Autoflower nutrients? Advice anyone?

Got an auto flower, 6 weeks in. It's almost done i think. It finished in 65-80 days. It's close to 42 days since seed. Now I haven't given it any nutes because the soil I'm in has nutes to accommodate a plant for a month, maybe a month plus a few. But I deff think it's time to give it some nutes before it finishes. (It looks fine, I just figured it could probably use some food)

Now i gave it some nutes, almost a week ago, 1/4 of the dose the feeding schedule calls for. I did notice a few days later a tiny, very tiny yellow nute burn on some of the end of the leaves. But literally so tiny that you can't even see it unless your nose is pressed up again the leave. I couldn't even take a pic, thats how small.

(The nutes i gave it were veg nutes, not bloom. But i figured I had to start with those even though its clearly in flower..?)


- Could it have gotten nute burn, because its not suppose to get those nutes in this stage in its life? (flower)

- Because I saw the tiny note burn does it mean I shouldn't give it nutes at all?

- Also the feeding schedule calls to start with veg nutes, and a few weeks in start with bloom nutes. But I started probably half way thru the plants life cycle, so should i just skip the veg nutes and go right to the bloom nutes? Or do I need to work my way in with veg nutes first, then gradually move to bloom nutes?

(Using FFOF soil and FF nutes)

P.S. If you need pics, most recent pics in this thread (The auto is the plant in the first 10 pics of the set. Also don't mind the other two plants, I'm good with those, just concerned about the auto) ...

(The plant is actually older than in those pics and more developed)

Thank you for looking!
Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
If a plant is in bloom, it requires a bloom balance of nutrients, meaning more PK and less N, generally. So if it's flowering, you can go ahead and jump right into the bloom formula. Also, if there are no signs that it needs food I would hold off on feeding.

The tips of leaves act as tiny reservoirs for nutrients and water due to gravity and such, which is why often times the tips of the leafs get "nute burn" inevitably. This can happen even if your feeding schedule is correct, imo, and is no big dealio.

So yeah man, you can halt the feeding or keep feeding very lightly as long as it isn't stunting or frying the plant. And def. use a formula favoring flowering. :)
If a plant is in bloom, it requires a bloom balance of nutrients, meaning more PK and less N, generally. So if it's flowering, you can go ahead and jump right into the bloom formula. Also, if there are no signs that it needs food I would hold off on feeding.

The tips of leaves act as tiny reservoirs for nutrients and water due to gravity and such, which is why often times the tips of the leafs get "nute burn" inevitably. This can happen even if your feeding schedule is correct, imo, and is no big dealio.

So yeah man, you can halt the feeding or keep feeding very lightly as long as it isn't stunting or frying the plant. And def. use a formula favoring flowering. :)
awesome man, im glad i met you on here. I needed that advice. no one else wanted to answer lol. So Yesterday i gave it veg nutes. But il see how it responds in a few days, and if its not to burnt by the nutes il move right to the bloom nutes. glad i got someone to convey with about this. also i might have a few questions about my regular strawberry cough grow, so i might need your help as they get closer to harvest as this is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
awesome man, im glad i met you on here. I needed that advice. no one else wanted to answer lol. So Yesterday i gave it veg nutes. But il see how it responds in a few days, and if its not to burnt by the nutes il move right to the bloom nutes. glad i got someone to convey with about this. also i might have a few questions about my regular strawberry cough grow, so i might need your help as they get closer to harvest as this is my first grow.
Of course man, I'll gladly help you out with whatever I can. I'm no expert, but I think I'm a fair intermediate. :3

Cereal box

Active Member
Got an auto flower, 6 weeks in. It's almost done i think. It finished in 65-80 days. It's close to 42 days since seed. Now I haven't given it any nutes because the soil I'm in has nutes to accommodate a plant for a month, maybe a month plus a few. But I deff think it's time to give it some nutes before it finishes. (It looks fine, I just figured it could probably use some food)

Now i gave it some nutes, almost a week ago, 1/4 of the dose the feeding schedule calls for. I did notice a few days later a tiny, very tiny yellow nute burn on some of the end of the leaves. But literally so tiny that you can't even see it unless your nose is pressed up again the leave. I couldn't even take a pic, thats how small.

(The nutes i gave it were veg nutes, not bloom. But i figured I had to start with those even though its clearly in flower..?)


- Could it have gotten nute burn, because its not suppose to get those nutes in this stage in its life? (flower)

- Because I saw the tiny note burn does it mean I shouldn't give it nutes at all?

- Also the feeding schedule calls to start with veg nutes, and a few weeks in start with bloom nutes. But I started probably half way thru the plants life cycle, so should i just skip the veg nutes and go right to the bloom nutes? Or do I need to work my way in with veg nutes first, then gradually move to bloom nutes?

(Using FFOF soil and FF nutes)

P.S. If you need pics, most recent pics in this thread (The auto is the plant in the first 10 pics of the set. Also don't mind the other two plants, I'm good with those, just concerned about the auto) ...

(The plant is actually older than in those pics and more developed)

Thank you for looking!
Happy growing!
Well, a little late but here it is.

1. No, that is NOT the reason you got nute burn. You got nute burn because you gave 1/4 of grow nutes for a first time feeding. You want to give it Big Bloom before you give it Grow Big. It's much less likely to burn if you feed it in the right dose and helps it get used to the nutes you'll give it in the future.

2. No, not necessarily. Just don't give a full feeding until you know she can handle it. Again use Big Bloom first. You can use Big Bloom from start to finish.

3. No, you feed your plant according to what it needs and where it's at in its life cycle. It has absolutely nothing to do with what a label on a bottle says. Use Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom as your in flower. Although, if you have a plant in flower that looks like it could use a bit of nitrogen then give a little bit of nitrogen.

It's really just about reading your plants and giving them what they need. Don't worry about labels and such. Often times they tell you to feed more than you need to anyway! Learn to read your plants and figure out what they need.
Well, a little late but here it is.

1. No, that is NOT the reason you got nute burn. You got nute burn because you gave 1/4 of grow nutes for a first time feeding. You want to give it Big Bloom before you give it Grow Big. It's much less likely to burn if you feed it in the right dose and helps it get used to the nutes you'll give it in the future.

2. No, not necessarily. Just don't give a full feeding until you know she can handle it. Again use Big Bloom first. You can use Big Bloom from start to finish.

3. No, you feed your plant according to what it needs and where it's at in its life cycle. It has absolutely nothing to do with what a label on a bottle says. Use Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom as your in flower. Although, if you have a plant in flower that looks like it could use a bit of nitrogen then give a little bit of nitrogen.

It's really just about reading your plants and giving them what they need. Don't worry about labels and such. Often times they tell you to feed more than you need to anyway! Learn to read your plants and figure out what they need.
Thanks bro those are perfect answers. good looking out + rep. stay on here I'm about to post of pic of her tell me what you think.

Cereal box

Active Member
No problem man. I use ff trio also and noticed its a pain in the ass if you follow the label. I checked out the pics in your other thread but I'd like to see how she's looking now!
if you look close enough you can see a little yellow on the tips. the first nutes i gave her were 1 tsp big bloom and 1st grow big. i think it was to much for her so yesterday when i gave her nutes i brought it down to 1/2 tsp of big bloom and 1/2 a tsp of grow big. Still waiting to see how she responds to the latest feeding. the fox farm schedule says to give them way way to much!


Well-Known Member
Hot damn. She's accumulated quite the frost since those other pics you referenced in your first post. I think she looks mighty fine, what about you Cereal? A little leaf curling and tip burn, but no biggy.

Also, how often do you water it?
Hot damn. She's accumulated quite the frost since those other pics you referenced in your first post. I think she looks mighty fine, what about you Cereal? A little leaf curling and tip burn, but no biggy.

Also, how often do you water it?
Yea this pics in my other thread are like when she just began to flower. And Id say every week 1 watering, sometimes two depends on how the soil looks, and i try to give her nutes at least once a week starting about 2 weeks ago.

Cereal box

Active Member
She looks really good man! She's gonna fill out real nice. Reminds how my last plant looked at that age, that's her in my avatar before harvest. I'm sure she'll respond good to it! It looks like a really healthy plant!
One thing is I notice a lot of people cutting down their autos way to early. Make sure she real nice and swollen before you harvest. You'll be much happier with the end result.
Sounds good to me, if i send you a pic about 70 - 80 days from seed (when website i bought seed from says she's done) you think you would be able to tell me if she's ready or not?
She looks really good man! She's gonna fill out real nice. Reminds how my last plant looked at that age, that's her in my avatar before harvest. I'm sure she'll respond good to it! It looks like a really healthy plant!
One thing is I notice a lot of people cutting down their autos way to early. Make sure she real nice and swollen before you harvest. You'll be much happier with the end result.
This is the plant if you need this info …


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you've read up on examining trichomes yet since this is your first whack at it, but examining the trichomes is the only TRUE way to determine the peak point of harvest. If you hop over to Amazon or Ebay you can get very cheap (<$5) 60x Jeweler's magnifiers.

Most people prefer to harvest when 10% of the trichomes are a amber/red color and the rest are a cloudy white. When the trichomes are cloudy is when the THC is at its highest point of potency. Amber color represents the degradation of THC.

Pretty sure there's a great sticky somewhere for this. Ahh here it is.
I'm not sure if you've read up on examining trichomes yet since this is your first whack at it, but examining the trichomes is the only TRUE way to determine the peak point of harvest. If you hop over to Amazon or Ebay you can get very cheap (<$5) 60x Jeweler's magnifiers.

Most people prefer to harvest when 10% of the trichomes are a amber/red color and the rest are a cloudy white. When the trichomes are cloudy is when the THC is at its highest point of potency. Amber color represents the degradation of THC.

Pretty sure there's a great sticky somewhere for this. Ahh here it is.
I've heard how you need to examine the THC or else it will turn to amber and become CBD. So i was planning on buying a scope or magnifying glass. which do you think is better scope or magnifying glass. I've hear people rave about this scope ..

What do you think?