Amnesty Bill Pitched as Jobs and growth?? LOL dont make me laugh so hard.

Ok, I am done with this conversation. I will say once again, I respect a person willing to travel for their work. I have traveled and my father actually spent most of his life working for a company called CBI (Chicago Bridge and Iron) and he worked all over the world. It is a very hard life for the person away from home. But, you do it legally and that opens the doors. When you are underground you screw yourself and those around you.

Have fun twisting things however you like.

Well then you should be OK with the proposal to make those here legal
Because then they wouldnt be Illegal
Explain what? "Illegal" is not a race. Your effort to generate a false equivalency is transparent.

What is the worlds longest Unsecured Border?

Why are people when talking about border security always talking about our southern Border?

Yeah Illegal is a race just as much as the dog whistle of "Welfare Queen"
Well then you should be OK with the proposal to make those here legal
Because then they wouldnt be Illegal

I am going to answer since that is a legitimate question.
I can certainly admit to bias because I was one of the people directly affected by illegals and I can say I hold a grudge.
By giving amnesty to those here wouldn't give them a raise the next day at work. They would still return to their substandard pay and continue to hurt sectors of the economy.
I think they should crack down extremely hard on any company hiring illegals, fine the living hell out of them and do it consistently. When companies start losing huge money from fines and workers being taken, they will stop hiring them. Illegals found ways to get here to follow the work, they will find ways to move to the next place to find work instead.
You guys want minimum wages raised but then defend a segment of the population who destroys pay scales by working for vastly undervalue prices. Gotta make a stand on one side or the other. If evil companies are blamed for keeping wages down, shouldn't illegals get their own share of the blame as well?
Hey thanks illegals for coming in and DESTROYING my trade.

i guess it's two things.

your entitlement attitude (as if you own the trade) and the fact that i know you weren't conducting surveys to know who was legal and who was not.

assumptions, prejudice, possibly xenophobia, entitlement...they don't add up to anything pretty.
What is the worlds longest Unsecured Border?

Why are people when talking about border security always talking about our southern Border?

Yeah Illegal is a race just as much as the dog whistle of "Welfare Queen"

I never mentioned borders. I worked with some guys from Polland who were illegals as well, white as Colonel Sanders.
i guess it's two things.

your entitlement attitude (as if you own the trade) and the fact that i know you weren't conducting surveys to know who was legal and who was not.

assumptions, prejudice, possibly xenophobia, entitlement...they don't add up to anything pretty.

As a matter of fact, I did know who on the crew were illegal and who were not.
I am going to answer since that is a legitimate question.
I can certainly admit to bias because I was one of the people directly affected by illegals and I can say I hold a grudge.
By giving amnesty to those here wouldn't give them a raise the next day at work. They would still return to their substandard pay and continue to hurt sectors of the economy.
I think they should crack down extremely hard on any company hiring illegals, fine the living hell out of them and do it consistently. When companies start losing huge money from fines and workers being taken, they will stop hiring them. Illegals found ways to get here to follow the work, they will find ways to move to the next place to find work instead.
You guys want minimum wages raised but then defend a segment of the population who destroys pay scales by working for vastly undervalue prices. Gotta make a stand on one side or the other. If evil companies are blamed for keeping wages down, shouldn't illegals get their own share of the blame as well?

How do you know they wouldnt ask for a raise?
Somehow they dont know the value of money?

Immigrants were always a problem after my Folks got off the boat
You know, it is actually interesting that you two have basically made the statement that you associate illegals with "brown" skin people.
Quite telling indeed. So in your minds are the only illegals from south of the USA border?
I don't live on the West Coast which might be the way it is there. From my experiences, when there is booming work in an area, illegals follow the work from all areas, not just people from south of the border. When I worked in other cities, areas like Branson when it was booming, Katrina area after the destruction, Tunica when all the casinos were being built, people from all over the world would converge on the work, legally and illegally.

But to you two, illegal means brown... I will keep that in mind.
Yeah Illegal is a race just as much as the dog whistle of "Welfare Queen"

Riiiiight. It's a brown skin thing. The right wing has no problem with the 11 million undocumented Canadians within our borders...oh wait.

When the Canadians start illegally entering the country by the millions and staying here, I'm all for taking the same approach. Leave, apply, wait. Don't ever get in, tough shit. Takes decades, tough shit. Don't like that attitude? Fuck off and stay where you were born, YOUR COUNTRY. I don't expect France to take me in just because I want to live there. They and EVERY sovereign country have the right to tell me to fuck off or make me wait as long as they want before granting citizenship.
You know, it is actually interesting that you two have basically made the statement that you associate illegals with "brown" skin people.
Quite telling indeed. So in your minds are the only illegals from south of the USA border?
I don't live on the West Coast which might be the way it is there. From my experiences, when there is booming work in an area, illegals follow the work from all areas, not just people from south of the border. When I worked in other cities, areas like Branson when it was booming, Katrina area after the destruction, Tunica when all the casinos were being built, people from all over the world would converge on the work, legally and illegally.

But to you two, illegal means brown... I will keep that in mind.

google search images
2 words
illegal + immigrant
You know, it is actually interesting that you two have basically made the statement that you associate illegals with "brown" skin people.
Quite telling indeed. So in your minds are the only illegals from south of the USA border?
I don't live on the West Coast which might be the way it is there. From my experiences, when there is booming work in an area, illegals follow the work from all areas, not just people from south of the border. When I worked in other cities, areas like Branson when it was booming, Katrina area after the destruction, Tunica when all the casinos were being built, people from all over the world would converge on the work, legally and illegally.

But to you two, illegal means brown... I will keep that in mind.

i didn't make that up, it's statistical (your hyperbole aside).

care for me to post the stats, or should i throw you a shovel?

if 52% (the best estimate available) of our illegal immigration problem was made up of asians, then you would hear a lot of talk about ASIAN illegals (like they have in australia and britain)
if 52% of our illegals were arab you would hear about ARAB (illegals like they have in europe)
if 52% of our illegals were canadians, you would hear a lot of talk about Snowbacks. (not racist because they are white...)

we got 52% of our illegals from latin america so yeah, chicano illegals are the biggest problem you dolt.
My prediction is that this bill will pass to "fix" the problem just as one did in 1986.
20 or 30 years in the future we will be looking at another immigration bill to "fix" the problem again.
if 52% (the best estimate available) of our illegal immigration problem was made up of asians, then you would hear a lot of talk about ASIAN illegals (like they have in australia and britain)
if 52% of our illegals were arab you would hear about ARAB (illegals like they have in europe)
if 52% of our illegals were canadians, you would hear a lot of talk about Snowbacks. (not racist because they are white...)

we got 52% of our illegals from latin america so yeah, chicano illegals are the biggest problem you dolt.

the problem isn't willing laborers for jobs that need to be done, it's the exploitation of them.

not to mention the demonization of them by people like you.
the problem isn't willing laborers for jobs that need to be done,it's the exploitation of them.

True. There are willing laborers for jobs that need doing. In fact too many. This is where exploitation comes in.

not to mention the demonization of them by people like you.
Honestly, the demonization I have been seeing has been conjured by you against people with a different opinion than yours.
True. There are willing laborers for jobs that need doing. In fact too many. This is where exploitation comes in.

false on all accounts.

they couldn't make parolees harvest the crops in georgia after they passed their immigration bill. i believe that now they are busing in prisoners, because it's not like they can refuse.


and the exploitation arises from them being here illegally. legal citizens at least get our woefully insufficient minimum wage.

Honestly, the demonization I have been seeing has been conjured by you against people with a different opinion than yours.

the beauty of america is that you are allowed to have your opinion, no matter how simplistic or wrong it may be.
Not false.
There are far more people looking for work than jobs available.

2. Does not change the irony of you accusing others of demonizing when you seem to be the one doing it. This hurling of racism and insults takes away from constructive discussion.
Not false.
There are far more people looking for work than jobs available.

now if only they would do the jobs, instead of having to bus in prisoners.


2. Does not change the irony of you accusing others of demonizing when you seem to be the one doing it. This hurling of racism and insults takes away from constructive discussion.

there's a pretty easy formula for not being called racist, it involves not saying racist things. racism is not constructive discussion.