Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

Somebody willingly goes to a place where people get shot and has his job as shooting people does NOT have my respect. WAR IS TERRORISM. Your choice to be part of something no religion nor philosophy condones. Media has made it's best attempt to make 'em look like a bunch of fun-loving goof-arounds but goddamn man, those rifles rip a man's guts out no problem. You know what DEAD is?

I'd rather go to jail than shoot anybody, no matter WHAT the reason. I'd like to shuffle off this mortal coil with clean hands. Sorry but this is reality the way I see it. I know about the amazing benefits US soldiers get, the way your studies get paid for etc etc. It's a sweet deal, very tempting. But is your happiness worth a life? Sorry buddy. But war in NOT OK. Being a part of it is NOT OK.

My granddad retired a Major, career soldier. And what I said above, this is how he saw it right at the end.

So you have to live with the stereotyping just like I have to live with the musician's stereotype. Yeah we all get smashed on coke and heroin and shag groupies and serve no purpose to our community and such. Stereotypes are everywhere man. I have to live with the stoner stereotyping too. So my humble apologies if I do believe that soldiers will have to live with THEIR stereotype.

Anyhow guys, I hate to break it to you but it's not just Attitude packages getting nailed in Chicago. Have a look around, Herbies packages are getting nailed bigtime (one guy has had his Herbies order re-sent 3 times now, customs got it every time). Sannies are getting nailed too.

SoS also lost a few there already. I fear for you guys what you are dealing with is an efficient technology to help Customs pick up on it. And Chicago is probably a test run. I keep saying you only hear about more from the 'tude because they shift the biggest volume by far. Truth is, EVERYBODY is getting nailed. Everybody. This is waaaaay beyond the capabilities of some jarhead. This is systematic and sophisticated.

Stock up on all the beans you can NOW. Your borders are getting tight it seems.

Are you kidding, almost every religion condones war.
Somebody willingly goes to a place where people get shot and has his job as shooting people does NOT have my respect. WAR IS TERRORISM. Your choice to be part of something no religion nor philosophy condones. Media has made it's best attempt to make 'em look like a bunch of fun-loving goof-arounds but goddamn man, those rifles rip a man's guts out no problem. You know what DEAD is?

I'd rather go to jail than shoot anybody, no matter WHAT the reason. I'd like to shuffle off this mortal coil with clean hands. Sorry but this is reality the way I see it. I know about the amazing benefits US soldiers get, the way your studies get paid for etc etc. It's a sweet deal, very tempting. But is your happiness worth a life? Sorry buddy. But war in NOT OK. Being a part of it is NOT OK. ......

...Hamish, bro!!!!..... ma'man ....don't bash the soldiers, bash the nefarious governments
...and either way; it takes people with guns to keep other people with guns from taking whats yours; been like that since they invented clubs & spears....

...anyway, back to learnin this plant and how to cop some nice genetics...
handy little chart

U.S. Customs Service Locations
[TABLE="class: Basic_no_title"]
Airport Location
LAX (Los Angeles, CA)
TORRANCE CA 90501-6414
SFO (San Francisco, CA)
MIA (Miami, FL)
11698 NW 25TH ST
MIAMI FL 33112-3215
HNL (Honolulu, HI)
HONOLULU HI 96818-4415
ORD (Chicago, IL)
CHICAGO IL 60688-2500
New Jersey
EWR (Newark, NJ)Foreign Center NJ 099 SurfaceFacility
JERSEY CITY NJ 07097-9998
New York
JFK (New York, NY)
JAMAICA NY 11430-9998
Puerto Rico
SJU (San Juan, PR)
SAN JUAN PR 00901-1822
U.S. Virgin Islands
STT (Saint Thomas, VI)
ST THOMAS VI 00802-6424
SEA (Seattle, WA)
SEATTLE WA 98158-9998

who will be the one to write in an anonymous letter directing them to this thread and send them back the note with finger prints..making sure not to add your own? if everyone does this they will bust the guy if nothing else just because they are sick of getting complaints, lets be real they dont really care about some dumb beans\..this has been happening quite a while now and he finally screwed up and added something to the package! bust his ass!! you cant get in trouble they cant prove what was in the package, what wasnt, or that you intended for anything illegal to be in there! he will be fired for sending foul language to who knows whose kids!
What you gonna' do, complain to the authorities? They'll give him a promotion and you an electric chair.

absolutely not true..they cant pin a damn thing on you and after finding out this is going on they will likely do a huge internal investigation (they do employ people in loss prevention that would otherwise be sitting on their asses so im sure they will jump at the opportunity) and if they find someone removing contraband from mail and not properly documenting and catalogging the evidence they will SURELY be fired
@Godwork tell her and Jodi CM said to check the thread I made. It was In response to help y'all out. I like em their monthly promos are sweet. Did you get the stupid smiley face on the UFO card??

I didn't get the smiley face...I just got the t-shirt... & my package had a 2 finger sized hole on the side slits...I was pissed but the fact that I saw your thread ahead of time helped me to cope when my beans came up missing...thanks bro
alright cut it out i'm tired of you guys trashing soldiers. you have no idea who we are or what we deal with all you've done is watch fictional movies and one documentary which was about that one unit so they may have acted like that but that's not how everyone in the military really acts. quit stereotyping us especially if you've never been a soldier

Come on man, but he watched JARHEAD. He knows all about soldiers and the military now....
alright cut it out i'm tired of you guys trashing soldiers. you have no idea who we are or what we deal with all you've done is watch fictional movies and one documentary which was about that one unit so they may have acted like that but that's not how everyone in the military really acts. quit stereotyping us especially if you've never been a soldier

wtf are you babbling about dude was talking like soldiers are a bunch of uptight pricks yet I know a few soldiers 1 is a fuckin prick but the other two I know are cool smoke weed, snort pills coke you name it they know how to have fun and if them dudes where working a bullshit customs job bored as hell you know there fucking off.

But I don't have much any respect for someone going half way across the world to murder a bunch of poor people. If they came over here I'd kill them myself but they aint hurting nobody in the middle east this is not about terror this is about the US government and its allies trying to control the oil and heroin market its clear as day but you still believe the government does no wrong.
A lot of low stat people here on this thread... Interesting....

Don't know what's interesting about it, only that when I took my son to get his MMJ reccomendation , the place in Whittier, CA was jammed packed and it was a Thursday, so every day there are hundreds of new patients. and many want to learn how to grow, and this forum will be one of the first hits on Google ;) that's how I landed here

oh and here is a interestink link about the topic of this thread, the Post Office and how they are catching more pot related shipments in the mail of every size

I sure would not call the cops if I got a 50LB box of pot in the mail like this lady did!!!! that's for damn sure
As former Military that did a lot bit of time in the desert ........ you guys are a bunch of fuck holes. SO MUCH ignorant shit has been spewed about in this thread its scary. If you have never worn the boots and held the gun, then shut your dumb CIV mouth, as you have zero clue what you are talking about.

Some of you are good guys, but alot of dick bags in this thread.
Hÿdra;9399998 said:
As former Military that did a lot bit of time in the desert ........ you guys are a bunch of fuck holes. SO MUCH ignorant shit has been spewed about in this thread its scary. If you have never worn the boots and held the gun, then shut your dumb CIV mouth, as you have zero clue what you are talking about.

Some of you are good guys, but alot of dick bags in this thread.

so your telling us soldiers are whinny little bitches like you? Really who gives a fuck about yall we don't even see yall on the news these days why cause your fighting a bullshit war. you think I'm going to travel half way across the world to murder poor people who have done nothing but what I'd do, defend my home land. You think what your doing is right? Why did we topple suddams regime? oh yeah its so the US goverment and its allies can make trillions of dollars with the oil and heroin ( Afghanistan ) yet you fight for these politicians which makes you just as bad.