AP: Russian military behind spread of Coronavirus disinformation.

Wait you talking about Covid? LOL you watch to much CNN my friend. What about the 39million who got covid and lived? Maybe if you reserched on your own instead of being a Sheep and see that covid as the SINGLE sorce of death is less than 20k. Flu last year took more people. Stop playing political games with a virus lol
I would bet a large sum of money the Don is smarter than you. Lol
You are wrong. And are listening to lies that are being pushed by Trump's militarized trolls (assuming you are not another in the endless line of them that attack this site).
I just thought this might be better on another thread I just posted, I was responding to admin. Yes @schuylaar there is a lot of reluctance, and IMHO I think there will be a lot of 'poorly vaccinated' regions locally and internationally. In light of our provincial health minister talking of restricted activities for non-vaccinated citizens, before vaccine is available or approved, sets a bit of a tone to covid weary populations. To put things lightly...
Yeah because they have been under attack by a foreign military for years now for Trump's benefit.
And let's be clear, this is only about my choice, I would preach, like you, to any one other than this bullshit lol.
I always include at your discretion though.
If it wasn't for foreign militaries attacking our citizens with pinpoint accuracy, singling out our mentally ill with bullshit about this virus and anything else they can use, I wouldn't even be here posting.

Unfortunately the reality is that our vulnerable are under constant attack and it is dangerous to allow the bullshit to fly.
If it wasn't for foreign militaries attacking our citizens with pinpoint accuracy, singling out our mentally ill with bullshit about this virus and anything else they can use, I wouldn't even be here posting.

Unfortunately the reality is that our vulnerable are under constant attack and it is dangerous to allow the bullshit to fly.
You got THAT right lmao.
You might want to read about Belarus and covid. Not to mention even the WHO is making noises about flawed tests now.

Of course if tests give false positives (many do) the "casedemic" , mask orders, lockdowns etc. should be suspect, even for the most obedient fear embracing people.

You might even be able to come out from under your bed and breathe, maybe grab a meal with Gavin Newsome or something.

If this were about pride, more people would be questioning why vaccine makers have legal immunity.
Why's that?
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WASHINGTON (AP) — Trump administration political appointees tried to block or change more than a dozen government reports that detailed scientific findings about the spread of the coronavirus, a House panel investigating the alleged interference said Monday.

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., said his coronavirus subcommittee investigators have found evidence of a “political pressure campaign” to “bully” professionals at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in what may have been an attempt to “cripple the nation’s coronavirus response in a misguided effort to achieve herd immunity.”

Herd immunity is shorthand for a theory — rejected by most public health experts — that society can be best protected by allowing younger people to get infected and develop natural immunity until vaccines are widely available.

Accusing Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield of stonewalling his investigation, Clyburn issued subpoenas to compel them to turn over reams of documents and emails by Dec. 30.

In a statement, HHS responded that there was no political interference, adding: “While the administration is focused on vaccination shots, the subcommittee is focused on cheap shots to create headlines and mislead the American people.”

The committee’s topline findings were detailed in a 20-page letter to Azar and Redfield that centered on the actions of two political appointees earlier this year at HHS. New York political operative and Trump loyalist Michael Caputo was installed as the department’s top spokesman during a period of high tension between White House officials and Azar. Caputo brought health researcher Paul Alexander with him as an adviser. Both men have since left the agency.

But for months, the letter alleges, they waged a campaign to block or change articles on the COVID-19 pandemic in a CDC publication called the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, or MMWR, which is closely followed by the public health community.

With Alexander firing off internal emails, investigators said the campaign:

— Sought to block or change more than a dozen MMWR articles, sometimes succeeding in getting changes to draft language and at other times delaying publication as internal arguments raged.

— Intensely challenged articles that detailed scientific findings on the spread of COVID-19 among children. This came during a time when President Donald Trump was adamantly urging a return to in-person schooling in the fall. Those included reports about outbreaks in summer camps, data on hospitalization rates among children, and findings about a dangerous condition called “multi-inflammatory syndrome,” which afflicts some children who get sick from the coronavirus.

__ Attacked a draft MMWR article showing a jump in prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that Trump embraced early on as a “game changer” only to ultimately learn it could do more harm than good. HHS even went so far as to draft an op-ed rebutting the CDC article, although it was never published. The op-ed accused the MMWR authors of trying to grab headlines, calling them a “disgrace to public service.”

While some HHS career officials apparently tried to defuse Alexander’s criticism by making changes in wording or headlines of MMWR articles, at least one confronted the pressure tactics.

Bill Hall, a senior career spokesman, wrote to Caputo and Alexander to explain that the CDC’s publication was akin to a peer-reviewed scientific journal and that HHS historically had respected its independence. The HHS public affairs office that Caputo once headed “is not a science or medical program office,” wrote Hall. “As a matter of longstanding policy, we do not engage in clearing scientific articles, as that arena needs to remain an independent process.”

The HHS statement said Alexander’s emails “absolutely did not shape department policy or strategy.”

Clyburn explained he took the step of issuing subpoenas in part because his investigation has turned up evidence suggesting attempts to destroy records. A congressional demand for materials raises the legal stakes for anyone attempting to destroy or conceal materials.

Dr. Charlotte Kent, CDC’s chief of scientific publications, previously told committee investigators she was ordered to delete an email from Alexander attacking an MMWR article on coronavirus transmission among children. Kent said she believed the order had come from Redfield. It was transmitted to her through another official.

Redfield responded at the time that he had told CDC staffers to ignore Alexander’s email, and that he is fully committed to maintaining the independence of the MMWR health reports.

HHS said Monday that Kent’s email “was never deleted – it was archived.”
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Weird you keep showing me a flat dotted line for this season
Masks, school closings, social distancing are things that would logically keep the spreading of the influenza virus lower, and if you were not just being a troll you would see it is not far off from where it would be and is just now not exploding like it does in a normal year.

But I know you are just trying to confuse people so that they don't know what is going on and get burned out trying to understand something that is very scary.

It is pretty fucked up what trolls like yourself are doing. It must suck after a long day of hard work to know you are helping the spreading of diseases among your fellow human beings.

But even still as shitty as I find what you are doing here, I hope that you know better and are taking care of the people in your life to understand the attack you are conducting on behalf of Dear Leader (whichever dictator that ends up being).
Masks, school closings, social distancing are things that would logically keep the spreading of the influenza virus lower, and if you were not just being a troll you would see it is not far off from where it would be and is just now not exploding like it does in a normal year.

But I know you are just trying to confuse people so that they don't know what is going on and get burned out trying to understand something that is very scary.

It is pretty fucked up what trolls like yourself are doing. It must suck after a long day of hard work to know you are helping the spreading of diseases among your fellow human beings.

But even still as shitty as I find what you are doing here, I hope that you know better and are taking care of the people in your life to understand the attack you are conducting on behalf of Dear Leader (whichever dictator that ends up being).
Merry Christmas hanimmal bongsmilie :leaf:
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BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Luke Letlow, Louisiana’s incoming Republican member of the U.S. House, died Tuesday night from complications related to COVID-19 only days before being sworn into office. He was 41.

Letlow spokesman Andrew Bautsch confirmed the congressman-elect’s death at Ochsner-LSU Health Shreveport.

“The family appreciates the numerous prayers and support over the past days but asks for privacy during this difficult and unexpected time,” Bautsch said in a statement. “A statement from the family along with funeral arrangements will be announced at a later time.”

Louisiana’s eight-member congressional delegation called Letlow’s death devastating.

“Luke had such a positive spirit, and a tremendously bright future ahead of him. He was looking forward to serving the people of Louisiana in Congress, and we were excited to welcome him to our delegation where he was ready to make an even greater impact on our state and our nation,” they said in a statement.

The state’s newest congressman, set to take office in January, was admitted to a Monroe hospital on Dec. 19 after testing positive for the coronavirus disease. He was later transferred to the Shreveport facility and placed in intensive care.

Letlow, from the small town of Start in Richland Parish, was elected in a December runoff election for the 5th District U.S. House seat representing central and northeastern regions of the state, including the cities of Monroe and Alexandria.

He was to fill the seat being vacated by his boss, Republican Ralph Abraham. Letlow had been Abraham’s chief of staff and ran with Abraham’s backing for the job.

Gov. John Bel Edwards urged people to pray for Letlow’s family.

“COVID-19 has taken Congressman-elect Letlow from us far too soon,” the Democratic governor said in a statement. “I am heartbroken that he will not be able to serve our people as a U.S. representative, but I am even more devastated for his loving family.”

Before working for Abraham, Letlow had worked for former Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration. Jindal’s one-time chief of staff, Timmy Teepell, described Letlow on Twitter as “a good man with a kind heart and a passion to serve. He loved Louisiana and his family. He was a brother and I’m heart broken he’s gone.”

Letlow is survived by his wife, Julia Barnhill Letlow, and two children.

U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, a Republican and doctor who tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this year and has since recovered, posted in a Twitter video: “It just, just, just, just brings home COVID can kill. For most folks it doesn’t, but it truly can. So, as you remember Luke, his widow, his children in your prayers, remember as well to be careful with COVID.”

Where do you get your credentials? This is a weed forum and if you think anything anyone says means anything....well that is just sad for you.
Local state universities. Actuarial/math/economic degrees and dropped out of a Phd in statistics to farm. But with this mostly listening to my wife that spent the better part of a decade to get a doctor in a medical field.

I am not worried about you giving a shit what I have to say. I am not even convinced you are not a paid troll. But it doesn't mean that I won't put out the best way I would consider the information posted. This shit is complex and scary, and we know that at least one foreign military is using it to attack our citizens with the very type of bullshit that is being spun.
Local state universities. Actuarial/math/economic degrees and dropped out of a Phd in statistics to farm. But with this mostly listening to my wife that spent the better part of a decade to get a doctor in a medical field.

I am not worried about you giving a shit what I have to say. I am not even convinced you are not a paid troll. But it doesn't mean that I won't put out the best way I would consider the information posted. This shit is complex and scary, and we know that at least one foreign military is using it to attack our citizens with the very type of bullshit that is being spun.
Blah blah blah.
Local state universities. Actuarial/math/economic degrees and dropped out of a Phd in statistics to farm. But with this mostly listening to my wife that spent the better part of a decade to get a doctor in a medical field.

I am not worried about you giving a shit what I have to say. I am not even convinced you are not a paid troll. But it doesn't mean that I won't put out the best way I would consider the information posted. This shit is complex and scary, and we know that at least one foreign military is using it to attack our citizens with the very type of bullshit that is being spun.
I've been to Jupiter and reinvented the wheel....prove me wrong.