and then you spun out of control, hit the wall, burst into flames and died in a fiery wreck of fail. tarrifs work. they work every time. if you put a tarrif on imported textiles, OUR people can make the textiles competitively, instead of shipping all our currency to china. if china puts tit for tat tarrifs on the products we sell to them, it wont do shit. china doesnt buy much of anything from the US or europe except luxury cars for the party apparatchiks, and they cant make those in china. thats where the INNOVATION MODEL bucky doesnt believe in comes into play. we sell shit they cannot make, like computer chips, wheat, automobiles that dont fall apart, etc etc etc. the only reason the chinese can make computer chips now is cuz OUR industries have fled the regulatory and tax burdens in the US to garner more profit in the third world's cheap and permissive labour market. without our expertise the chinese couldnt manufacture shit. hell they even import steel and coal from the US to make their industries work, they NEED us and our resources, our companies merely enjoy their zero-regulation atmosphere, and slave wages. tarrifs on imports would bring industry innovation, and freedom back to this country, and set us back on the road to prosperity. "Free Trade" is a recipe for disaster.