@BurtMaklin Posting this in here, because I hope you look through this thread, especially at the video in the first post. It really is that important to understand what is happening.
Oh FFS, drop the "Russia" garbage. They're influence is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate lobbying and the corporate influence in media. Russia has the GDP of Texas, and you're worried that they're your #1 threat? You aren't living in reality.
You are ignorant of the danger that they (and other foreign nations) pose to our democracy, or just trying to cover for it.
It is not about the actual money that they spend (was $1.25 million per month for just Russia in 2014, and Epoch times is currently spamming people with mailers, youtube videos, and emails pushing propaganda for Trump, and that is before Saudi Arabia, Israeli, and UAE are figured in), it is about the entire network of fake websites that look like news (like OANN), the fact that they are using all of our voting data down to the district to collect everything people type online/websites they visit/stories they read (using cookies) to dump into their personality profiles files on everyone.
Which is used to tease out exactly what propaganda to hit you with and where it will be most effective to achieve their goals.
They also don't have to follow our laws and are currently at war with us according to every government agency with an ongoing and pervasive online attack. And nothing is being done about it, because it benefits Trump.
They are even attacking our children for fucks sake. Every website with a comment section, every video game with a chat feature, snapchat, all that shit is being used to collect information and spread their lies. You are only keeping you and your family in danger by pretending it is not a problem.
Russian Military indictment showing their $1.25 million a month budget to attack our elections:
Russian Disinformation Report showing that they were attacking our kids on their video games: