Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

Hÿdra;9401587 said:
Well as luck would have it I do 1201 pushups every other day and am pushing 486on MY bench soooooo........ you dont want nun of THIS!!!
jus because you finally found a job no where else but military says it all,and its gone tooo yure head,i bet you have you done some inhumane things,,gonna let this cat out the back door.
I had a nephew who joined the army,whom I raised for 10 yrs and never did without anything,,before he took off he turned me in for runnin a gro op because it was his duty to do so and his greed.fuck the army it cost me thousands here in America over that shit.
Henry david thoreau

"When a sixth of the population of a nation which has undertaken to be the refuge of liberty are slaves, and a whole country is unjustly overrun and conquered by a foreign army, and subjected to military law, I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize. What makes this duty the more urgent is the fact that the country so overrun is not our own, but ours is the invading army."
I had a nephew who joined the army,whom I raised for 10 yrs and never did without anything,,before he took off he turned me in for runnin a gro op because it was his duty to do so and his greed.fuck the army it cost me thousands here in America over that shit.

what a POS, sorry to hear your nephew is so easily corrupted
so your telling us soldiers are whinny little bitches like you? Really who gives a fuck about yall we don't even see yall on the news these days why cause your fighting a bullshit war. You think i'm going to travel half way across the world to murder poor people who have done nothing but what i'd do, defend my home land. You think what your doing is right? Why did we topple suddams regime? Oh yeah its so the us goverment and its allies can make trillions of dollars with the oil and heroin ( afghanistan ) yet you fight for these politicians which makes you just as bad.
Please fellas let's limit this to the thread subject.

well I just received my order from mns the other day I got Ortega, G13 Haze, Early Queen, U2 ( Early Queen x Haze (A/C)) and ASH spring cleaning thing came with 73 fucking seeds :bigjoint: god knows how long that's gonna take me not too mention I already have a bunch of seed and all but EQ had 21 seeds and 20 for EQ only costed me $250 all together. still waiting on my seedbay order but it hasn't even been a week yet since it was shipped. my shit goes through NY though.
Please fellas let's limit this to the thread subject.

every good turn deserves another, get this customs prankster fired . . . . . .it wouldnt be that hard . . . .just takes balls

if no report was made then no contraband was taken aka anything could be in that case like(under premise that you try to get the issue sovled) . . family heirlooms or bubble gum . . .logic dictates that the custom guy is fucked and you with an empty box hold all thepower

and without a official report their is no way for customs or perp to prove that it was seeds . . . . .which in many states are not illegal to have or order

propagation or selling them for profit or redistribution would more than likely be illegal no matter what, but having . . .is a grey area
WOW you guys are a bunch of hippy pieces of shit. I was being friendly and just messin around. But srsly you can all go jump in a fire and drank deep. Your nephew prolly called the cops on you cuz your an ignorant fucking asshole, that cant take a joke. GO ARMY!!!!!!!!!
SO ALL military people are bad??? We are ALL the same???

LOL. Poor ass mother fuckers that have ONLY grown weed and been druggie losers since high school..... Shit i have seen the world 3 times over and have 7 years of college bought and paid for by the US government. Whiny little punk bitches are all that is in this thread.

May all your future harvest be infected with Avian bird Aids and be full of seeds. CIV pussies.
Hÿdra;9404725 said:
WOW you guys are a bunch of hippy pieces of shit. I was being friendly and just messin around. But srsly you can all go jump in a fire and drank deep. Your nephew prolly called the cops on you cuz your an ignorant fucking asshole, that cant take a joke. GO ARMY!!!!!!!!!
SO ALL military people are bad??? We are ALL the same???

LOL. Poor ass mother fuckers that have ONLY grown weed and been druggie losers since high school..... Shit i have seen the world 3 times over and have 7 years of college bought and paid for by the US government. Whiny little punk bitches are all that is in this thread.

May all your future harvest be infected with Avian bird Aids and be full of seeds. CIV pussies.

butt hurt is strong with this one . . .

please proceed to STFU
butt hurt is strong with this one . . .

please proceed to STFU

Well i refuse to talk shit about anyone that listens to Sage you get a pass samwell.

You guys think im proud of the way the government USES the military??? HELL NO the government should be locked up and beaten to death with hoses one at a time.
You guys think i am happy that i lost so many wonderful friends in wars that were PURELY for the 1%'s profit??? you think i am happy about all the injuries i have and the metal shrapnel i still have in my back and legs???

I joined the military on Oct 27th 2001 2 months after 9-11. I was caught up in the same hysteria that we were all caught up in. I left a good paying job and went off to fight for what we ALL thought was right at that time. By the time i realized the government was lying it was WAY to late to say anything.

AM i butt hurt about how you guys took my being playful and friendly and truned it into me being a military killer........yup.
Just be cool bitches. Not everyone is a bad guy that was in the military, some oof us were just stoners that wanted to do the right thing at the time.

The government is out of control, they buyhelicopters for teh afgan military while school are being shut down here in the USA for lack of funds. We GIVE pakistan BILLIONS of dollars, when we have no healthcare for the poor here. Most US states spend more on incarceration than they do on education..... this MUST stop.
Also government employees STEALING seed orders and leaving snarky letters in the package is wrong.

Go out and get a sense of humor, i was just teasing you big babies lol.
and for the record . . . . any vet has my respect, but dont forget you did it to make your country better for CIVs and Non CIV's

just like when you smoke a fat bull of some kine bud, it was more than likely grown by a dude who cares not jsut abut money but about his efforts . . . dont be discouraged by the celebrities
Eh bluntmassa seedbay legit?? They got strains you can't find at other places. Better places too.

yeah there legit its just gypsy's ( ) auction site a bunch of unknown breeders auction there seed there but for the few known breeders they have over there they got some decent deals like I just ordered 3 packs of spice of life blue satellite 2.2 buy 2 get one free and they only charge $50 per pack other banks cost a lot more for 1 pack from sol. Really Gypsy is cheaper for a lot of breeders over other seedbanks not all breeders though and not the best selection either but he's got some good ones you won't find at attitude.
Hÿdra;940472} LOL.i'm a Poor ass mother fucker that have ONLY grown weed and been druggie loser since high school..... Shit i havent seen the world 3 times over and have 7 years of college bought and paid for by the US government. Whiny little punk bitches are all that is in this thread. May all your future harvest be infected with Avian bird Aids and be full of seeds. CIV pussies.[/QUOTE said:
karmas a MF pedro.
hey if we didnt have a big stick someone else would get one and come take our shit so i can't say the military is a bad thing at all. its just when the big stick gets passed around and used for personal gain that we need to take note.

the russians said back in the day at how valuable of a loss Afghanistan was. if russia would of taken Afghanistan they would likely of been the next world power 10x over. the amount of precious metals and rare earth elements in afghanistan is astounding. and these are just the public reports i can only imagine what george bush sr. knows about the place. if the ole ruskies would of got their hands on that at the beginning of the computer revolution the cold war would of gotten a lot hotter. BUT they didn't win and we spent 30 years destabilizing and demonizing the force we just helped build so we could move in.

that shit sucks.
hey if we didnt have a big stick someone else would get one and come take our shit so i can't say the military is a bad thing at all. its just when the big stick gets passed around and used for personal gain that we need to take note.

the russians said back in the day at how valuable of a loss Afghanistan was. if russia would of taken Afghanistan they would likely of been the next world power 10x over. the amount of precious metals and rare earth elements in afghanistan is astounding. and these are just the public reports i can only imagine what george bush sr. knows about the place. if the ole ruskies would of got their hands on that at the beginning of the computer revolution the cold war would of gotten a lot hotter. BUT they didn't win and we spent 30 years destabilizing and demonizing the force we just helped build so we could move in.

that shit sucks.

Yup when i saw NO WMD's to work on, and after my 10th convoy trip to set up a FOB at some distant oil field i sort of realized that Iraq was a big game of Risk for our government. but by that time i was stuck there:(

Now this NSA shit being brought to light...... i love my country but i hate the government.
thanx for the nasty rep note hydra.i see you learned a lot off my tax dollars.also thanx for the blessing 28 out of 34 blueberrys up sweetie 3 days.