Anyone have someone help them grow weed or trim ILLEGALLY, etc and then had a fallout?

If you were to write a book? Me or the idiot slave helping me trim... If you're talking about me, yeah my book would be good.
Dude... you sound like an actual asshole. Routing for your neighbor. Get a job you freeloader and stop harassing your poor neighbors grow lul
The OP isn’t a bright guy and could’ve trimmed a couple of lbs in the time he’s wasted here.

Throw him a bag. He should be happy. You should be happy. You sound kinda paranoid.

What does tinnitus and red cheeks have to do with growing or trimming weed?

Thanks for you're two cents... When I woke up 4 years ago and had neck, tmj and very loud tinnitus I was so bad I couldn't even shake a gallon of nutes. I slept for 50 hours in the next 50 days bc my jaw was so messed up until I got my tmj splint... If I didn't have him help me I would have to have shut down and been fuc*ed... For his 5-6 hours a month I think the $600-1000 he was making selling trim and popcorn buds is very good compensation that he will never find again... $125+ an hour is pretty good I think smh.
The guys probably been stealing your choice buds...Buy a trimming machine and tell him bye bye. Why would he rat you out for that? Give him a "deal" if he wants to buy from you.

And get yourself some good hearing aids for the tinnitus and maybe you'll be a little more sane!

I have reactive tinnitus.. It goes up with the tv, furnace, etc.
The OP isn’t a bright guy and could’ve trimmed a couple of lbs in the time he’s wasted here.

Throw him a bag. He should be happy. You should be happy. You sound kinda paranoid.

What does tinnitus and red cheeks have to do with growing or trimming weed?

I have neck issues too and its hard for me to look down to trim, wash res's etc... Are you my slave's lawyer? U sound like it.

The OP needs someone they can rely on to do certain grow related chores on a regular basis. Not everyday but certainly several times a month. Based on what I’ve read in this thread the OP is way undervaluing the contribution this guy is providing. I’m not saying the OP is taking advantage of the helper but you aren’t just paying this guy for his help/services you are also paying him for his discretion.

Now the OP is stuck with a helper/handyman who knows all his business but who has become a liability. Given that the legal environment where the OP lives will change in 18 months so that at least the legal threat this helper has on the OP will go away it might be easier to stay in place an keep the helper happy. Otherwise I’d move and in the future make sure any helpers you use aren’t able to get you into such a compromised ever again.

Undervaluing how?? He helps me 6 hours a month and is selling trim and popcorn buds for $600-1000k a month.... Should I just give him 51% of my growing for his 6 hours a month??
Is that you "TURTLEMAN "?
