anybody put a air pump in the freezer ?

I want my water about 60 to 65 steady . don't want I need ! my water cold . thinking about breaking down and buying one of the actual aqua chillers for 270 a real water chiller made for this shit . we will see after my experiment lol .
trying to keep 10 gallons of water cool about 63f i can get the room to about 75f .window ac . so if i throw a small air pump into a mini fridge and the air coming out into a hydro cloning . from a air stone . think this will work ? who has done this ?
probably be a lot more energy efficient to pack a freezer with ice in a reusable container and then just use the frozen water as a big ice cube in the res then refreez the ice cube after u feed
This is THEE best deal I've EVER seen on a 1/4hp chiller. If I didnt have one already I'd buy this no questions asked. It's only $10 more than the 1/10 hp when everyone else sells this model for $440-$500 all day. Swoop this up if you need a chiller for AT LEAST 20 gallons otherwise this is overkill. But these 1/4 hp can chill considerably more than 1/10hp St 20-85gallons compared to 10-40.
Do you work for eco plus lol. That is a good price but didn't look at specs. Are they rated for salt water so either coopernickle or stainless?
I'm still gonna try my free water cooler, just need to fix the leak ..... Cheap ass copper :). I've got some 134a just waiting to be used :).
i was trying to be lazy though possible the air pump would put the cold into the water . I do have a unit going the same with a heater core water transfer . this works well . for shits and giggles I am going to try the air thing first and more then likely wont work ill go the water way .
Let us know if it works, the air thing I mean, if it does I'll be the first to admit I was wrong in saying it won't do shit lol. But I like the lazy thing I just add cheap to myself lol.
This is THEE best deal I've EVER seen on a 1/4hp chiller. If I didnt have one already I'd buy this no questions asked. It's only $10 more than the 1/10 hp when everyone else sells this model for $440-$500 all day. Swoop this up if you need a chiller for AT LEAST 20 gallons otherwise this is overkill. But these 1/4 hp can chill considerably more than 1/10hp St 20-85gallons compared to 10-40.

This one.
I'm running 66 and girls love it.
yes I will let you know . currently I am in the process of expanding my automatic water feeder system . its on a timer feed the ladies 4 times a day they love it . got 2 trash cans full of water with nutrients ph. a small pump on the bottom stirring all the good stuff up I have over 100 gallons of nutrient water on tap I wont have to go into my garden for 3 weeks at a time lol . except to raise the lights I an currently thinking of a way to do this with sensors attached to the tallest plant to raise the light with a way to use my phone can view them with my cam with my phone to raise lighting incase sensors don't work . only thing ill have to do is bamboo pole them up lolly pop them and super crop them but after that I can be in another part of the world doing my own thing . its getting fun automating these cherry tomato plants .