"Area 51 LED" Information and discussion

They've been saying a new light was coming out since April. I think I'm gonna go with with an Optic. I'm glad to see the competition is heating up and there's more than just one rodeo in town now.

PS: I know the fanboys are going to bash me. :)
i think you get off on them bashing you that's why you continue to go out of your way to do it leave your shitty comments to yourself and hang out with your new buddy over in the twilight sponsor thread
I bought (6) RW150's back in like December. I ran all new sativa genetics from seed. That was a bad idea. I should have ran gear I was familiar with.

Anyway, pretty sure my yield efficiency increased. I know gram/watt doesn't really mean much. But, with that said, I usually average about .7 g/watt with HPS. This run I got about a cunt hair under a gram/watt.

I had a few issues along the way. I waited too long to turn on the ac. What is up with all the red stems? And, something hermied in there. That never helps. I can get much better results with genetics I'm familiar with, and a dialed in setup. This was far from ideal.

As far as Optic Lighting, I think they run way too much power through their COB's. That is less efficient than HPS. Fuck going backwards. My electric bill is higher than most of my friends rent.
Man these new A51 lights taking way too long to come out! By the time they are out there is going to be a new generation of LEDs.
See! Fanboy! According to these guys nobody else is allowed to make a good LED light and you damn sure can't mention one, ask questions or even make an observation without them getting butthurt.
i just sold my a51 because i can get more light for the price turd cutter you don't know your ass from a light that can actually grow. On a side note yes i think they have waited all to long to release this light
The bigger problem here is that people expect instant gratification and whine way too much if they don't get it.
The problem is that A51 has painted themselves into a corner. They've been promising to release new lights since last October and haven't delivered anything yet. As someone who's purchased, endorsed, and recommended A51 lights, I can understand how people are getting frustrated.

So far we heard the following excuses:
- The first delay was because he couldn't source enough Cree diodes
- Because of the problem with the Cree diodes, he decided to go with COB's
- The next delay was because he decided to go with COB's, he had to redesign everything from scratch
- From what I've heard lately, the current delay is due to issues with parts supplies, and assembly

Honestly, I have a feeling A51 is dragging this out on purpose, because their profit margins selling LED lights are much higher than what their profit margins will be selling COB lights.
Seriously people....

Do you want it done fast, or done right?

@Bad Karma Remember when you emailed me and asked to be an A51 rep on RIU? Basically asking for free shit? And then accused the Captain of getting that "position"? Then made some lame remarks about CM Punk and Vince? A51 does not need reps, nor wants them. What the Captain does is on his own free will. He is not a rep.

People always resort to talking shit when they don't get what they want. You are no different. I thought you were better than that...

There are things that will cause delays in life. You don't know what those reasons are, I don't discuss my private life that much on here. I may have had family issues that I haven't mentioned, possibly a death in the family that set me back a bit. So back off.

For those that can't wait for the new light, there are other good options out there, A51 is not the only place to buy from, check out that Optic company, they seem good. For those that can wait, it will be well worth it.

And for the record, the profit margins are at an all time low right now. I am making shit money, I am barely breaking a grand a week, down from 5-6k a week.
Seriously people....

Do you want it done fast, or done right?

@Bad Karma Remember when you emailed me and asked to be an A51 rep on RIU? Basically asking for free shit? And then accused the Captain of getting that "position"? Then made some lame remarks about CM Punk and Vince? A51 does not need reps, nor wants them. What the Captain does is on his own free will. He is not a rep.

People always resort to talking shit when they don't get what they want. You are no different. I thought you were better than that...

There are things that will cause delays in life. You don't know what those reasons are, I don't discuss my private life that much on here. I may have had family issues that I haven't mentioned, possibly a death in the family that set me back a bit. So back off.

For those that can't wait for the new light, there are other good options out there, A51 is not the only place to buy from, check out that Optic company, they seem good. For those that can wait, it will be well worth it.

And for the record, the profit margins are at an all time low right now. I am making shit money, I am barely breaking a grand a week, down from 5-6k a week.
Okay, lets change the subject, and make this about me, and not A51.
Did I offer to be your rep on here? Yup. Have I worked for you in the past? Yup.
Was I a moderator on your failed forum? Yup. Was I a consultant on your first generation light? Yup.
Anything else you want to add since we're pulling back the curtain, oh great, and powerful Oz?

Actually, you offered me two brand new lights to help promote your new line that was due last October, after asking on the forums for someone to demo them. Remember???
A51 Email.jpg

So you're making shit money now? Just dip into that Paypal account you're so fond of showing off on here. I mean, how long ago was it that your were bragging that the company was worth a cool million dollars?
I offered you a light, as a friend, to cover a 3x3 area, you got greedy and asked for a 4x8's worth and said you could be the same for A51 as Greengenes was to Apache, I am not interested in that, I thought I was clear about that. Then you sent some crazy emails which I will share here, since we're sharing emails.

And who cares about the forum? I am not in the forum business.

You were never a "consultant", nor a rep, never worked for me. Just because you were a mod on a small forum, doesn't make you an employee in any shape of form.

Just because I make less money now than before, doesn't mean I'm broke, ever said I was, even with the little bit I'm making now, is more than my cost of living. So my money is still increasing. I could retire today if I wanted to.



I feel that you are attacking me because I wouldn't fill your 4x8 so you can be like Greengenes.

And bitching about the delays? I'm sorry a family member died, I'll be sure to put your greed and impatients before my family from now on.

Oh, and by the way...
I haven't had any soup yet but could be in the market in the future.
Probably best to avoid all the bs on here and just showcase the new light with a bang when they are ready to ship.
Sounds like a pretty sweet setup with the discs that can be interchanged and upgraded.
Hell, what's the problem look how long it takes some of the DIY guys to get their cobs from china let alone enough to launch a product line
How about an A51 New product reveal giveaway? A raffle for one of your newest baddest fixtures. (I say this because I just won a Blentec Blender :-P)
You know it will end up in a grow journal on this site automatically, plus just get everyone talking in general.
A raffle or giveaway is not a bad idea. I just don't like the idea of "forum reps".

I'll put the 2nd one off the assembly line up for a giveaway. I'm putting the 1st with my collection.

It'll be a 4000k Vero 29 v2. Driven to 80w. With fans and driver conversion, it'll operate at 90w.

I should be revealing the new lamp in less than 2 weeks. I have all the parts, I have the workers working, I'm just waiting on them to finish the 1st batch of them and ship them to Traverse City.

How shall I decide who gets it?
I offered you a light, as a friend, to cover a 3x3 area, you got greedy and asked for a 4x8's worth and said you could be the same for A51 as Greengenes was to Apache, I am not interested in that, I thought I was clear about that. Then you sent some crazy emails which I will share here, since we're sharing emails.

And who cares about the forum? I am not in the forum business.

You were never a "consultant", nor a rep, never worked for me. Just because you were a mod on a small forum, doesn't make you an employee in any shape of form.

Just because I make less money now than before, doesn't mean I'm broke, ever said I was, even with the little bit I'm making now, is more than my cost of living. So my money is still increasing. I could retire today if I wanted to.



I feel that you are attacking me because I wouldn't fill your 4x8 so you can be like Greengenes.

And bitching about the delays? I'm sorry a family member died, I'll be sure to put your greed and impatients before my family from now on.
I've said nothing about your family, do you know why? Because that's personal life, and we're discussing business, so stop trying to put your poisonous words into my mouth. Thank you. I have more class than that, and I'd think a millionaire would, too.

I know your tying to make me out as greedy, but it simply doesn't work when the email you posted clearly states the opposite. Where did I ask you to fill my 8x4 tent?
"If I could fill my 8x4 tent" is exactly what it says, I asked you for nothing.
I offered to be your forum liason, and do PR work for A51, because you had an alcohol issue that was repeatedly leading to you looking foolish on the forums, and hurting your business. I made that offer out of friendship and thought we could legitimately do business together.

Was I a paid consultant on your first light? Nope. Did you consult with me several times about my ProSource lights, their spectrum, and how to improve said spectrum? Yup. This was back before you had built anything yet, back when your member name was still Gary Busey, and you had never used an LED grow light before.
Then there was Spuzzum, remember him? The tech consultant. The guy that helped you design the first gen A51 lights. Use to be a member here, until you two had a fight, and you continuously berated him until he stopped using RIU. I always thought that was weird, that you seemed to intentionally drive him off. Anyways, the rift started when you began making changes to the design, like going from Cree diodes to Bridgelux (IIRC), for cost effectiveness, and to increase the profit margin. Spuzzum took exception to this, because you had been telling us all along that this was going to be a top of the line light, at a reasonable price, no cutting corners on parts. You told him what he wanted to hear, until you had gotten the design work out of him that you wanted, then drove him off, when he tried to question you about it.
C'mon, you have to remember, Spuzzum. He outed all of that info right here on the forums, right when A51 was launching, making things very hard for you. Public opinion of the company on here was very low, across the board. Then, like magic, like someone answered your digital prayers, all of his negative posts about A51 disappeared. RIU "crashed" right at that pivotal moment, right after you had run him off the boards, the forums "crash", and reset to their last save point, from months earlier. Spuzzum's post were gone, Spuzzum was gone, and you could start fresh.
It's amazing how that worked out for you, a web programmer, that the forums "crashed", right when you needed them to most. Personally, I would call it a miracle, but I think Benjamin Franklin's thoughts on the subject are more pertinent here.
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You were cool with me for going on 4 years, until I wouldn't agree to you being a forum rep and giving you free lights.

If I'm so questionable, why would you want to rep for me anyways?

I have nothing more to say to you, at this point, you're twisting what really happened to try to soil my image. I am putting you on my ignore list. You can spew all your nonsense all you want, I will never see it.
A raffle or giveaway is not a bad idea. I just don't like the idea of "forum reps".

I'll put the 2nd one off the assembly line up for a giveaway. I'm putting the 1st with my collection.

It'll be a 4000k Vero 29 v2. Driven to 80w. With fans and driver conversion, it'll operate at 90w.

I should be revealing the new lamp in less than 2 weeks. I have all the parts, I have the workers working, I'm just waiting on them to finish the 1st batch of them and ship them to Traverse City.

How shall I decide who gets it?
The 7th official party cup grow competition, pm me this would be the perfect place