Any martial artists round here?

There's Alotta money fighting in the right circles mr face
Not legally.
I trained and was cornered by ifl champ (edited his name)and many others.
Until you reach a very high level you dpend most of your money trying to eat much like musicians.
the money is for promoters.
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And yes (edited)is very odd in real life but a great human and genuine bad mofo
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Either way if you dont know it yer fucked
Hahah had a few times up against coupla Gracie's boys there anyway wrestling around on the ground one of them knockd my lip into my teeth instant mouthful of blood remember it hurts to git copper oxide in your eyes so a brutha busted with some llama action upn fuckd shit up
I was going to tell everybody there's a big badass campground in southern California called slab city place is free and most the time you can come up on a free motorhome just from going there every winter I run a big martial artists retreat there for anyone interested there's Hot Springs free concerts once a week weeds like $3-$6 a gram of Got the housing for maybe an additional 20 people
My best friend is a black belt in Krav Maga. He's been pretty impressed with himself ever since earning it. A couple weeks ago he decided to start some shit with a guy picking through his trash for pop cans and got his ass kicked. Lost a couple teeth in the process.

All the training in the world doesn't matter if you're soft. Some people are just bad ass
My best friend is a black belt in Krav Maga. He's been pretty impressed with himself ever since earning it. A couple weeks ago he decided to start some shit with a guy picking through his trash for pop cans and got his ass kicked. Lost a couple teeth in the process.

All the training in the world doesn't matter if you're soft. Some people are just bad ass
Not only that but science and leverage work on everyone.
Anyone can be knoked out.
Some are more flexy than others but you learn to adjust
Having been myself homeless living in tha mountains for 13 years of my young life can verify that homeless folks are tougher on average than you housies
My best friend is a black belt in Krav Maga. He's been pretty impressed with himself ever since earning it. A couple weeks ago he decided to start some shit with a guy picking through his trash for pop cans and got his ass kicked. Lost a couple teeth in the process.

All the training in the world doesn't matter if you're soft. Some people are just bad ass
Not only that but science and leverage work on everyone.
Anyone can be knoked out.
Some are more flexy than others but you learn to adjust

I think athleticism plays a role too. You can't teach reflexes and agility. Look at the ufc lately. The best fighters are typically the best athletes as opposed to just knuckle draggers
I cant tell you how many muscle bound big tatted up goatee wearing tough guys I have seen quietly slink off never to return after a week of having his ass handed to him by a few babyfaced high school kids.
If you wanna feel tough avoid reputable gyms.
I think athleticism plays a role too. You can't teach reflexes and agility. Look at the ufc lately. The best fighters are typically the best athletes as opposed to just knuckle draggers
In large part that is because the money is attracting more atheletes that would have went for a mainstream sport.
At least partly.
but like anything in life some just have an edge.
Often they rely on it instead of hard work and pay.
but people like jones make the most of it