Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

harbor side is in san fran. take a nice run up coastal 1 sometime. i spent a while running around cali 2 summers ago coastal 1 is a beautiful drive. scary as hell but beautiful. no where in the US looks like san fran either its such a weird cool place. while your up there hit up mavericks and see if the waves are breaking. if they are, be ready to be amazed!

Next time I go up to see my #1 son in Santa Cruz I will do it ;)
you can get cbd crew strains at mr. nice auction its the best company for high cbd strains. it is overseas still but they got about the best stealth method I've seen they will also resend if you get registered shipping which you have to sign for which I've done a few times never even lost 1 out of about 5 really I never heard of anyone losing a package through them and they sell a bit of seed. Just don't waste your money on the buy now ones if you have some patients you can get every cbd strain they got under 30 euro's really with all the strains they got you'll get a better price with some patients not so much super silver haze and mango haze though but still cheaper then attitude.

thanks for the tip bro, good to hear positive stuff. the 3 of us in this house intend to go that route and do (brace yourselves) juicing of the plants , 2 of us are cancer survivors and want to live long enough to collect a few of uncle Sams money . ;) All I've seen on youtube videos and juicing seems really positive for that purpose

thanks again, will try that seed house!
some grower is stealing ur beans and selling them. its genius. but this is what happens wen every loser goes on youtube to post how they just got there seeds jumping up and down on a bed like a fuckin two year old.. stop showing the cops and scammers how they are being sent to us.. and we wouldn't have this problem.. if people don't know.. , the cops don't make big busts.. or take shit.. they have informants and snitches and ZIMMERMANS (WANNABE COPS) .. that do there job for them.. so just buy your seeds.. keep the secret of how they sent them to u.. and fuckin stop posting VIDEOS of your retarded ass all excited cuz ur 14 growing weed at moms house!!!.. GROW THE FUCK UP KEEP UR MOUTH SHUT.. TWITTER . FACEBOOK. MYSPACE.. all of those social media websites are being used to watch everything we do . so if u don't want ur shit getting taken .. stop showing how it gets to u .

I think I belong in that category ( a bit ) in that i posted a picture of the tins, but by now it's common knowledge, but NOT how it came or through what company.

I agree with you in that we should create a " NEW USER DO NOT " STICKY post that should be on the top of each of these forums so that newbies are taught from the get go. I'm sure there's a few things that could go in there as well as how to stay SECURE online doing your purchases , and the usual 3 sins for newbies and seeds like no over watering , you know the rest
I haven't lost a attitude order yet.. but I had my ex partner lose 1000$ worth of genetics in 1 order.. was weird.. the Shirt Came.. in the package no seeds no note no nothing.. just a shirt .. looked like someone opened it stole the seeds .. and packaged it back up and sent it out. I was fuckin pissed.. I was supposed to start some amazing genetics and it didn't happen until a month later then expected had to reorder the genetics I wanted.
Yeah, good luck to you too, and to all of us. I'll report back with whatever happens with mine.

Edit: Got mine today, completely unmolested. :leaf:

got my Canadian order,badass discreet method,not even been opened.36 blueberry beans,4 granddaddy beans for 90.00.been doin bcseedking stuff few yrs, same as bcbud depot Canadian bb just better deal on this Canadian company.
By the way it look like its an employee stealing you guys. My seeds been confiscated once and it was a huge paper filled with notes (A sheet they need to fill when they catch contraband) and was signed by two different individual. The way there is no note on any of you confiscation and only an amateur smiley + same handwriting + smile design tell me its someone recognizing tude package (Since its always the same Return address and name) and that said person steal package when he catch them.
got my Canadian order,badass discreet method,not even been opened.36 blueberry beans,4 granddaddy beans for 90.00.been doin bcseedking stuff few yrs, same as bcbud depot Canadian bb just better deal on this Canadian company.

Which seedbank are you using? Are they real deal? Are they running tons of breeder like Attitude? . .their Canadian strains. I done maybe 7 different strains with them .all badass to me.alot of free same strain beans,best discreet shipping in the house.shipping is 5.00 and a neat little gift.
the Shit sucks...from the sound of it I woulnt be getting anything back...& that was a 65 dollar order....I cant risk it again...even with the Gage Green promo
I have been speaking to Laura...My package was green tape...not beans,,,just the t shirt

@Godwork tell her and Jodi CM said to check the thread I made. It was In response to help y'all out. I like em their monthly promos are sweet. Did you get the stupid smiley face on the UFO card??
o for sure id feel way better knowing i was lost in the system of bullshit bureaucratic nonsense that customs and every federal agency has to deal with. the messy system is why they can only concentrate on big fish.

a hand written note just raises too many variables in my mind. a personal touch if you may. these guys normally do "a job" brainlessly cruise through the day stamping and taping and drinking coffee and stamping and going home and coming back to work blah blah blah blah they are zombies. a hand written note doesn't sound like a zombie to me. its someone who can mentally project themselves into the shoes of the offended and feel the laughable anger that they know any of us would feel and writes "SHIT!". most people I've met that work for or have anything to do with law enforcement, border enforcement, police have no mindseye. 0 inner vision at all. their mind is usually too in the NOW to be able to focus on anything besides what their eyes see or their ears hear.

The hand writing gets me bad its the kind of hand writing i used to see in the construction field like when we all would sign the safety sign in sheets and write the date. very pointed and square. jerky movements with a lot of individual lines. no flow at all to it. no rhythm so to say.

View attachment 2727621

check it out see what i mean.

this is all purely conjecture on my part with a little help from the ole google box so idk really it could be anybody honestly that handwriting just screams unpracticed in writing. someone who works with there hands. ex soldier maybe like i said before who knows. i know a lot of soldiers are frickin artist and shit so once again I'm just generalizing to possibly open up paths of thought.

im gonna look into handwriting some more and see if i can't find any other tidbits about this guys writing its got a lot of quirks to it.

you can't just stereotype like that just because their handwriting is shit, it's like saying that they are probably a doctor because that looks like chicken scratch to me. I was a soldier for the last few years until I got out last week and my handwriting is just fine.
I guess you don't know much about soldiers them dudes play around like children even over sea's in war they be clowning. Sure the officers may be up tight bastards but enlisted men are a complete different story just watch Jarhead it may be fictional but yeah they do fuck around like that, I even watched a documentary on afghanistan and a few soldiers where dancing and acting queer to some girly ass music soldiers are not just a bunch of up tight pricks. Officers are a whole different story though.

alright cut it out i'm tired of you guys trashing soldiers. you have no idea who we are or what we deal with all you've done is watch fictional movies and one documentary which was about that one unit so they may have acted like that but that's not how everyone in the military really acts. quit stereotyping us especially if you've never been a soldier
hes a customs officer with really bad hand writing. i used a few more reasons then just the fact he had bad hand writing. just cause you fell for a dumb commercial and signed on the dotted line doest make you an authority on soldiers sooo grats on your good handwriting. most people in the military are nothing more then manual laborers. I've spent a lot of time working closely with manual laborers. when you don't work your handwriting it goes out the window quickly. i don't think i could of stated it any clearer that it was all just conjecture too. grats on just getting out but i suggest some books on reading comprehension.

and as for your response to bluntmassa, once again no one is trashing soldiers? he's just stating facts. active duty soldiers do act a fool when the time is right. its part of their routine so they don't go crazy. while checking packages ON THE JOB at the customs office is definitely not the time to be acting childish.

and if you hadn't learned yet telling people online to cut things out will get you a big ole pile of what ever the fuck it is you wanted cut out dumped right on your head. chances are on here most people are stoned so this will probably go by before a troll gets ahold of it like 95% of trollable posts do BUT one of these times your gonna cry about someone trashing soldiers when their really not and show weakness and some 14 year old is gonna go off and cause your PTSD to rage so i suggest to keeping your online interactions too factual and happy. once again I'm just a nobody spitting stoned nonsense online so no need to heed anything I've said here. i learned early on that very few people are actually trying to cause any direct harm with anything they say on here and when they are its very very clear. whenever it does happen people usually jump in and make sure it is known how big of an ass someone is being. so really no need to white knight on here.
alright cut it out i'm tired of you guys trashing soldiers. you have no idea who we are or what we deal with all you've done is watch fictional movies and one documentary which was about that one unit so they may have acted like that but that's not how everyone in the military really acts. quit stereotyping us especially if you've never been a soldier

Somebody willingly goes to a place where people get shot and has his job as shooting people does NOT have my respect. WAR IS TERRORISM. Your choice to be part of something no religion nor philosophy condones. Media has made it's best attempt to make 'em look like a bunch of fun-loving goof-arounds but goddamn man, those rifles rip a man's guts out no problem. You know what DEAD is?

I'd rather go to jail than shoot anybody, no matter WHAT the reason. I'd like to shuffle off this mortal coil with clean hands. Sorry but this is reality the way I see it. I know about the amazing benefits US soldiers get, the way your studies get paid for etc etc. It's a sweet deal, very tempting. But is your happiness worth a life? Sorry buddy. But war in NOT OK. Being a part of it is NOT OK.

My granddad retired a Major, career soldier. And what I said above, this is how he saw it right at the end.

So you have to live with the stereotyping just like I have to live with the musician's stereotype. Yeah we all get smashed on coke and heroin and shag groupies and serve no purpose to our community and such. Stereotypes are everywhere man. I have to live with the stoner stereotyping too. So my humble apologies if I do believe that soldiers will have to live with THEIR stereotype.

Anyhow guys, I hate to break it to you but it's not just Attitude packages getting nailed in Chicago. Have a look around, Herbies packages are getting nailed bigtime (one guy has had his Herbies order re-sent 3 times now, customs got it every time). Sannies are getting nailed too.

SoS also lost a few there already. I fear for you guys what you are dealing with is an efficient technology to help Customs pick up on it. And Chicago is probably a test run. I keep saying you only hear about more from the 'tude because they shift the biggest volume by far. Truth is, EVERYBODY is getting nailed. Everybody. This is waaaaay beyond the capabilities of some jarhead. This is systematic and sophisticated.

Stock up on all the beans you can NOW. Your borders are getting tight it seems.
handy little chart

U.S. Customs Service Locations
[TABLE="class: Basic_no_title"]
Airport Location
LAX (Los Angeles, CA)
TORRANCE CA 90501-6414
SFO (San Francisco, CA)
MIA (Miami, FL)
11698 NW 25TH ST
MIAMI FL 33112-3215
HNL (Honolulu, HI)
HONOLULU HI 96818-4415
ORD (Chicago, IL)
CHICAGO IL 60688-2500
New Jersey
EWR (Newark, NJ)Foreign Center NJ 099 SurfaceFacility
JERSEY CITY NJ 07097-9998
New York
JFK (New York, NY)
JAMAICA NY 11430-9998
Puerto Rico
SJU (San Juan, PR)
SAN JUAN PR 00901-1822
U.S. Virgin Islands
STT (Saint Thomas, VI)
ST THOMAS VI 00802-6424
SEA (Seattle, WA)
SEATTLE WA 98158-9998
I'm really not sure how new they are but i watched a video with a revolving scanner. kinda like a MRI but it revolves very fast and takes 20,000 snapshots of everything which software then reassembles a perfect 3d image of whats in there. like down to fractions of a millimeter. i have no idea if customs has these and i know they wouldn't be able to scan them all as it took several seconds in the video i watched and that just isn't plausible with the volume these guys deal with. i know if i was a customs dweeb id have me one of these scanners thats for sure.