America's work ethic

But in a sence the working man is in control if we pushed illegals outta the work space we would have a country that is built right to last and we would get payed good money cuz we know whats right, and plus we would be teaching younger boys how to have responsibility and determination in turn would give them respect and the feeling of being a man. this is all my opinion btw

illegal immigrants built all of america's great infrastructure, from the erie canal to the transcontinental railroad to the hoover dam.

shut the fuck up, vanilla face.
One day everyone will understand what im talking about Mexicans are used to living in poverty not having much at all then they come here and have A1 credit get nice cars and big houses cuz they work hard then after u pay them to do that work u notice that the shit u had them fix is worse then before cuz they dont care! So here u are with crap work And watching this dude roll away in a new truck having a pocket full of ur cash

you totally don't have anything against mexicans, except everything they do and are.


get used to it, bolillo. they ain't going anywhere.
So ive noticed that really the amount of America born White boys/men dont work in the construction feilds anymore we let illegal immigrants work and fuck shit up i have no problem with Hispanic ppl im just saying u should learn English and understand how we build here in America sure u work hard and fast but ur quality is shit and ur pay is high im a 22 year old white boy and i bust my ass six days a week as a service roofer i put my heart into my work and get next to shit for it and in my whole time of working ive never seen another young guy whos working as hard as me whos white wtf! We need to stop being lazy American get the fuck up and work......srry if this upsets anyone im only sharing how i feel

I suspect the reason you are not getting ahead in life is because you choose not to, and not that somebody else is taking something from you.

You should really consider carrying yourself in a more respectable manner, and try using good grammar when communicating with others. Punctuation goes a long way when trying to convey your thoughts.

Please see bold and italic characters in your above quote for where you went wrong.

Being a hard working roofer is very respectable man, but you should try applying those ideals in all aspects of your life, including your online life.

And just for informational purposes, something you can take with you in your next conversation with someone; the unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in nearly 16 years. So it seems to me that your assumption that American's are lazy is unfounded. You feel me homie?
OP, you are saying the exact same things that established immigrants in America have said for 250 yrs about the new incoming. Its tired. You have 3 choices:

1) The established home grown white man gets an education and leaves roofing totally for a new field
2) Learn to work with your new co-workers, learn to have basic communication with them and set your sights on becoming management level
3) Hate, whine and stay where you are

Its really that simple
I suspect the reason you are not getting ahead in life is because you choose not to, and not that somebody else is taking something from you.

You should really consider carrying yourself in a more respectable manner, and try using good grammar when communicating with others. Punctuation goes a long way when trying to convey your thoughts.

Please see bold and italic characters in your above quote for where you went wrong.

Being a hard working roofer is very respectable man, but you should try applying those ideals in all aspects of your life, including your online life.

And just for informational purposes, something you can take with you in your next conversation with someone; the unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in nearly 16 years. So it seems to me that your assumption that American's are lazy is unfounded. You feel me homie?
No i dont cuz first im.not in college i dont need to have "corrected grammar " and second and as to not getting further in life i have a full time job a truck a apartment all my bills are payed on time and i still have money left over so im far for 22 i just want a piece of that cake, that lazy ass fuck shit up and get payed for nothing cake. It could be any nationality of human race and id still be saying the same shit i realized in my life so far that in Co the Mexican ppl dont work hard and do a shitty job i want to see a strong work force not some weak ass failure i have known nothing but hard work my whole life id dare anyone to come work with me for a day and u won't make it i promise and if u do hell ya. Construction is what builds this word why would anyone choose to flip burgers instead of create and work hard is beyond me, all i wanna say is i wanna see shit done right and if u cant read or speak english u wont get it done if ur gunna work here understand our life style and how we do it
OP, you are saying the exact same things that established immigrants in America have said for 250 yrs about the new incoming. Its tired. You have 3 choices:

1) The established home grown white man gets an education and leaves roofing totally for a new field
2) Learn to work with your new co-workers, learn to have basic communication with them and set your sights on becoming management level
3) Hate, whine and stay where you are

Its really that simple
This has nothing to do with hate cant anyone understand its about quality what separates us from the rest of the world if we are ok with half ass are u proud to be an american when u realize that ur county is half ass?
No i dont cuz first im.not in college i dont need to have "corrected grammar " and second and as to not getting further in life i have a full time job a truck a apartment all my bills are payed on time and i still have money left over so im far for 22 i just want a piece of that cake, that lazy ass fuck shit up and get payed for nothing cake. It could be any nationality of human race and id still be saying the same shit i realized in my life so far that in Co the Mexican ppl dont work hard and do a shitty job i want to see a strong work force not some weak ass failure i have known nothing but hard work my whole life id dare anyone to come work with me for a day and u won't make it i promise and if u do hell ya. Construction is what builds this word why would anyone choose to flip burgers instead of create and work hard is beyond me, all i wanna say is i wanna see shit done right and if u cant read or speak english u wont get it done if ur gunna work here understand our life style and how we do it
Not cool to judge people flipping burgers. They make as much money as you do.
OSHA requires work to be done by aII to put a tire on a new car, in the US, the pIants need equipment to IiFt the tires up so women and out oF shape workers can do the job
my problem its the lazy ass roofers these days

Ok i see wtf your talking about & your right , its bullshit the way their doing their work , your employer allowing product to be installed so poorly is gonna backfire on him one day , if an inspection company caught a 4 nailed roof they'd make your company tear it all off & re roof the entire bldg , ive made contractors re do their entire project before for shit work , i agree with you 100% now that i know more .

Everything falls apart, doesn't matter if a white dude built it or a mexican with down's syndrome.
Don't think I've ever seen a mexican with down's syndrome now that I think about it.
Not sure why it pisses you off.
I get it now & understand why he's pissed & rightfully so .

These workers are not paid hourly , they are paid by the square ( 10ft x 10ft ) & what they are doing is cutting every corner they can in order to get more squares done , if they only use half the proper # of nails in each shingle it lets them put on more squares faster , if they dont trim the starter shingles it allows them to put on more squares per day , if they leave out flash cards it allows them to put on more shingles per hour & make more money by doing scab work , leaving the homeowner fuked .

All these things they're skipping are reasons to tear the roof off & start from scratch , 4 nailing a shingle leaves the roof vulnerable to blow off in high winds , blow off's happen alot, not trimming the starter shingle puts the glue strip too high & leaves the gutter edge where it wont seal properly & will leak instantly in an ice dam .

Not putting in flash cards is absolutely guaranteeing a major roof leak , all the things he's pissed about require him to tear apart another mans work then reinstall the areas the right way after the workers were allready paid to do these things .

All the shit he's pissed about are caused by greedy roofers who do shitty work cause they get paid by the number of shingles they install , then he has to go face the pissed off home owners when the roof they just paid $7k for is leaking all over .

There is a huge problem in residential construction where unscrupulous contractors hire illegal workers & work them to death for shit wages like $15 to $20 a square for work their charging $500 a square for
illegal immigrants built all of america's great infrastructure, from the erie canal to the transcontinental railroad to the hoover dam.

shut the fuck up, vanilla face.
If ur white im srry for u do u think if this was reversed anyone would say oh no the white mans great fuck no
This has nothing to do with hate cant anyone understand its about quality what separates us from the rest of the world if we are ok with half ass are u proud to be an american when u realize that ur county is half ass?
No, you're wrong. German quality is well known, Japanese quality is well known, etc. When the new immigrants become American then things will change. However, I'm almost 65, so tell me young sage, why oh why has America itself changed over the last 60 yrs? We used to build in quality, have life time guarantees on products. We used to have opportunity, we didn't have to "create" jobs as they were there. The Mexicans didn't fuck that up. Its the Corps, the Gov't that shipped jobs overseas, turned a great workforce into sole consumers....Globalism
No, you're wrong. German quality is well known, Japanese quality is well known, etc. When the new immigrants become American then things will change. However, I'm almost 65, so tell me young sage, why oh why has America itself changed over the last 60 yrs? We used to build in quality, have life time guarantees on products. We used to have opportunity, we didn't have to "create" jobs as they were there. The Mexicans didn't fuck that up. Its the Corps, the Gov't that shipped jobs overseas, turned a great workforce into sole consumers....Globalism
Have u worked in construction