AOC - Tax the Rich

Biden just got us out of the last republican war.....Biden 2024...
Biden killed a bunch of kids after he ate the boogers off his face. His son is a perverted crack head and his daughter Ashley Biden said that her dad took showers with her at a inappropriate age. Look it up.
Biden just got us out of the last republican war.....Biden 2024...
Yeah Biden! Who is Biden talking about when he says he'll get "In trouble" with people if he goes "Off Script"? He brags about being "Instructed" to whom he calls on for the press. Who the fuck is the POTUS in trouble with?
Enjoy your endless wars, you war mongering leftist filth.
You can't be so patriotic and not support endless wars. That is the one issue both parties always agree on. They may move the conflicts around to keep them out of mind, but they are always amped to drone some third world countries and flex on other super powers. If we aren't out there attempting coups on other governments, we get antsy and start attempting to overthrow our own.
Yeah Biden! Who is Biden talking about when he says he'll get "In trouble" with people if he goes "Off Script"? He brags about being "Instructed" to whom he calls on for the press. Who the fuck is the POTUS in trouble with?
Anyone he wants.......because He's the President of the United States.
Doublewide! You lucky SOB.....
I own a home in AZ and CA. Going to sell the CA place soon and live in AZ forever. I'll bet you live in an apartment. I'd rather live in a stuffy trailer than a small apartment where you hear your neighbors fight and fuck. Only apartment dwelling DWEEBS talk about trailer park shit. Is it that much of a feat to own a home that you think people live in trailers? lol Fuckin fatherless sub ape.
I own a home in AZ and CA. Going to sell the CA place soon and live in AZ forever. I'll bet you live in an apartment. I'd rather live in a stuffy trailer than a small apartment where you hear your neighbors fight and fuck. Only apartment dwelling DWEEBS talk about trailer park shit. Is it that much of a feat to own a home that you think people live in trailers? lol Fuckin fatherless sub ape.
how's that Az recall going? Cali won't miss you
how's that Az recall going? Cali won't miss you
I'm not concerned with that. I just enjoy living life with my 1911(G19-G-21-M&P on my hip. Waiting for some clown like you to cause a confrontation. I wear my MAGA hat and IDF T shirt in hopes of triggering some filth like yourself.
Oh, the CCP bot who's top general LITERALLY warned China if the US struck that there are "Russians". We're going to make you cunts wear lingerie as you do the rope dance. Buleeh dhat.
Gen Milley literally neutered trump while he was still in office...cucked him behind his back lol