Can you imagine how much better off we would be if Trump hadn't cheated his way into the White House by working with the Russian military to help their attack on our citizens?
If Trump wouldn't have withdrawn from the Paris Climate accord, the nations of the world could have worked together to come up with a solution to stop the deforestation in South America.
We would not have withdrawn from the Iranian nuclear agreement and would have had eyes inside of the Iranian nuclear program and not be having soldiers getting bombed by their military with weak responses like we did with Trump when he 'reported' the soldiers that got 'headaches' after Iran bombed our base.
How much better of a national response to the Covid-19 virus would we have had if we had a close relationship with China and all of our other allies in the region instead of abandoning our allies when Trump with withdrew us from the TPP and hate tweeting everyone in the process, who can work with that kind of relationship.
Imagine if all those allies Trump abandoned would have been on our side in his half baked trade war with China
costing Americans at least $1.7 trillion by the beginning of this 2020. A trade war that Trump did his usual con artist move of tossing his hands up having the Democrats do all his unfinished (or hell even started) homework to get us basically back to square one, walking away and claiming victory.
I also think about if T
rump wouldn't have given the richest in our nation their huge tax break and toss some crumbs to the rest of us, how much better our economy would have been if instead that money was invested in a bill to bring internet access to all our citizens along with clean energy.
If Obamacare was strengthened over the last 4 years instead of weakened and our entire nation had access to affordable healthcare. Instead of weakening it and having his criminal lawyer
Bill Barr use the DoJ to attack it.
I imagine a world that the
Russians were not able to constantly pick the
sores of our society on a
micro level to every American on whatever information platform they happen to use most often.
If our government (that we all pay for) was
used to protect and inform our citizens about any and all attacks on them instead of it politicizing foreign nations attacks in our nation because Trump was corrupt enough to get c
aught breaking the law (because he is a moronic spoiled rotten rich brat who couldn't help himself when given a opportunity to cheat).
I also think about even though Clinton would have been under constant assault from the Republicans throughout and likely impeached for whatever troll they went with since they had the House and Senate through 2018, how she would have not thrown roadblocks in our economy like Trump did when he threw a tantrum and shut down the government during Christmas for a month costing millions of
Americans approximately $11 billion.
Im sure that there is so many more things to nickel and dime Trump's disastrous 'gut'-lead policies, but this is too long as it is.