Any martial artists round here?

My best friend is a black belt in Krav Maga. He's been pretty impressed with himself ever since earning it. A couple weeks ago he decided to start some shit with a guy picking through his trash for pop cans and got his ass kicked. Lost a couple teeth in the process.

All the training in the world doesn't matter if you're soft. Some people are just bad ass belt syndrome.....I fought a lot growing up...that taught me more (practical experience) than the years after the fact training different arts
i think getting your ass kicked is one of the best lessons martial arts can teach you. ^^

It's not so much what system you learn, but how you use it.

That said... some systems focus on fundamentally developing the body and mind in more correct and universally applicable ways.

All the training doesn't matter if you freeze up or can't move quickly enough or can't breathe or can't conserve energy while in an intense situation... or even if you slightly misjudge and get caught with a lucky haymaker, and get "rocked" just enough that the attacker can exploit your brief disorientation enough to finish you. Split seconds happen fast.

Technique is technique, application is application. In the real world, fighting is messy and unpredictable, and there are no fairness rules or protections. You can get eye gouged, groin kicked, weapons... you can be disfigured or paralyzed or die. That's why i prefer to reserve violence for last resort purposes. It's only worth doing if you MUST do so, in order to protect yourself (and potentially your loved ones, or if you're feeling heroic, any obviously disadvantaged person in your vicinity).

Protecting just yourself is already hard enough. It takes a badass to extend that protection to others, without compromising himself in the process.
Hell even the ones you expect to fight oft won't
Ie. I'm workin a bustop the other day playin me Zelda shit bustin with my ocarina when some punk ass mexican turd comes mobbin up to wait for the bus in a full nazi issue officers uniform, so of corse a brutha hit his feet askd homie what up askd dude wuts with tha uniform dog you a fascist? Some kinda nazi low rider shit dude just stared all creepy wouldn't say shit so I stompd that fool out all he'd do is cover his head n scream phoney ass bitch made hater
I have some years of Wing Chun Kung Fu.

My main take away is:

The attacker commits first.
I can receive the attacker's strike off center, and not effective, with just a body twist, no problem. So, I don't shy from being hit at and step back in fear and lose balance.
I move into contact and stick to the attacker, much to his dismay. (we prefer the close range)
My strikes will be short and fast, maybe from a few inches,
- centered on a vital, soft area, like right below the sternum or side of the neck
- deep penetrating with elbow energy.
- and heavy with my mass rotating behind it.

The design is to end it, not to fight.
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Hell even the ones you expect to fight oft won't
Ie. I'm workin a bustop the other day playin me Zelda shit bustin with my ocarina when some punk ass mexican turd comes mobbin up to wait for the bus in a full nazi issue officers uniform, so of corse a brutha hit his feet askd homie what up askd dude wuts with tha uniform dog you a fascist? Some kinda nazi low rider shit dude just stared all creepy wouldn't say shit so I stompd that fool out all he'd do is cover his head n scream phoney ass bitch made hater

You beat up a guy for what he was wearing?
I have some training.
I studied the "Art of the Old Man".
Awareness and Deception are two great skills.
Doer and his Wing Chun has the right idea.

My training always has me moving forward.
When I am aware of aggressive Intent and I have no other options I will attack Hard and Fast.
(I said w no other options, fighting is the LAST choice)

Strike at Correct Targets with good weapons.
Hit Everthing, put the attacker Down and out or Down and Dead.

To be Kind to your Enemy is to be cruel to yourself.
I am no judge or jury and I pass no judgement on your beating a "nazi" idiot.
I hate Nazis, some people like that shit.
It does bother me sometimes but it does not make me violent.

If that hatred is directed at me then things change very quickly.
I am a Jew, nobody hates a Nazi more.

To give out a beating because someone is dressed in a way you don't like is just wrong.
Just my .02, you do what you do.
DZ the story of the guy going thru the garbage. It is no small thing to fight a stranger. You can never know. You have to make sure you understand viciousness. You have to become dog vicious without thinking about it. I've only had to kung fu for real, just one time, since I began training. And it was sure lucky I knew what to do.

The other times, when I was un-trained, it was just pure desperation and no plan, just reacting.
You beat up a guy for what he was wearing?
Not just but yes his clothes were just a way to pick a fight dudes a sex offender cats a fucking rapist vato forced himself on Von's lady not the point point of the story was that you'd expect someone with the balls/thick head to wear a Nazi uniform in public and just rollaround like that ta put their fists up to fight, not to cover their head
I am no judge or jury and I pass no judgement on your beating a "nazi" idiot.
I hate Nazis, some people like that shit.
It does bother me sometimes but it does not make me violent.

If that hatred is directed at me then things change very quickly.
I am a Jew, nobody hates a Nazi more.

To give out a beating because someone is dressed in a way you don't like is just wrong.
Just my .02, you do what you do.
Already had a lot of prior beef with Nazis and fascist organizations I will step up aggressively every time I ever encounter them ever ;) howzat
Hell got shot inna head in 06 inSan Fernando by some of those fucking punks cats tried to stop me out in my sleep when that didn't work shot me

once any organization or group has tried to engage me UNPROVOKED in my sleep or in any position of vulnerability then I'm logically going to respond with absolute aggression to every member of that organization I ever encounter ever no matter what their situation is at the time? ¡Ditto my logic if you feel it!
in that case, it wasn't just that you didn't like his attire, but that his attire represented affiliation with a group of enemies who had already tried to kill you. In that case, i can't blame you for reacting that way. It might not have been the best strategic decision, but according to human condition, it's understandable, IMO.
Studied Kenpo back in the day, did a few tournaments, just sparring.. no forms for me. :) I just work on the basics, part of the workout routine & practice some krav maga, gotta stay in shape... beats working out on a machine.. I've been wanting to spar with a buddy that studies the gracie bara system..

CCW trained, big fan of the magpul art of handgun and carbine vids. I dont get to shoot very often, so I dry fire.. And theres quite a bit of body mechanics when going to supine position.
Spare with a gracie? Good luck. I hope you like the ground. :)

Here is some N.Korean ground training. Check out the guy on the left. See what he does after he makes his throw. I've had plenty of conditioning, but nothing like that.

Spare with a gracie? Good luck. I hope you like the ground. :)

Here is some N.Korean ground training. Check out the guy on the left. See what he does after he makes his throw. I've had plenty of conditioning, but nothing like that.


Where i trained many years ago, we trained falls... but it never really occurred to me to use them offensively! Thanks for the lightbulb moment. :)
in that case, it wasn't just that you didn't like his attire, but that his attire represented affiliation with a group of enemies who had already tried to kill you. In that case, i can't blame you for reacting that way. It might not have been the best strategic decision, but according to human condition, it's understandable, IMO.
I like you! you think.
Studied Kenpo back in the day, did a few tournaments, just sparring.. no forms for me. :) I just work on the basics, part of the workout routine & practice some krav maga, gotta stay in shape... beats working out on a machine.. I've been wanting to spar with a buddy that studies the gracie bara system..

CCW trained, big fan of the magpul art of handgun and carbine vids. I dont get to shoot very often, so I dry fire.. And theres quite a bit of body mechanics when going to supine position.
Start your firearm training all of your firearm education from the start of firearm history move up through firearm history then you come to have universal grasp of firearm knowledge I play with everything from flintlocks including a sweet blunderbuss I customized out the ass all through my colt 1860s to my ak n m16 a1