Are the 2 most popular nutrient lines in europe our enemys ? Biobizz and Canna


Well-Known Member
Im currently using the full line of biobizz , i invested a lot to give the best care i can give in terms of nutrition to my plants so i bought the full line .

So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my first grow
and i totally messed up my plants with a severe nitrogen toxicity .

I was mad , i mean i take care of dozens of details to make everything go good , temps, humidity, air flow , correct lights etc etc... and i spend
way more then 100 euros in this line that presents theire official schedule in a way that is gonna fuck up with ure plants , why? why would
they do this? so we can spend theire nuts faster so we buy more ? i dont understand. ( the N toxicity was present on the 4 different strains i had )

With this grow i made sure to research the internet and to contact biobizz support about this issues .

They reply to my e-mail and tell me that the first 2 weeks in theire schedule are actually week 3 and 4 , LOL ????? . They say the first 2 weeks are seedling phase and that i should only fertilize in this case in week 4 and that i should start with 50% dosage , LOL again WTF. Noone of this information is presented in anyway in theire schedule as u can see in the following link : .

So this time , i wanted to make everything correct and i started planning giving nuts only on day 25 and give only 33% (not even the 50% they advised me on email ) the recommended dose for the first 2 waterings .

Everything was fine , not N toxicity and after 1 week with this plan , at half of week 5 i decide to up the nuts to 50% the recommended dose . After a few hours all my plants are with the claw , its so annoying u give everything right to ure plants and even without taking risks with nuts u get problems ? why do they do this to us , why... :(

I got so pissed i wanted to throw more then 100 euros of nuts and soils ( same brand ) to the garbage .

So being pissed i started researching the best alternative to biobizz , in europe is Canna nutrients . Researching theire site and theire official schedule i already start seeing information with duality ...

Theire schedule like biobizz is based on using theire own soils . So theire schedule say to start fertilizing on day 1 and they even mention seedling phase in this case . But then u read the soil information and it says if used u dont need fertilizing in first week . Dual information again because the schedule is based on theire soil already.

I contact by e-mail asking what should i do with fertilizers and they tell me this " Use the Terra base nutrients with Terra professional plus. down load the grow guide for canna terra here: " i reply with "
Yes i understand that , but theres a dual information , on the terra schedule it says to give terra vega on first 5 days , but in the soil description it says it doesnt need
fertilizer the 1 week . So should i follow guide from 2 week or 1 week in this case "

and i got this reply : " Actually, the TPP(its the soil) on itś own should contain enough nutrient for seedlings. "

I mean again i feel i cant trust this line and they are using the same tactics biobizz is using , i dont feel they re support like biobizz have a clue , look at the first reply
i got from my email , could they be more careless ???????.

I just dont trust theire schedules anymore and i dont have a clue what are the right quantities for my plants .

I want to make thing rights but how many grows do i need to fuck to understand if im giving too less or to much nuts

Can anyone give me some light please on what should i do with this nutrients because i cant get good advice from the own brands
, and also can i solve the n toxicity , the claw in anyway ?

thank you for ure time
We've probably all been where you are as far as screwing up a few grows. I've used biobizz for years, mainly in veg. No, i dont use the full recommended strength, but i feed just about every watering in veg at about 600ppm/700. Do you have a ppm meter that shows the strength of your feed? If not, it will help. But it also depends on what strain you're running and how much nutes it needs. You were fine until you went to 50% recommended strength. Now you know, water with plain water your next couple of times, it might straighten your claw out.

If you're in soil, soil that already has nutes, that's your problem. Whether its the biobizz reg or lite line. Dont listen to what the biobizz rep says, look at your plants and let them tell you what they need. They may just be light feeders.
If you have a small plant you would never feed full strength. Sounds like youre just making an error with feeding small plants lots of nutes.
If you have a small plant you would never feed full strength. Sounds like youre just making an error with feeding small plants lots of nutes.
i made an error ? u can see in link they even tell start fertilizing when ure plant as 4 true leafs , i started fertilizing at 5th node with 33% and then 50%
i made an error ? u can see in link they even tell start fertilizing when ure plant as 4 true leafs , i started fertilizing at 5th node with 33% and then 50%
Bro, everyone knows to cut the dosage in half on pretty much every brand of nutes. They want you dumping their shit on so you buy more. Your plants will tell you what they want. I’ll be honest, I don’t feed at all till they split the stem, and pretty much don’t ever get near manufacturers suggestions for dosing.
Bro, everyone knows to cut the dosage in half on pretty much every brand of nutes. They want you dumping their shit on so you buy more. Your plants will tell you what they want. I’ll be honest, I don’t feed at all till they split the stem, and pretty much don’t ever get near manufacturers suggestions for dosing.
Yes i understood that later but for a noob , they are fucking us somehow . But i mean , in my case 50% dosage at week 5 day 31 still gave me N toxicity , this is ridicolous
Yes i understood that later but for a noob , they are fucking us somehow . But i mean , in my case 50% dosage at week 5 day 25 still gave me N toxicity , this is ridicolous
I can understand odd numbers if the nutes are all rounders for everything, but it is offpissing with nutes made for weed. The good part is cutting back saves a lot of money I’m the long run. Happy growing.
I can understand odd numbers if the nutes are all rounders for everything, but it is offpissing with nutes made for weed. The good part is cutting back saves a lot of money I’m the long run. Happy growing.
yes ure right , but ill be left in a constant doubt of am im under fertilizing , thank you
Im currently using the full line of biobizz , i invested a lot to give the best care i can give in terms of nutrition to my plants so i bought the full line .

So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my first grow
and i totally messed up my plants with a severe nitrogen toxicity .

I was mad , i mean i take care of dozens of details to make everything go good , temps, humidity, air flow , correct lights etc etc... and i spend
way more then 100 euros in this line that presents theire official schedule in a way that is gonna fuck up with ure plants , why? why would
they do this? so we can spend theire nuts faster so we buy more ? i dont understand. ( the N toxicity was present on the 4 different strains i had )

With this grow i made sure to research the internet and to contact biobizz support about this issues .

They reply to my e-mail and tell me that the first 2 weeks in theire schedule are actually week 3 and 4 , LOL ????? . They say the first 2 weeks are seedling phase and that i should only fertilize in this case in week 4 and that i should start with 50% dosage , LOL again WTF. Noone of this information is presented in anyway in theire schedule as u can see in the following link : .

So this time , i wanted to make everything correct and i started planning giving nuts only on day 25 and give only 33% (not even the 50% they advised me on email ) the recommended dose for the first 2 waterings .

Everything was fine , not N toxicity and after 1 week with this plan , at half of week 5 i decide to up the nuts to 50% the recommended dose . After a few hours all my plants are with the claw , its so annoying u give everything right to ure plants and even without taking risks with nuts u get problems ? why do they do this to us , why... :(

I got so pissed i wanted to throw more then 100 euros of nuts and soils ( same brand ) to the garbage .

So being pissed i started researching the best alternative to biobizz , in europe is Canna nutrients . Researching theire site and theire official schedule i already start seeing information with duality ...

Theire schedule like biobizz is based on using theire own soils . So theire schedule say to start fertilizing on day 1 and they even mention seedling phase in this case . But then u read the soil information and it says if used u dont need fertilizing in first week . Dual information again because the schedule is based on theire soil already.

I contact by e-mail asking what should i do with fertilizers and they tell me this " Use the Terra base nutrients with Terra professional plus. down load the grow guide for canna terra here: " i reply with "
Yes i understand that , but theres a dual information , on the terra schedule it says to give terra vega on first 5 days , but in the soil description it says it doesnt need
fertilizer the 1 week . So should i follow guide from 2 week or 1 week in this case "

and i got this reply : " Actually, the TPP(its the soil) on itś own should contain enough nutrient for seedlings. "

I mean again i feel i cant trust this line and they are using the same tactics biobizz is using , i dont feel they re support like biobizz have a clue , look at the first reply
i got from my email , could they be more careless ???????.

I just dont trust theire schedules anymore and i dont have a clue what are the right quantities for my plants .

I want to make thing rights but how many grows do i need to fuck to understand if im giving too less or to much nuts

Can anyone give me some light please on what should i do with this nutrients because i cant get good advice from the own brands
, and also can i solve the n toxicity , the claw in anyway ?

thank you for ure time
What is the ec/ppm you are feeding?
tds/ppm/ec over any feeding schedule <3

seedling w1 100-150ppm
seedling w2 150-250ppm
veg w1 350-400ppm
w2 500-600
keep going till I max at 1000ppm unless plants ask for more
flower continue and adjust as needed
find your leafs going pale whole plant hit her with a lil more next time.
less is more

the meter will be your friend
Never seen a soil schedule that works, you have to apply some experience or skill to them.

In soil I just use the plants schedule, they tell you what you need to know.
Im currently using the full line of biobizz , i invested a lot to give the best care i can give in terms of nutrition to my plants so i bought the full line .

So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my first grow
and i totally messed up my plants with a severe nitrogen toxicity .

I was mad , i mean i take care of dozens of details to make everything go good , temps, humidity, air flow , correct lights etc etc... and i spend
way more then 100 euros in this line that presents theire official schedule in a way that is gonna fuck up with ure plants , why? why would
they do this? so we can spend theire nuts faster so we buy more ? i dont understand. ( the N toxicity was present on the 4 different strains i had )

With this grow i made sure to research the internet and to contact biobizz support about this issues .

They reply to my e-mail and tell me that the first 2 weeks in theire schedule are actually week 3 and 4 , LOL ????? . They say the first 2 weeks are seedling phase and that i should only fertilize in this case in week 4 and that i should start with 50% dosage , LOL again WTF. Noone of this information is presented in anyway in theire schedule as u can see in the following link : .

So this time , i wanted to make everything correct and i started planning giving nuts only on day 25 and give only 33% (not even the 50% they advised me on email ) the recommended dose for the first 2 waterings .

Everything was fine , not N toxicity and after 1 week with this plan , at half of week 5 i decide to up the nuts to 50% the recommended dose . After a few hours all my plants are with the claw , its so annoying u give everything right to ure plants and even without taking risks with nuts u get problems ? why do they do this to us , why... :(

I got so pissed i wanted to throw more then 100 euros of nuts and soils ( same brand ) to the garbage .

So being pissed i started researching the best alternative to biobizz , in europe is Canna nutrients . Researching theire site and theire official schedule i already start seeing information with duality ...

Theire schedule like biobizz is based on using theire own soils . So theire schedule say to start fertilizing on day 1 and they even mention seedling phase in this case . But then u read the soil information and it says if used u dont need fertilizing in first week . Dual information again because the schedule is based on theire soil already.

I contact by e-mail asking what should i do with fertilizers and they tell me this " Use the Terra base nutrients with Terra professional plus. down load the grow guide for canna terra here: " i reply with "
Yes i understand that , but theres a dual information , on the terra schedule it says to give terra vega on first 5 days , but in the soil description it says it doesnt need
fertilizer the 1 week . So should i follow guide from 2 week or 1 week in this case "

and i got this reply : " Actually, the TPP(its the soil) on itś own should contain enough nutrient for seedlings. "

I mean again i feel i cant trust this line and they are using the same tactics biobizz is using , i dont feel they re support like biobizz have a clue , look at the first reply
i got from my email , could they be more careless ???????.

I just dont trust theire schedules anymore and i dont have a clue what are the right quantities for my plants .

I want to make thing rights but how many grows do i need to fuck to understand if im giving too less or to much nuts

Can anyone give me some light please on what should i do with this nutrients because i cant get good advice from the own brands
, and also can i solve the n toxicity , the claw in anyway ?

thank you for ure time

Man most cannabis focused nutrients are a total scam and they dont seem to even know what they're talking about.

Spending over 100 euro on 99% water is crazy man, look into 19-4-23, Jacks, or any of the other powder nutrients that are 1/50th the price.
tds/ppm/ec over any feeding schedule <3

seedling w1 100-150ppm
seedling w2 150-250ppm
veg w1 350-400ppm
w2 500-600
keep going till I max at 1000ppm unless plants ask for more
flower continue and adjust as needed
find your leafs going pale whole plant hit her with a lil more next time.
less is more

the meter will be your friend
Thank you for the reply ,

it seems to be the best solution , i tought with a good schedule i could pass on the EC meter . Ure reply was very detailed , could u elaborate more
on the flowering phase so i save that information on a notepad for a next run ? thank you
Im currently using the full line of biobizz , i invested a lot to give the best care i can give in terms of nutrition to my plants so i bought the full line .

So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my first grow
and i totally messed up my plants with a severe nitrogen toxicity .

I was mad , i mean i take care of dozens of details to make everything go good , temps, humidity, air flow , correct lights etc etc... and i spend
way more then 100 euros in this line that presents theire official schedule in a way that is gonna fuck up with ure plants , why? why would
they do this? so we can spend theire nuts faster so we buy more ? i dont understand. ( the N toxicity was present on the 4 different strains i had )

With this grow i made sure to research the internet and to contact biobizz support about this issues .

They reply to my e-mail and tell me that the first 2 weeks in theire schedule are actually week 3 and 4 , LOL ????? . They say the first 2 weeks are seedling phase and that i should only fertilize in this case in week 4 and that i should start with 50% dosage , LOL again WTF. Noone of this information is presented in anyway in theire schedule as u can see in the following link : .

So this time , i wanted to make everything correct and i started planning giving nuts only on day 25 and give only 33% (not even the 50% they advised me on email ) the recommended dose for the first 2 waterings .

Everything was fine , not N toxicity and after 1 week with this plan , at half of week 5 i decide to up the nuts to 50% the recommended dose . After a few hours all my plants are with the claw , its so annoying u give everything right to ure plants and even without taking risks with nuts u get problems ? why do they do this to us , why... :(

I got so pissed i wanted to throw more then 100 euros of nuts and soils ( same brand ) to the garbage .

So being pissed i started researching the best alternative to biobizz , in europe is Canna nutrients . Researching theire site and theire official schedule i already start seeing information with duality ...

Theire schedule like biobizz is based on using theire own soils . So theire schedule say to start fertilizing on day 1 and they even mention seedling phase in this case . But then u read the soil information and it says if used u dont need fertilizing in first week . Dual information again because the schedule is based on theire soil already.

I contact by e-mail asking what should i do with fertilizers and they tell me this " Use the Terra base nutrients with Terra professional plus. down load the grow guide for canna terra here: " i reply with "
Yes i understand that , but theres a dual information , on the terra schedule it says to give terra vega on first 5 days , but in the soil description it says it doesnt need
fertilizer the 1 week . So should i follow guide from 2 week or 1 week in this case "

and i got this reply : " Actually, the TPP(its the soil) on itś own should contain enough nutrient for seedlings. "

I mean again i feel i cant trust this line and they are using the same tactics biobizz is using , i dont feel they re support like biobizz have a clue , look at the first reply
i got from my email , could they be more careless ???????.

I just dont trust theire schedules anymore and i dont have a clue what are the right quantities for my plants .

I want to make thing rights but how many grows do i need to fuck to understand if im giving too less or to much nuts

Can anyone give me some light please on what should i do with this nutrients because i cant get good advice from the own brands
, and also can i solve the n toxicity , the claw in anyway ?

thank you for ure time
I did not read it all somewhere around half and need to say that you do not completely understand what does nutrient regime means. Take it from the basics and try to understand what your plants need not what that motherfuckers say. I had same problem with all nutes does not matter if its Canna Plagron or biobizz, these are all pussies does not take a pinch of care about your plants. I did not use their plus line, but you are guaranteed to have problems with bottled nutes. I run their Terra pro and it has enough food for a weeks (depends on size of the pot) together with Terra Aquatica tripart and need to say, that THIS is the way I go. Their schedule is shit as well as others, but following their formula in half doses of each bottle results in BALANCED food around 1,1 EC which seems to be enough to feed once in two weeks. In conclusion you want the nutes which exactly tell you what is inside so you know you are not giving them useless shit which is not needed but its said “good for the roots” but how what makes the magic? thats the problem with european brands.