Well-Known Member
nothing like a shotgun to the head.shoot me with clouds
StowandGrow, you are obviously intelligent, and you have thought this out, but what you lack, is the years of experience that some of us have. Until you've been there, you just don't know.
Quite simply, if someone wants to hurt someone, they will. If there is something I can do to help me, I want to give myself the advantage. As you implied correctly, the bad guy has the advantage to begin with. Your life might depend on what you do right then, and if you have the ability to do it. I'm a whole lot harder to shoot when I'm shooting back. I don't need misleading statistics to prove that.
Just off hand, I plan on going through your link in detail, I noticed a couple things wrong. First off, its layout, font, wording and so on, make it look like some FBI study. It isn't. Not far down the page, it has this neat little section detailing vaguely, how the shooter usually knew the person who was shot. This makes it sound, quite intentionally, that the shooter had inadvertently taken out the grandchild or cousin. Truth is, the person usually does know the other one, the Cryp knew the Blood that killed "homey G dawg", and wanted to get some for his homies. Result, 3 statistics, "children of gun violence" for your people to try to mislead people with.
Stow, one thing you have, is my respect. Thats rare for me with an anti gunner. Most of the tactics from that side have to be, many things in order to do what it does to people. You have maintained your composure, and your integrity. Maintained...most people dont have any to begin with.
Absent training, a gun is more of a liability than an asset. Go ahead and tell the antigunners that a pure blooded gun nut said that. It's true. So for you, not having one makes sense to you, and statistically, you'll probably be fine. Keeping it in a safe is silly, unless you're not home. You are responsible in that respect. I chose to train myself and my loved ones. I love guns for many reasons. I do know of many people (even police) who dont really like guns. The most logical thing for them do do, was to learn about that which they don't trust. Many police look at a gun as a tool, and never shoot one outside of their training. My firearms instructor was robbed and beaten very very badly, so he studied firearms, and became a martial artist. I was afraid that my kids would do what I did when my parents shunned the gun. I had taken one from a relatives drawer, and while playing with it, almost got shot. With my kid, I started teaching with cap guns, and airsoft at 3. We went shooting first at 6,
first gun at 7. Now 12, I don't have to worry about them getting curious, which leads to foolishness. I replaced that with knowledge. If you keep guns from them, you inadvertantly keep gun safety and handling from them. What happens when some other kid finds their parents gun, and your kid doesnt leave or tell like they are supposed to? I don't worry about that with mine. I also dont worry as much about my girl at night, she has an AR 15 within reach.
That said, I disagree with you, but I like you. It's nice to argue with someone who doesnt think that because I have a gun, that I'm either a pedophile, or a redneck, or psycho, or extremist, or, you get the idea.
Thank you.
You too.
Consider taking a gun safety/basics course with your family; as you might take a CPR course. I don't care much for swimming. Even though pools kill more kids than guns do, and unless I can see the bottom, I'm afraid of being on a body of water. Even in a plane. I did learn how to swim however, as you never know what a day will bring. I'm no Michael Phelps, but I can probably keep from drowning until help arrives.
I know you get it.
I thought that this video was for poking fun, but it turned out nice. Give it a watch. Peace.