is in your water for starters......

The information is out there, unfortunatly forums like this provide little help unless you can filter through all the myths and bad information and misuse of products which this place is mostly filled with......

Sorry, I know this is not what you want to hear but telling you how awesome your plants are doing and look will not help you in the least (especially when your plants dont look awesome or even healthy), you need to research and learn the proper way and methods. Books are really good for this purpose. Start simple and work your way up.

Let me know if you have specific questions. We have been testing, building and designing profressional hydroponic systems for many many years. We have a plethora of databases that are the results of over 28 years of testing so we speak from experience and direct hands on testing.


few days ago pic of how they currently sit.

still no internet, but was able to get this one uploaded. might try a few others in a little bit.

during the move at the old room. didnt have much time to get out to tend to them. pretty sure the power went out a few times to.





few days ago. Cooler #2




few days ago. Cooler #1


Temp Vent + drain. The filter will be upgraded soon and the drain will be changed. Ill be plumbing into the washer drain soon.
ok Blue..i have a question for you..where do you get rid of your carbon filters?

are you able to recycle them..or do you just toss them in the trash?

and where can someone get rid of a used carbon filter in a not friendly MJ state?

i do know your grow is legal and all,but have been wondering about the disposal of carbon filters.



That is right after I moved them to the new place. I added the tea and it had been in the cooler for about 12-24 hours at this point. I left it in for another few days but it wasnt getting rid of the gnatts.


This is after I flushed the cooler, scrubbed it out. re-filled with ph'ed water and about 90ml of 29% h202 to the top of the cooler. I let this bubble for about 4-5 hours.


the water after the 5hr period. Im going to buy some more of those large cylinder air stones, they produce WAAAY more bubbles than those 10" flat ones and they stay where you put them!
ok Blue..i have a question for you..where do you get rid of your carbon filters?

are you able to recycle them..or do you just toss them in the trash?

and where can someone get rid of a used carbon filter in a not friendly MJ state?

i do know your grow is legal and all,but have been wondering about the disposal of carbon filters.



I have no idea right now. I will have to look into that when I go to buy a 2nd filter.
I throw out grow stuff at the mall, the gas station, the city trash cans, at work, any place but the actual grow spots trash. I either put it in trash bags or small grocery bags, it makes it look like you just keep a bag for trash in your car. With something that big I'd throw it into a dumpster at taco bell or something.
still have the gnat issue, which is really a pain in my ass, but the roots are looking better after i have been adding the h202 every 4-6 days.

I put the SCROG screen over the DWC and 3 dirt plants, but then moved it to all dirt plants as I want to get the gnats figured out before I loose easy access to the rez.

I also moved the rest of my building material from the old place to here. Ill be putting in the rest of the insulation this weekend and putting up the rest of the drywall.

Now, Im debating if I want to paint the room flat white or if im going to order some ORCA film. Is it fine to paint while I have plants in there?
there was a local ad here looking to buy old carbon filters , the ad stated they had to be from mmj grows, they paid 100 bux a filter, said it was for research. I never did understand wtf that ad was about.
still have the gnat issue, which is really a pain in my ass, but the roots are looking better after i have been adding the h202 every 4-6 days.

I put the SCROG screen over the DWC and 3 dirt plants, but then moved it to all dirt plants as I want to get the gnats figured out before I loose easy access to the rez.

I also moved the rest of my building material from the old place to here. Ill be putting in the rest of the insulation this weekend and putting up the rest of the drywall.

Now, Im debating if I want to paint the room flat white or if im going to order some ORCA film. Is it fine to paint while I have plants in there?
gnats? in dwc? oh god I hate those fuckers, good luck. a strong solution of h2o2 in the res and I think the larvae may hate it. I tried all, BT , heavy h202, sm90. I should have just went with cedar oil from day one. don't do nematodes, i don't think they swim well, in soil they're great ( I hear)
gnats? in dwc? oh god I hate those fuckers, good luck. a strong solution of h2o2 in the res and I think the larvae may hate it. I tried all, BT , heavy h202, sm90. I should have just went with cedar oil from day one. don't do nematodes, i don't think they swim well, in soil they're great ( I hear)

How did you apply the cedar oil? Looked this up and it didnt look like it went over to well...almost sounds like it coated the roots and suffocated them.

I have been doing the h202 just before I drain the coolers for a flush/refill for about 5 hours. They multiply so fast though, soon enough they are back in force within days. Thinking I might put the pots in new lids. I cant tell if the gnats might be living inside the lids as well.

Im going to pickup some Mosquito Dunks and put them in each rez. Im also looking at Gnatrol,, it appears to be pretty good to.

The roots in Cooler #1, the bad one in the begining, are really coming in and are nice and white...however...the gnats are REALLY coming in to!
Your set up is nice !
Sorry you're having so man probs though.
Been running coolers for a while and never had to deal with those probs.

Your set up is nice !
Sorry you're having so man probs though.
Been running coolers for a while and never had to deal with those probs.

Thanks buddy, been watching some of yours. Cant wait to get things fine tuned and the setup finished. What are you using for a lid? Looks similar to mine, just looks sealed up better.