Amendment 64

Until the retail shops open for recreational use ( IF ) you have to rely on the tried and true techniques for finding herb in a new city. Parks, outside head shops, outside dispensaries (at a distance, of course) ... etc. It's all over man.

Denver and Boulder county DAs are already acting as if the bill is signed so once you have your ounce or less.. you are golden.
Your argument is based solely on your interpretation of "legal". My interpretation is much different. I feel only a fool would need to carry around over an ounce anyway. Also, the goal of legalization for the majority is to simply smoke, not set up "Joe's Pot SHack" in the middle of main street usa. If you need so much weed that this law does not provide enough then you have far worse problems to deal with than these. You made several predictions about the future of this law with not a single premise, can you please provide us with an argument which substantiates as to how all of this will come about?
Your opinion that a dispensary owner would benefit from the passing of 64 is wrong. As a business owner I would be compelled to vote against this bill to keep business as usual. Patients will likely not re-up their red cards if this passes. That will cause massive decline in the currento customer base and likely result in the closure of the business. How does that benefit an established business or even patients ?

We would be forced to start an entire new business, on the same playing field as every other person that wants to jump into the industry. After years of reinvesting, working 70 hour weeks, and plodding through massive legal and licensing issues I really don't want to crawl through that whole shit storm all over again.

Regarding your misleading 1oz limit, you are implying that the 2oz petty offense law is repealed and anyone in possession of over 1oz goes to jail. It is not repealed. Possession of 2 ounces remains a petty offense.

So ultimately, as a business owner I would be wise to vote NO, and keep things as they are. However, I am a citizen first and therefore must support any bill that reduces harm on other citizens for possession, use, and cultivation of Marijuana.

Well said socommj don't even bother with the theese ecoli worm parasites btw what's the name of your dispensary I want to stop by now that I finnaly received my 2nd red card
Welcome to RIU OneBrownMouse. I hope you are here to contribute to the community and plan to stay past election day. If I have my "long time cannabis activists" right, you helped author one of the competing initiatives to A64, correct? Which one was that?


This is why I love you medshed you are the tip of the spear.
Has anyone else been glued to watching how the federal government is responding to Washington being our "Neil Armstrong"? I have to be honest, it's given me hope, and quieted my fears of the feds coming in and squashing it all back into 1990's.
they'll be burning their red cards while passing out candy (infused with a nice oil of course) in the streets
Well said socommj don't even bother with the theese ecoli worm parasites btw what's the name of your dispensary I want to stop by now that I finnaly received my 2nd red card

Navy SoCo Works at (and owns if Im not mistaken) Southern Colorado Medical Marijuana. Its actually just up the street from our shop on El Paso. make sure you know where ya going first cause they dont have much to identify it from outside. Ive met him briefly once and seems like a decent guy, I think you would like the meds they have going there.
It is a great day! Man been waiting for too many years! So glad this happened in my life. Rejoice Colorado raisers of the herb!
Well, you feel kind of funny a few minutes after you ingest it.

Just kidding.. The sun came up, it snowed, it got warm again, people slept, people ate, people shit, went to work..
Pretty much the same as it's been for a while now, with slightly less concern for law enforcement. Recreational shops haven't opened yet and smoke shops are just now
feeling the market out, so not too much action. Most everyone here already didn't care about recreational pot use, and the cops were just just have a harder and harder
time getting convictions on small time pot offenders. I've only been here 3 years so can't give too much info, but compared to Dallas where I lived before pot laws were
already so relaxed with a medical program in effect.
So what is it like?

There are cars pulled over on shoulders with people nodding off chasing the green dragon.
Children are getting aids from all the pot needles laying around.
Otherwise responsible adults are getting potted up and driving around crashing into boy scout meetings.

Soldiers are swearing allegiance to al qaeda, gay men are interested in woman.
Doritos are selling for $18 a bag.


So do you have to reside on premises where you grow cannabis? It seems like you do, but I would like to just have a grow house with a few adults to keep it separate from my home! This might have been covered, but I wanted to ask here, if anyone has any feedback, lemme know?
THC/DUI Bill Hearing on Tuesday (2/26)


House Judiciary Committee Hearing on HB 1114

DATE: Tues., Feb. 26, 2013
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION: Old Supreme Court, state Capitol Building, 200 E. Colfax, Denver,

Always Call in Advance to make sure hearing hasn't been re-scheduled:
Capitol Bill Room:(303) 866-3055

Read HB-1114 and committee reports here:

You listen online to the House Judiciary committee hearing:

NOTE: Most of the Reps will monitor their email during the hearing. So if
you can't come in person, please listen live online and be ready to refute
the many lies that will be brought forth in testimony from law enforcement
and the drug rehabilitation industry. Send emails to the committee members
during the hearing while you listen live online. This is often one of the
most effective ways to have your voice heard.

[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected],[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

HB1114 would declare that the presence of 5 nanogram/milliliters or more of
THC in the bloodstream of a driver would create a "permissible inference"
that the person is guilty of DUI. Under this proposed law, the mere
presence of 5 nanograms/mL of THC is enough to prove guilt, regardless of
any evidence that the person was not actually impaired.

HB1114 will require a "forced blood draw", forcing anyone suspected of
driving under the influence of THC to submit to a blood draw forced by the
state. Currently, alcohol levels can be tested through urine, breath or
blood. But under the THC/DUI bill, the nanogram count can only come from a
forced blood draw.

***This bill is required by A64, which states "Driving under the influence
of marijuana shall remain illegal." The groups that promoted A64 are also
-in favor- of the 5 ng limit. They spent over $2 million promoting A64, but
haven't spent a dime to prevent this THC/DUI bill. IF YOU VOTED FOR A64,
SEND PROTEST LETTERS, TOO! This bill is a direct consequence of your vote
for A64, and shows clearly why many long-time activists were against the
language of A64 from the beginning.


Sample letter to House Judiciary Committee

Please vote no on HB1114 and do more research on the bill to set a nanogram
limit on cannabis. There is NO evidence showing a link between THC blood
concentration and impairment. Other drugs that impair people, like
oxycontin, do not have nanogram limits.

This bill is unfair to medical marijuana patients, who will almost always
be above 5 ng due to constant use, yet suffer no impairment in driving

Medical cannabis patients in Colorado are SICK of being treated like second
class citizens! If you want to give them forced blood draws, you will have
to show some evidence that there is actually a problem. Please at least
include an exemption for medical marijuana patients in this bill.

[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected],[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]


Representative Daniel Kagan (D)
District: 3
Occupation: Legislator
Counties: Arapahoe
Phone: 303-866-2921
E-mail: [email protected]

Rep. Sanford E "Pete" Lee (D)
District: 18
Counties: El Paso
Occupation: Attorney/Businessman
Phone: 303-866-2932
E-mail: [email protected]

John W. Buckner (D)
District: 40
Counties: Arapahoe
Occupation: Retired Educator
Phone: 303-866-2944
E-mail: [email protected]

Lois Court (D)
District: 6
Counties: Denver
Occupation: Community College Instructor/Legislator
Phone: 303-866-2967
E-mail: [email protected]

Bob Gardner (R)
District: 21
Counties: El Paso, Fremont
Occupation: Attorney
Phone: 303-866-2191
E-mail: [email protected]

Polly Lawrence (R)
District: 39
Counties: Douglas, Teller
Occupation: Construction Contracts Manager
Phone: 303-866-2935
E-mail: [email protected]

Mike McLachlan (D)
District: 59
Counties: Archuleta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, La Plata, Ouray, San Juan
Occupation: Lawyer
Phone: 303-866-2914
E-mail: [email protected]

Carole Murray (R)
District: 45
Counties: Douglas
Occupation: Retired
Phone: 303-866-2948
E-mail: [email protected]

Brittany Pettersen (D)
District: 28
Counties: Jefferson
Occupation: Legislator
Phone: 303-866-2939
E-mail: [email protected]

Joseph A. Salazar (D)
District: 31
Counties: Adams
Occupation: Civil Rights Attorney / Professor
Phone: 303-866-2918
E-mail: [email protected]

Jared Wright (R)
District: 54
Counties: Delta, Mesa
Occupation: Self Employed/Consultant
Phone: 303-866-2583
E-mail: [email protected]

Sign up on CTI's email list for updates:
Fuck me gently with a chainsaw.
I could go 48 hours without weed, shudder, and still be above 5 nanograms.

We have fucking impaired driving laws on the books.