Amnesty Bill Pitched as Jobs and growth?? LOL dont make me laugh so hard.

As long as they can get illegals to do them, they will never change. The government conspires to take advantage of cheap labor by by by-passing minimum wage laws with "guest worker programs"

Obama is not talking about guest worker programs
I don't see Pelosi and Boehner agreeing on border security and doubt any bill will come to pass. Even if one does pass the House, Reid likely won't bring it to a vote unless it is exactly what he wants. History does repeat itself. All this was done before back in 1986. Amnesty was given and the border with Mexico was supposed to have been secured after.
Tom Daschle was the first Senate Majority Leader to grant himself (illegally) a veto power, Reid has continued this blatantly unconstitutional power grab. Why has this not been adjudicated?
The administration got to Boehner like they got to the justice of the surpreme court. They have some shit that is being held over them. Boehner is a joke. I know, lets import 30 million democratic voters. ... That will help the Republican party... Fucking moron....
You know, I too thought somebody got caught with a dead hooker or a live boy when he said the penalties were a tax and the government had an unlimited power to tax. That fake looking smile on his face just screamed "We all know I'm lying" to me.
and then you spun out of control, hit the wall, burst into flames and died in a fiery wreck of fail. tarrifs work. they work every time. if you put a tarrif on imported textiles, OUR people can make the textiles competitively, instead of shipping all our currency to china. if china puts tit for tat tarrifs on the products we sell to them, it wont do shit. china doesnt buy much of anything from the US or europe except luxury cars for the party apparatchiks, and they cant make those in china. thats where the INNOVATION MODEL bucky doesnt believe in comes into play. we sell shit they cannot make, like computer chips, wheat, automobiles that dont fall apart, etc etc etc. the only reason the chinese can make computer chips now is cuz OUR industries have fled the regulatory and tax burdens in the US to garner more profit in the third world's cheap and permissive labour market. without our expertise the chinese couldnt manufacture shit. hell they even import steel and coal from the US to make their industries work, they NEED us and our resources, our companies merely enjoy their zero-regulation atmosphere, and slave wages. tarrifs on imports would bring industry innovation, and freedom back to this country, and set us back on the road to prosperity. "Free Trade" is a recipe for disaster.
Japan buys scrap steel from us for about a penny a lb. and sells it back to us as cars for $10.00 a lb. Scrap steel is our largest export, scrap paper is second. We are becoming a third-world country, wanted for our resources, not our products. Manufacturing creates wealth (1lb steel=$10.00 worth of car). Selling your resources squanders wealth.
My first "real" job was with my father-in-law who owned a masonry company. I started out as a laborer. After a few years of laboring I started up my apprenticeship. Work was really busy throughout our area. A masonry apprenticeship is a 4 year apprenticeship. Around my 2nd year of my apprenticeship, the illegals started moving in, I suppose the news of work had finally reached them. My 3rd year apprenticeship I was making 23.78 an hour. I finished up my 4th year apprenticeship and the pay had dropped down to 18 an hour. I started working as a full-fledge Bricklayer at 16 an hour. Within 2 years the average pay was 14 an hour. Hey thanks illegals for coming in and DESTROYING my trade. As far as I am concerned, all illegals can fall over and die a horrible death and I would watch gleefully. I will oppose amnesty for the roach eating bastards til my last breath.
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
Oops! You're racist. I was listening to Alan Colmes' radio show the other night because it's the only thing on between Phil Hendrie and Tom Leykis. Colmes was out for the evening, so a guest host was conducting an interview with the lawyer filing a class action law suit against WalMart--the world's largest retailer--alleging that WalMart cheated thousands of immigrant janitors out of wages. The host argued that the janitors didn't deserve to get paid the same wage as Americans because they were illegal immigrants and shouldn't have been in America in the first place. My bullshit detector went off, so I called into the show to slam him in the face with the sledge hammer of fallacy. The conversation went something like this:
[TABLE="class: t1"] [TR] [TD]Host[/TD] [TD]"Hello, you're on the air."[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Me[/TD] [TD]"Yes, I'm calling to side with the lawyer."[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Host[/TD] [TD]"Why?"[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Me[/TD] [TD]"Because saying that an illegal immigrant doesn't deserve to be paid the same wages as an American because he doesn't belong here in the first place is like saying that a person trapped in a well shouldn't be saved because he shouldn't have been playing around the well in the first place."[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Host[/TD] [TD](pause)"Yeah... that's a good point." [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
He then hung up on me and proceeded to repeat his argument verbatim, even though I handed him a plate full of his ass with all the trimmings, only this time he added something to the effect of "well these immigrants are coming to America and taking jobs away from Americans." What? News flash: immigrants aren't taking anything from Americans. Companies like WalMart are giving jobs to them illegally. If WalMart paid a company to hire immigrants to do the job over Americans then there's probably a good reason for it. I'm sick and tired of lazy gluttonous Americans bitching about immigrants "taking" our jobs. It's not like they can literally come to America, ambush us in the parking lot and take our jobs.
If you lose your job to an immigrant, it's probably because he or she was willing to work harder for less money. Don't want to pay them full wages? Then don't hire them. If they do equal work, then they deserve equal pay. It's just that simple, and I'm not going to sit back like every other racist piece of shit bitching about having to work harder because there's a little competition for my job, immigrant or otherwise. I know I can do my job better than anyone, and if an immigrant thinks he can do a better job than I can, I welcome him to try. What kind of chicken shit pussy is afraid of competition? Can't get a job because you lost out to an immigrant? Well TOUGH SHIT. Nobody wants to pay you for your half-assed work if someone else can do it better. That's what America is all about. Our president may be a moron, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let any more jackasses sully the reputation of hard working Americans who are willing to work just as hard as anyone else with or without competition. If you can't cut it, then the people with money will pay it to someone else who can. Maybe if all you people bitching weren't such lazy, pathetic, blood sucking leeches, you'd get off of your dead ass and work HARDER to do a better job. Get some balls people. If you're too chicken shit and you can't cut it, then maybe it's you who doesn't deserve to live in America. Not the immigrants.
But you don't hold that standard to welfare recipients. I don't get it.
What is the worlds longest Unsecured Border? Why are people when talking about border security always talking about our southern Border? Yeah Illegal is a race just as much as the dog whistle of "Welfare Queen"
What race is your friend schuylaar? You know. the welfare queen?
I'm just pointing out. That when those against immigration reforms are speaking they are talking about the Illegals from south of our border. That is just the facts. So yes it is about race. And Illegal Immigrant to the vast majority of people here means Mexican Just as much as welfare queen means Black
Welfare queen means female on welfare. Sexist perhaps, but it is your racism that equates it with black.
Welfare queen means female on welfare. Sexist perhaps, but it is your racism that equates it with black.


The Results

The first finding is that the welfare queen script has assumed the status of common knowledge. When white subjects were asked to recall what they had seen in the newscasts, nearly 80 percent of them accurately recalled the race of the African-American Rhonda. On the other hand, less than 50 percent accurately recalled seeing the white Rhonda.