What's up with you people. I am too good for school it sucks saying it because people will always look at you wrong. Nothing my cities high schools have to offer appeal to my liking or promote any positive growth in my brain/mind. I study at home what i want to and when i want to. Im not even old enough to drink and my parents, siblings and friends come to me for advice, because im awesome. I study psychology, music, spirituality, religion, occult, mental warfare, and things of that nature. So fock school and their "lifeskills" to be a better employee and submit to authority. My skill sets allow me to be creative, manipulate situations and people, STOP others from doing it to me, read a person, obtain information through secretive methods, control the emotions and energies of a place or event whether they be mine or an others, forge fantastic ideas of which i can incorporate into any situation, and ultimately be free and happy! Yay!. Can your public schools do that? Not the ones around me. School is not for everyone especially when your on a journey to become rich without any physical, repetitive, mind numbing labor. Theres a some rapper guy inside of me and he's gonna make me rich so screw everyone

t's up with you people
? I am too good for school
. It sucks saying it because people will always look at you wrong. Nothing my cit
y's high schools have to offer appeal to my liking or promote any positive growth in my brain/mind. I study at home what
I want to and when i want to.
I'm not even old enough to drink and my parents, siblings and friends come to me for advic
e because
I'm awesome. I study psychology, music, spirituality, religion, occult, mental warfare, and things of that nature. So f
uck school and their "lif
e skills" to be a better employee and submit to authority. My skill sets allow me to be creative, manipulate situations and people, STOP others from doing it to me, read a person, obtain information through secretive methods, control the emotions and energies of a place or event whether they be mine or anothe
r's, forge fantastic idea
s which
I can incorporate into any situation, and ultimately be free and happy! Yay!
. Can your public schools do that? Not the ones around me. School is not for everyone
, especially when yo
u're on a journey to become rich without any physical, repetitive, mind numbing labor. Ther
e's a some rapper guy inside of me and he's gonna make me rich
, so screw everyone

i count 17 errors. i give you a D+.
you're still living with mommy and daddy i take it, correct?