Amnesty Bill Pitched as Jobs and growth?? LOL dont make me laugh so hard.

Look, I am just giving you guys a little shit about the racism. I really don't care either way if you are racist or not. That is your business.

I am assuming most of you are on the West Coast, and in that region illegal probably does generally mean Latinos.

But in my area, and the areas I have travelled to work, latinos do make up a section of the immigrants, but I see much more than just latinos. Tunica county, where I worked for about 16 months building casinos had more African immigrants than any other race. Most of the African immigrants were legal, and continue to work at the casinos to this very day in Tunica. If you ever find yourself in the area, stop by and go to the food courts, almost every worker is an African immigrant. The casinos actually get a tax break for hiring legal immigrants.

In Branson is where I ran into the white Immigrants. We had quite a few crews made up of Polish, Irish, and Canadians. Most were legal immigrants, but there were many illegals as well. It generally starts out with a person or a few people legally entering our country, finding jobs, then they send for their friends, family to come work with them. It isn't rocket science. People need jobs and some people are willing to follow the jobs across the world if that is what it takes to support themselves.

Illegal immigrant isn't about skin color, it is about entering a country illegally.
Althor you want to revise what you said about "it's not about race?"

I don't control other people. I can only give my opinion on how I feel, which has nothing to do with race. Now, that isn't a blanket statement that covers everyone against illegal amnesty. I am sure there are plenty of people who are motivated by race. In my case, I am strictly motivated by how I was directly affected by it, and the way I was affected was the color GREEN.
I don't control other people. I can only give my opinion on how I feel, which has nothing to do with race. Now, that isn't a blanket statement that covers everyone against illegal amnesty. I am sure there are plenty of people who are motivated by race. In my case, I am strictly motivated by how I was directly affected by it, and the way I was affected was the color GREEN.

Stupid has nothing at all to do with it and certainly not the color of their skin.

Ok, so you pick up on the job training, in the meantime (while you are lying about your skill level) you are building a wall without things such as expansion joints, vertical rebar, horizontal rebar, corner rebar, that oh, I cant see it from the outside so I didn't know it needed it kind of things. Probably wont need it really, unless there is an earthquake. When that happens, well, don't be inside the building.

When I entered the masonry trade I really had an elitist attitude about it. I was an honor student in high school, kicking ass in college, gf got pregnant, felt I had to do what a man does. Ended up married with a baby and a full time job. I thought laying brick would be mind-numbing at best. What I found out was you need every bit of 4 years apprenticeship under a journeyman bricklayer to learn everything you need to know to do it. Even then you are still learning years later. What happened in many cases were group hirings. Illegals skip that training or get a few months at best, then branch out and claim to be a journeyman. There are bricklayers in other countries, don't get me wrong. But, there are huge differences, including material. A block/brick in (let's say) Mexico is not the same as a block/brick in USA. They are made from different materials and layed different ways.
Anyway, stupid has nothing to do with it. In many cases, illegals are go-getters but they skip a lot of steps and never really learn their crafts. Why spend 4 years as an apprentice when they are hoping they can make enough money to go home in not much longer time than that

Want to revise your statement?
Speaking of the Polish...
I am not applying this to ALL Polish because I really don't know many, but those who were on the crew I worked on were some really weird cats. We were staying at motels, 2 per room. One set of the Polish locked themselves out of their room about 20x during a 6 month period...

Now the really strange thing about locking themselves out of their room 20x is.....

They were both fall-out drunk and BUTT NAKED every single time....
Want to revise your statement?

Do you have a screw loose or something? I used Mexico as an example because it is a GREAT example of differences in styles of laying brick, if you make that into race, you have some serious mental issues bro. Serious mental issues.

I don't even know why I bother. In some threads I have the idiot Democrats calling me names, in other threads I have the idiot republicans calling me names. I guess that makes me right in the middle....

But, it is clear dealing with idiots just isn't for me. Good luck with it, idiots.
Speaking of the Polish...
I am not applying this to ALL Polish because I really don't know many, but those who were on the crew I worked on were some really weird cats. We were staying at motels, 2 per room. One set of the Polish locked themselves out of their room about 20x during a 6 month period...

Now the really strange thing about locking themselves out of their room 20x is.....

They were both fall-out drunk and BUTT NAKED every single time....

My mom used to have a guy come over from Romania and he would spend his 6 months here working for a landscaping crew. A rite of passage for Israelis is to come here before mandatory enlistment and work for moving companys.
But when the national talk is about Illegal immigration. We arent talking about them. We are talking about those south of the border. And to claim it isnt about race is fallacious at best
My mom used to have a guy come over from Romania and he would spend his 6 months here working for a landscaping crew. A rite of passage for Israelis is to come here before mandatory enlistment and work for moving companys.
But when the national talk is about Illegal immigration. We arent talking about them. We are talking about those south of the border. And to claim it isnt about race is fallacious at best

No you are an idiot with an agenda so YOU are talking about south of the border when we talk about ILLEGALS because otherwise it does NOT fit your agenda.
That is the idiot style of debating, and you win, you are the top idiot.
I can't rule out your welfare queen premise due to lack of exposure. However, saying "illegal immigrant=welfare queen" is forcing a false equivalency. When a huge amount of your immigrants come from one geographical region it's not racist to oppose you immigration policy just because they have a common heritage.

I would say it's racist to allow a race as probable cause to pull someone over and check their ID though.

Thank you, kpmarine. My point is that forcing an equivalency due to "most are" is an argumentum ad populum, a classic form of broken logic.
Thank you, kpmarine. My point is that forcing an equivalency due to "most are" is an argumentum ad populum, a classic form of broken logic.

And trying to mask your Xenophobia of a certain ethnicity by saying that your oppostion to Immigration Reform applies to all Immigrants when it is clearly aimed at a certain race of people is dishonest and racist

Nice try though

You gonna close or delete this thread as well?
digging through archives is fun :eyesmoke:

And you didnt hate them for flying different flags? Immigrants almost always have some kind of flags from their home countries.
I live in an area that is overflowing with Latinos. Mexican flags are everywhere, I havent seen a truck in years that didnt have a Mexican flag waving or painted on their trucks.

exhibit A
Uncle Buck,

Seems you like, enjoy, perhaps revel in digging up quotes from other threads all to point out how someone is a racist

Is this juat a method of derailing a topic not going in your direction?

I'd appediacte your comments on my states rights thread.

Happy Ground Hog Day to you and Happy SB Sunday as well!
Uncle Buck,

Seems you like, enjoy, perhaps revel in digging up quotes from other threads all to point out how someone is a racist

Is this juat a method of derailing a topic not going in your direction?

I'd appediacte your comments on my states rights thread.

Happy Ground Hog Day to you and Happy SB Sunday as well!

i don't know if you noticed, but the topic of this thread has been althor's questionable comments for about 50 posts now.

i'll stop at your thread tonight, gotta do some work out back and then have gay sex with my friend as we watch the superbowl.
Mossad officers posing as students or members of NGOs is actually something the US government is very worried about. Story about this very situation i was all over the news a couple of years ago. At the end of the day, if a US citizen is working for, in any capacity, a foreign intelligence service they are committing treason, sometimes high treason.

didn't you gte the hint that you aren't welcome here after the ban, armchair patton?
Agreed, I often hear claims that the new influx of immigrants will take jobs that most legal americans won't. My thinking is that those jobs remain vacant for valid reasons such as crappy pay or shitty work conditions and would rather see these conditions imroved upon than filled by an influx of desperate new people.
As long as they can get illegals to do them, they will never change. The government conspires to take advantage of cheap labor by by by-passing minimum wage laws with "guest worker programs"