Anyone have someone help them grow weed or trim ILLEGALLY, etc and then had a fallout?


Well-Known Member
My neighbor helped me trim basically when my health issues started and now I want to kick him to the curb. I will tell him we need to trim tonight and he doesn't want to or makes up an excuse. I want to kick him to the curb, but I still need him and I don't want him to get me in trouble. He says its not about the money, but it is. This broke bum pos use to sit home and do nothing all day and since the last 4 years he plays golf and eats out everyday bc of the trim and weed he gets for helping me out 5-6 hours a MONTH. This MF'er is so lazy he can't even mow his lawn that takes 15 mins and makes his older Dad do it... He says its not about the money one minute, then he says for all the work he does he needs more money. I would estimate that he would sell the weed/trim for 600-$1000 a month based on being able to golf and eat out everyday.... What do you do in this situation??
Once weed is legal to grow in NY (I'm guessing in 1.5 years) I'm sending this MFer back to the welfare line.... Is there a way in NY to get a medicinal growing license??
Hire someone else who wants to work tonight. Tell him tomorrow that the work is done, but he'll get another chance next harvest. If you got no one else to hire, then he's got you by the balls, but that's your problem not his.
Hire someone else who wants to work tonight. Tell him tomorrow that the work is done, but he'll get another chance next harvest. If you got no one else to hire, then he's got you by the balls, but that's your problem not his.

I have health issues and I could get someone so of the time, but will be able to for sure in 6 months when my friend moves back to my area.... Problem is he was good, but started golfing all the time and now works and wants to do it on his schedule when I'm on a schedule. I have about 10 hours of trimming a month and when I have him he cuts it in half. Also another hour out of the month he cuts down 2-3 tents and cleans the rez. This cat thinks he is over here working 20 hours a week when its 5 hours a MONTH... I don't think hes a snitch or would call the police, but you never know. He could tell friends or something and they could kick in my door (also very very unlikely).... But its like the mafia, once you're in you're in for good and can't quit if you're able...... He was grinding up the trim and selling that as like a powder and he said everyone loved it (the strain is great) now he says no one wants it. Yeah ok thats a lie, they didn't love it for 2 years now not want it.
Hire someone else who wants to work tonight. Tell him tomorrow that the work is done, but he'll get another chance next harvest. If you got no one else to hire, then he's got you by the balls, but that's your problem not his.

He thinks he has me by the balls and am stuck. He doesn't know that I have money and could move too.. But I don't want to really.
You don't have a niece or nephew? 6-7 hours of trimming indoor ( I'd pay a friend) an ounce.. outdoor 2 ounces.

Might be time for you to buy a trimming machine

No niece or nephew...Like I said @Corso312 he was helping me 5-6 hours a month and selling trim and lower fluff of the plan (stuff I can't sell) for $600-1000 a month which equates to 3-5 oz's.... Was thinking about a trimming machine, how do they work? Link?
You don't have a niece or nephew? 6-7 hours of trimming indoor ( I'd pay a friend) an ounce.. outdoor 2 ounces.

Might be time for you to buy a trimming machine

I could get other people to trim, but then my neighbor could get me into trouble then I will be on Dateline NBC haha
No niece or nephew...Like I said @Corso312 he was helping me 5-6 hours a month and selling trimming and lower fluff of the plan (stuff I can't sell) for $600-1000 a month which equates to 3-5 oz's.... Was thinking about a trimming machine, how do they work? Link?

The machines I've tried sucked..but they were all less than 300$ and this was 10 years ago ..I'm sure improvements have been made
No niece or nephew...Like I said @Corso312 he was helping me 5-6 hours a month and selling trim and lower fluff of the plan (stuff I can't sell) for $600-1000 a month which equates to 3-5 oz's.... Was thinking about a trimming machine, how do they work? Link?
How is it that he can sell it for $200 a zip, but you can't?

I wonder if maybe he's growing his own weed now, which is why your larf isn't so appealing to him and his customers anymore.
Why would he be pissed if you give the work he doesn't want to someone else?

His thing is he says he wants to do it, but keeps delaying it... Same with my very small yard. It would take him 20 mins to mow and I would give him $15 in cash... Grass would be long on day 8 and I would say you can mow if you want. Day 11 the same thing and he would say he would do it., but wouldn't.. I got someone else.
How is it that he can sell it for $200 a zip, but you can't?

I wonder if maybe he's growing his own weed now, which is why your larf isn't so appealing to him and his customers anymore.

It used to take balls to grow and sell.. now everybody doing it, penalties ain't shit or outright legal.. the market is flooded, what this guy could sell 2 years ago might not make the cut now.
This guys sounds awesome. If he were to write a book, I would totally read it. He sounds like he's a LOT smarter than you, I wouldn't fuck with him. Just take what he gives you and thank him. Beggars can't be choosers...

If you were to write a book? Me or the idiot slave helping me trim... If you're talking about me, yeah my book would be good.
It used to take balls to grow and sell.. now everybody doing it, penalties ain't shit or outright legal.. the market is flooded, what this guy could sell 2 years ago might not make the cut now.

Problem is I sell a bunch about 23 oz's a month and don't work bc of health. Also a few people bet sports with me and I don't claim income... I'm a health mess and my neck is fucked up and have tinnitus and now mild rosacea from covid...