Amnesty Bill Pitched as Jobs and growth?? LOL dont make me laugh so hard.

What you say about prisoners does not change the fact that there are more willing workers than available jobs. This is where "some of" the exploitation comes in.
I agree racism takes away from a discussion, but I am not seeing it. I have seen the word racist thrown around loosely though and it detracts from legitimate concerns, discussion and debate.
Read through it again.
I see a lot of anger, passion, misunderstanding, miscommunication and projection.
I did not see the racism.
So tired, frusterated and sad that we are made to be like crabs in a bucket.
Not false.
There are far more people looking for work than jobs available.

2. Does not change the irony of you accusing others of demonizing when you seem to be the one doing it. This hurling of racism and insults takes away from constructive discussion.

There are millions of jobs out there that are going unfilled because people dont want to do them.
No jobs in your area?
Give me your zipcode, Ill show you a lot of jobs
My prediction is that this bill will pass to "fix" the problem just as one did in 1986.
20 or 30 years in the future we will be looking at another immigration bill to "fix" the problem again.

I would "like" this but they took the button away...
Read through it again.
I see a lot of anger, passion, misunderstanding, miscommunication and projection.
I did not see the racism.
So tired, frusterated and sad that we are made to be like crabs in a bucket.

Uncle Buck is a bully. Calling someone a racist is one of the easiest tactics in the book to force a person to start defending themselves and get off topic. UB is all about diversion when he cannot conduct a logical debate. And he loses all the time so immediately he jumps into his bag of tricks of calling people racist, pedophile, etc. If that doesnt work he switches to posting pictures. If that really doesnt work he gets some puppet account to start posting porn until the thread is locked.

Attempting to have a normal debate or discussion with him is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Most of America is not like this website, thank god.....
Uncle Buck is a bully. Calling someone a racist is one of the easiest tactics in the book to force a person to start defending themselves and get off topic. UB is all about diversion when he cannot conduct a logical debate. And he loses all the time so immediately he jumps into his bag of tricks of calling people racist, pedophile, etc. If that doesnt work he switches to posting pictures. If that really doesnt work he gets some puppet account to start posting porn until the thread is locked.

Attempting to have a normal debate or discussion with him is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Most of America is not like this website, thank god.....

Why are you being so intolerant?
Yeah Illegal is a race.
Because to legally immigrate for a Mexican the average time is 2 decades and for a European
8 months

if they could come here legally

Dont you fucking think they would?
And the FACT is

You dont want them here legally or not

CN is right, you don't become a race because of resistance to immigration laws. To be totally honest, "illegal" is a legal standing not a racial one. Unless you are suggesting illegal immigrants from any part of the world are the same race due to their common destination
CN is right, you don't become a race because of resistance to immigration laws. To be totally honest, "illegal" is a legal standing not a racial one. Unless you are suggesting illegal immigrants from any part of the world are the same race due to their common destination

I'm just pointing out. That when those against immigration reforms are speaking they are talking about the Illegals from south of our border.
That is just the facts. So yes it is about race. And Illegal Immigrant to the vast majority of people here means Mexican Just as much as welfare queen means Black
I'm just pointing out. That when those against immigration reforms are speaking they are talking about the Illegals from south of our border.
That is just the facts. So yes it is about race. And Illegal Immigrant to the vast majority of people here means Mexican Just as much as welfare queen means Black

I can't rule out your welfare queen premise due to lack of exposure. However, saying "illegal immigrant=welfare queen" is forcing a false equivalency. When a huge amount of your immigrants come from one geographical region it's not racist to oppose you immigration policy just because they have a common heritage.

I would say it's racist to allow a race as probable cause to pull someone over and check their ID though.
So you are admitting in your mind illegal = brown skin.

Gotcha. You are a racist. To each his own.

I don't see Pelosi and Boehner agreeing on border security and doubt any bill will come to pass. Even if one does pass the House, Reid likely won't bring it to a vote unless it is exactly what he wants.

History does repeat itself.
All this was done before back in 1986. Amnesty was given and the border with Mexico was supposed to have been secured after.

actually, its more complex than crappy pay or shitty conditions.
the biggest area of illegal alien employment is seasonal farm labour during planting and harvest.

these jobs are NOT in the urban centers where most out of work americans live, they are in the countryside.
thses jobs are NOT steady, you work at one farm for a few weeks, and then you must pack up and move 50, 100, or even 1000 miles away to the next farm cluster that needs hands for the harvest.
this wont pay your mortgage, cant work for a family with kids in school, and in the end is they are jobs for people who do NOT have responsibilities which tie them to one locale.
for this reason, mexicans come north, and many of them go home to tend their own farms when the harvest in america is done.
many others stay here till the next season starts, doing day labour, or working under the table at any shitty job they can get till the next season starts and they go right back to the feilds, which actually pays pretty good if you can get shit done and dont mind hard work.
all the lefties who claim that mexicans are "taking jobs americans wont do" are idiots who dont know why americans CANT do these jobs.

Stupid has nothing at all to do with it and certainly not the color of their skin.

Ok, so you pick up on the job training, in the meantime (while you are lying about your skill level) you are building a wall without things such as expansion joints, vertical rebar, horizontal rebar, corner rebar, that oh, I cant see it from the outside so I didn't know it needed it kind of things. Probably wont need it really, unless there is an earthquake. When that happens, well, don't be inside the building.

When I entered the masonry trade I really had an elitist attitude about it. I was an honor student in high school, kicking ass in college, gf got pregnant, felt I had to do what a man does. Ended up married with a baby and a full time job. I thought laying brick would be mind-numbing at best. What I found out was you need every bit of 4 years apprenticeship under a journeyman bricklayer to learn everything you need to know to do it. Even then you are still learning years later. What happened in many cases were group hirings. Illegals skip that training or get a few months at best, then branch out and claim to be a journeyman. There are bricklayers in other countries, don't get me wrong. But, there are huge differences, including material. A block/brick in (let's say) Mexico is not the same as a block/brick in USA. They are made from different materials and layed different ways.
Anyway, stupid has nothing to do with it. In many cases, illegals are go-getters but they skip a lot of steps and never really learn their crafts. Why spend 4 years as an apprentice when they are hoping they can make enough money to go home in not much longer time than that?

Riiiiight. It's a brown skin thing. The right wing has no problem with the 11 million undocumented Canadians within our borders...oh wait.
When the Canadians start illegally entering the country by the millions and staying here, I'm all for taking the same approach. Leave, apply, wait. Don't ever get in, tough shit. Takes decades, tough shit. Don't like that attitude? Fuck off and stay where you were born, YOUR COUNTRY. I don't expect France to take me in just because I want to live there. They and EVERY sovereign country have the right to tell me to fuck off or make me wait as long as they want before granting citizenship.

My prediction is that this bill will pass to "fix" the problem just as one did in 1986.
20 or 30 years in the future we will be looking at another immigration bill to "fix" the problem again.
I would "like" this but they took the button away...

Althor you want to revise what you said about "it's not about race?"