Anyone ever blackout or faint while being high? Or any of these similar issues?

just smoke less ma jigga

See though, like someone said in one of the pages earlier, If I'm out with friends, I'll get JUST as high even with a small amount because my heart is racing so much for some reason. I think need an indica. I'm positive my buddy strictly has sativas in his setup.
Loosing control over your muscles, falling to the floor or passing out, and going into convulsions has FUCK ALL to do with panic attacks.

Not even close to related.

I have had the same thing happen to me many many many times except not once ever fully passing out. I'm aware I've fallen, lost control, and aware I'm in convulsions when it happens and it takes a minute to pass then I'm fine. I can make it happen any time I want if I take one too many knife hits of chronic. Ringing in the ears started to become constant, because I smoked constantly. Eventually I started to itch all the time when I smoked and would get a rash all over my body wherever I sweat the most.

Turns out I developed an allergy to weed, (I am allergic to other plants like hay fever, so not really that suprising in my case) and it bothers me any time I smoke now. I can no longer smoke all the time or I live with a rash constantly and crazy itching even if I smoke too little to go into convulsions.

You can become allergic to anything at any time. Just because you never had a problem before doesn't mean you won't have it in the future.

I have since quit and that's that. I can't even smoke just hash without the plant material.

It sucks dude, but such is life.

If you want to test yourself for allergies, scratch your arm so it leaves a good raw spot and rub weed in the near bleeding scratch. If you get a bad itching reaction, swelling, lots of redness, then there you go, you confirmed your allergy.

Scratch tests are how doctors test for allergies.

There's nothing you can do but find another hobby.

Bummer dude
p.s The strain that almost got me to black out very recently was super lemon haze. Strong ass sativa. 22% thc if I remember correctly. Right now I'm growing a lowlife ak47 and 2 different types of bagseed. Probably more sativa like considering the highs I got from them. Which doesn't help me much. I need a legit indica strain to test out for sure. Any recommendations on a sweet indica?
Seriously a bummer. It took about 5 years to go from occasional problems at very high doses to obvious allergy all the time in my case, just slowly getting worse. My last grow I couldn't even tend to unless I covered all my skin. Just brushing against leaves while tending to my plants would make me itch and break out on my arms but I could manicure stuff in my hands just fine, that's when I finally figured out the cause of it all.

I was growing in my bedroom also for years, totally unaware of any problem up until last year as it slowly got worse.

The more exposure you get, and the more time goes on the worse it gets if that is your problem.
Seriously a bummer. It took about 5 years to go from occasional problems at very high doses to obvious allergy all the time in my case, just slowly getting worse. My last grow I couldn't even tend to unless I covered all my skin. Just brushing against leaves while tending to my plants would make me itch and break out, that's when I finally figured out the cause of it all.

Man that sucks. Did you see someone to get treated or just figure out everything on your own?
Figured it out on my own, there is no marijuana allergy treatment center near me. :)
I wasn't sure it was the cause of all my issues though until I had to go clean for a DUI, and then after a week or two went by and as my system cleared out completely only then did all my skin problems and itching finally start to fully clear up.

I probably had a pound of tar in my lungs that took time to work it's way out. Just quitting for a day or two or getting it out of my room was never enough, it took weeks being clean to go away.
2 years ago I was hanging out with some friends just chilling, smoking like we usually did without any problems.. On this day it changed. I got SO high that I felt my heart racing, lost my vision slowly kind of like when you get up too fast. I also heard a loud high pitched hum, lost control and fell right to the floor. I regained consciousness after a few seconds and got up with the help of a few shocked friends. But I still felt like complete crap. A few seconds later, my vision fades again and I faint again. According to my friends, I was out longer and I had a seizure-like jitter for a few seconds before I woke up again. Before this day, I never had problems with being high at all.. My friends got me water and I was back on my feet in an hour...Just really confused. I never went to get it checked. It's not like I can go to a doctor and be like, "Hey, so I got really high and blacked out, what's up with that!?". Next day, I smoked up with them again and we talked about it and joked around about how they thought I was dead. Nbd. No problems with being high. A few months later at a party, another incident involving losing my vision and hearing a high pitched hum. Same feeling I would get before fainting, only this time, I managed to stay on my feet. Except this time, I puked before I felt like myself again. At a rooftop party with BABES. FUCK. Moving on...

Keep note. This NEVER happens when I don't smoke. Only when I get high with people. When I smoke alone, I seem to be fine considering I'm more chilled out about the fact that nobody has to see me get sick or freak out about me.

Now 2 years later, I can't manage to get the same high I had before the incident. Every time I smoke with friends, and smoke a considerable amount which is average to them and what USED to be my average, I start getting that feeling before I'm about to faint. I get speechless, pale, my heart thumps and I sweat. There's a light shooting pain in my chest but it doesn't bother me much. And sometimes, I forget I'm breathing and get dizzy. It's not enough to make me pass out but I found some sort of control over it. It's just, I can't have a comfortable high anymore and it's pissing me off.

Sorry for typing out too much but can anyone relate to this or help with some advice? No one I talk to around here knows and I can't find much on it through google.

I just want my normal high back
did you ever find out how you got your comfortable high back? cause what happened to you is happening to me can you help me out.
2 years ago I was hanging out with some friends just chilling, smoking like we usually did without any problems.. On this day it changed. I got SO high that I felt my heart racing, lost my vision slowly kind of like when you get up too fast. I also heard a loud high pitched hum, lost control and fell right to the floor. I regained consciousness after a few seconds and got up with the help of a few shocked friends. But I still felt like complete crap. A few seconds later, my vision fades again and I faint again. According to my friends, I was out longer and I had a seizure-like jitter for a few seconds before I woke up again. Before this day, I never had problems with being high at all.. My friends got me water and I was back on my feet in an hour...Just really confused. I never went to get it checked. It's not like I can go to a doctor and be like, "Hey, so I got really high and blacked out, what's up with that!?". Next day, I smoked up with them again and we talked about it and joked around about how they thought I was dead. Nbd. No problems with being high. A few months later at a party, another incident involving losing my vision and hearing a high pitched hum. Same feeling I would get before fainting, only this time, I managed to stay on my feet. Except this time, I puked before I felt like myself again. At a rooftop party with BABES. FUCK. Moving on...

Keep note. This NEVER happens when I don't smoke. Only when I get high with people. When I smoke alone, I seem to be fine considering I'm more chilled out about the fact that nobody has to see me get sick or freak out about me.

Now 2 years later, I can't manage to get the same high I had before the incident. Every time I smoke with friends, and smoke a considerable amount which is average to them and what USED to be my average, I start getting that feeling before I'm about to faint. I get speechless, pale, my heart thumps and I sweat. There's a light shooting pain in my chest but it doesn't bother me much. And sometimes, I forget I'm breathing and get dizzy. It's not enough to make me pass out but I found some sort of control over it. It's just, I can't have a comfortable high anymore and it's pissing me off.

Sorry for typing out too much but can anyone relate to this or help with some advice? No one I talk to around here knows and I can't find much on it through google.

I just want my normal high back
you might have a heart issue.when you get high,your heart doesnt work properly,and so blood doesnt get pumped to your brain they way it should,which causes vision problems and blackouts.this could be fatal.i few months ago a girl who was smoking on her own died from this,her heart stopped.this is the reason why i only smoke strains that dont make my heart race.
I blacked out after smoking Super Lemon Haze given to me at a yoga teachers party.
I woke up on a king size bed with naked young women raping me and doing things I can't
repeat. Im traumatized and need months or maybe years of therapy and medication.
Im crying its so dehumanizing. Anybody else ever have this problem?
I blacked out after smoking Super Lemon Haze given to me at a yoga teachers party.
I woke up on a king size bed with naked young women raping me and doing things I can't
repeat. Im traumatized and need months or maybe years of therapy and medication.
Im crying its so dehumanizing. Anybody else ever have this problem?
Wow...stoned pony, FDD , jointed, gastanker...

Rip SP, hope the rest of these guys are doing well.
I know, resurrects ancient thread and carps about the level of his high, he he he...... classic RIU :)

I took massive bonghits till I passed out...kinda had a seizure..but,didn't break the bong!:-)
Spilled it,twice?!? How,idk...

That was a miracle, you must now build a church! Church of the Immaculate Bong. Jesus demands it.
A friend of mine took a big hit on the golf tee. He took a step toward his golf bag, and then he turned and took two steps back to me and keeled over. I think I was suppose to catch him, but I thought he was just goofing.

He rolled down the side of the tee, and stood up. "Why didn't you catch me?" I said, "You have Honors, hit the ball, already!" :)

- you could be dosed with GHB, PCP, Opium, etc. if you get passed a hit.
- you could have your sativa receptors turned around, so it act like indica for you
- the weed could be so ruined it is mostly CBN mixed with dirt
- the THC is so strong, you just need a sip, not a lunger.

I learned long ago, good weed doesn't take much. Find the legendary, 2 hits is plenty and have 2 hits only.
I would think it would take ALOT of smoke to reach "dangerous" levels, but completely possible I suppose.

I love the "unless you vomit" part. I laughed pretty good. But sound advice/theory.

If it happens at home or continues, then go to the doctor. I think you are probably alright, but its always good to check every so many years. I'm a truck driver so I have to get checked every 5 years.

Turn your head and cough....

There is no way to kill yourself with pot because we know what happens. You puke and pass out.

End of problem. :)

Seriously I have eaten an entire gram of greasy Afghan hash, before.. I didn't puke or pass out. But I don't know what else happened that day. I remember we went to see a weird B&W, Foreign Film, that was wild and funny, creepy and mysterious, seemingly. But, I saw it again not-stoned, and it was completely stupid. to explain....? ridiculous as it sounds, maybe it's just the beginning stages of carbon monoxide poisoning
social environments demand ciggy smoking and the passing of bowls far exceeding a typical users intake...

you didn't enjoy those experiences, so perhaps you're unconsciously "self adjusting" your intake now...depriving you of the high you recall
even though you seem to smoke the same amount, you're now hitting like a sissy fairy.
Change your delivery system...make a chute and burn a gram....take it all in one go and hold for 15 seconds....

it's gonna hurt btw...but you'll see what i mean


unless you vomit....then make a smaller chute...


Yeah. That's why I just go around in an Astronaut's helmet. It is so smoky in there I don't even need sunglasses.
p.s The strain that almost got me to black out very recently was super lemon haze. Strong ass sativa. 22% thc if I remember correctly. Right now I'm growing a lowlife ak47 and 2 different types of bagseed. Probably more sativa like considering the highs I got from them. Which doesn't help me much. I need a legit indica strain to test out for sure. Any recommendations on a sweet indica?

- Cherry Pie
- any kind of Kush
- True OG
- *Ingrid,

*my favorite (Afghani x Swiss Big Bud)