★ Atomic Squat ★

Happy belated birth day. Big ups goes out to Aeronow's mom for not going through with that abortion...

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Thx bro! Yeah good thing she didn't abort, i guess:-D
We partied hard up over above redbluff on the river. Not only celebrating my bday, but also might be our last salmon trip for the season. Massive amounts of margaritas and other booze and shit. It's all fun and games until some kid pulls a knife out on some other guy. It gets fucking crazy sometimes when combat fishing. Love it!

Welp, my ride for the show fucking ditched me, so it looks like I am stuck at home for the weekend. Got a couple 2 inch thick new york cuts, and some tri-tip marinating. Gonna ice down some beers, and fire up the grill right when the fucking sun comes up. Ha!
I ate em both! Some gnarly baked taters on the side with some sour cream, and bacon snaps. You wanna come chill live? tinychat.com/dia666 - we got a ton of people hanging out....
Do I need a webcam? I'd have to dig that monitor out storage otherwise I'm down to chat...