Well-Known Member
Im currently using the full line of biobizz , i invested a lot to give the best care i can give in terms of nutrition to my plants so i bought the full line .
So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my first grow
and i totally messed up my plants with a severe nitrogen toxicity .
I was mad , i mean i take care of dozens of details to make everything go good , temps, humidity, air flow , correct lights etc etc... and i spend
way more then 100 euros in this line that presents theire official schedule in a way that is gonna fuck up with ure plants , why? why would
they do this? so we can spend theire nuts faster so we buy more ? i dont understand. ( the N toxicity was present on the 4 different strains i had )
With this grow i made sure to research the internet and to contact biobizz support about this issues .
They reply to my e-mail and tell me that the first 2 weeks in theire schedule are actually week 3 and 4 , LOL ????? . They say the first 2 weeks are seedling phase and that i should only fertilize in this case in week 4 and that i should start with 50% dosage , LOL again WTF. Noone of this information is presented in anyway in theire schedule as u can see in the following link : .
So this time , i wanted to make everything correct and i started planning giving nuts only on day 25 and give only 33% (not even the 50% they advised me on email ) the recommended dose for the first 2 waterings .
Everything was fine , not N toxicity and after 1 week with this plan , at half of week 5 i decide to up the nuts to 50% the recommended dose . After a few hours all my plants are with the claw , its so annoying u give everything right to ure plants and even without taking risks with nuts u get problems ? why do they do this to us , why...
I got so pissed i wanted to throw more then 100 euros of nuts and soils ( same brand ) to the garbage .
So being pissed i started researching the best alternative to biobizz , in europe is Canna nutrients . Researching theire site and theire official schedule i already start seeing information with duality ...
Theire schedule like biobizz is based on using theire own soils . So theire schedule say to start fertilizing on day 1 and they even mention seedling phase in this case . But then u read the soil information and it says if used u dont need fertilizing in first week . Dual information again because the schedule is based on theire soil already.
I contact by e-mail asking what should i do with fertilizers and they tell me this " Use the Terra base nutrients with Terra professional plus. down load the grow guide for canna terra here: " i reply with "
Yes i understand that , but theres a dual information , on the terra schedule it says to give terra vega on first 5 days , but in the soil description it says it doesnt need
fertilizer the 1 week . So should i follow guide from 2 week or 1 week in this case "
and i got this reply : " Actually, the TPP(its the soil) on itś own should contain enough nutrient for seedlings. "
I mean again i feel i cant trust this line and they are using the same tactics biobizz is using , i dont feel they re support like biobizz have a clue , look at the first reply
i got from my email , could they be more careless ???????.
I just dont trust theire schedules anymore and i dont have a clue what are the right quantities for my plants .
I want to make thing rights but how many grows do i need to fuck to understand if im giving too less or to much nuts
Can anyone give me some light please on what should i do with this nutrients because i cant get good advice from the own brands
, and also can i solve the n toxicity , the claw in anyway ?
thank you for ure time
So they present theire schedule to public in a way that u should start fertilizing in the 2 week of grow . I followed the schedule in my first grow
and i totally messed up my plants with a severe nitrogen toxicity .
I was mad , i mean i take care of dozens of details to make everything go good , temps, humidity, air flow , correct lights etc etc... and i spend
way more then 100 euros in this line that presents theire official schedule in a way that is gonna fuck up with ure plants , why? why would
they do this? so we can spend theire nuts faster so we buy more ? i dont understand. ( the N toxicity was present on the 4 different strains i had )
With this grow i made sure to research the internet and to contact biobizz support about this issues .
They reply to my e-mail and tell me that the first 2 weeks in theire schedule are actually week 3 and 4 , LOL ????? . They say the first 2 weeks are seedling phase and that i should only fertilize in this case in week 4 and that i should start with 50% dosage , LOL again WTF. Noone of this information is presented in anyway in theire schedule as u can see in the following link : .
So this time , i wanted to make everything correct and i started planning giving nuts only on day 25 and give only 33% (not even the 50% they advised me on email ) the recommended dose for the first 2 waterings .
Everything was fine , not N toxicity and after 1 week with this plan , at half of week 5 i decide to up the nuts to 50% the recommended dose . After a few hours all my plants are with the claw , its so annoying u give everything right to ure plants and even without taking risks with nuts u get problems ? why do they do this to us , why...

I got so pissed i wanted to throw more then 100 euros of nuts and soils ( same brand ) to the garbage .
So being pissed i started researching the best alternative to biobizz , in europe is Canna nutrients . Researching theire site and theire official schedule i already start seeing information with duality ...
Theire schedule like biobizz is based on using theire own soils . So theire schedule say to start fertilizing on day 1 and they even mention seedling phase in this case . But then u read the soil information and it says if used u dont need fertilizing in first week . Dual information again because the schedule is based on theire soil already.
I contact by e-mail asking what should i do with fertilizers and they tell me this " Use the Terra base nutrients with Terra professional plus. down load the grow guide for canna terra here: " i reply with "
Yes i understand that , but theres a dual information , on the terra schedule it says to give terra vega on first 5 days , but in the soil description it says it doesnt need
fertilizer the 1 week . So should i follow guide from 2 week or 1 week in this case "
and i got this reply : " Actually, the TPP(its the soil) on itś own should contain enough nutrient for seedlings. "
I mean again i feel i cant trust this line and they are using the same tactics biobizz is using , i dont feel they re support like biobizz have a clue , look at the first reply
i got from my email , could they be more careless ???????.
I just dont trust theire schedules anymore and i dont have a clue what are the right quantities for my plants .
I want to make thing rights but how many grows do i need to fuck to understand if im giving too less or to much nuts
Can anyone give me some light please on what should i do with this nutrients because i cant get good advice from the own brands
, and also can i solve the n toxicity , the claw in anyway ?
thank you for ure time