Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

She's Been In Blm. Right. Witch Pics Are These, U Axed The Males Already So This Is #1 Were Looking At Right. Db. How Long In The Blm Now.
She's Been In Blm. Right. Witch Pics Are These, U Axed The Males Already So This Is #1 Were Looking At Right. Db. How Long In The Blm Now.

Oh man THC, when I saw your name as the last person that posted in my was like waiting to hear my prison sentence. I was scared to hear what you had to say.


It's been 11 days now in bloom and yes, that is plant #1.
Your Journal, Maybe Have Turned To A Circle Jerk, The Three Some From The Othier Day Was Cool, But Being Subscribed To An All Male Boylesk.... Db. Not Happy

Can We Get Another Shot Of Further Down "his " Stock....dammm Bro Why Me... I Wear Glasses Too, So Not The Face....db.:):(
Imo. The Top Two Dont Count, We Should Let It Ride Anothier Day Or Two... In My Books,,,, All Fem. Have Split Hairs There, Not Lumps, At Least 2wks To See The Beg. Of The Bud, And In Those Pic's Its To Soon For That.... They May Be Balls Bro.....:(:(:( Strike 3. Damm Bro. Im Still Hopen For Ya,,, If U Can Get Your Hands On A Fem. U Now Know Whats Up, And That Bitch Wont Be Getting Sassy With U....on Go 2 All My Thoughts Tonight Bro....and A Twisted One For U... Puff,puff Pass, U Keep It. Bro.
Much Luv. Db.:)
Your Journal, Maybe Have Turned To A Circle Jerk, The Three Some From The Othier Day Was Cool, But Being Subscribed To An All Male Boylesk.... Db. Not Happy

Can We Get Another Shot Of Further Down "his " Stock....dammm Bro Why Me... I Wear Glasses Too, So Not The Face....db.:):(

LOL! I love you to THC..

Yea, I got some that I took yesterday. No real closeups but I'll do what I can. From what I can see, they are only on the 7th and 8th node. The rest is still developing.

Below is the only pic I have. Maybe someone else will come around and chime in. It's a pretty hard call for myself...

Imo. The Top Two Dont Count, We Should Let It Ride Anothier Day Or Two... In My Books,,,, All Fem. Have Split Hairs There, Not Lumps, At Least 2wks To See The Beg. Of The Bud, And In Those Pic's Its To Soon For That.... They May Be Balls Bro.....:(:(:( Strike 3. Damm Bro. Im Still Hopen For Ya,,, If U Can Get Your Hands On A Fem. U Now Know Whats Up, And That Bitch Wont Be Getting Sassy With U....on Go 2 All My Thoughts Tonight Bro....and A Twisted One For U... Puff,puff Pass, U Keep It. Bro.
Much Luv. Db.:)

Naw man, there are hairs there for sure! I can see them right now and I've posted those pics. But I guess it's a hermie? I think I'll wait this out another week and see what they look like.


Ok, so after further inspection I'm going to say that these are probably NUTS! Man this really sucks, at least I got 50/50 on this one. Ended up with all males and one hermie.

Should I snip those balls off or let them grow? Is this herb going to be infested with fucking seeds - enough that I should throw it out? I guess I'll keep growing it just to get more practice.
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I see balls now and I saw pistils the other day. Only one conclusion is coming to mind.

That said, being your last plant you could still continue blooming the he/she and it won't be a total washout.
I see balls now and I saw pistils the other day. Only one conclusion is coming to mind.

That said, being your last plant you could still continue blooming the he/she and it won't be a total washout.

Yea, I've pretty much already accepted that. How seedy will the buds be? Should I snip those testes right off?
Lol, please use anesthesia for that. I have no idea how this works. Hermies are a new area for me.

LOL..naw fuck that man, that fucken tranny's gonna get it! I'm pretty bummed out now! Oh well, I kind of had a feeling all along it was a male, but then some pistils shot out so I guess it's not that bad.

I'm going to continue to grow it and we will see what happens. Do you know if trannys produce good buds? Looks like I'm going to be doing a bit of research in this area tonight if I don't get to drunk. ;)

I doubt I will find a fist full of information though since most people say to just toss them.
i think if you cut his balls off they will double even triple in numbers...if anything wait till later to cut them, that way they you wont have to keep cutting more and more and more
Yea, that kinda makes sense. I think I'm going to just let it do it's thing. What the fuck else do I have to lose right?

I've been searching the net looking for some pics of plants or buds that went hermie and check out this killer Blueberry nugg I found.

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Well guys, I'm off to go play some Mario Kart for the Wii and get fucken ripped!

Smoke some for the fucken tranny!
couple of problems with hermies ... because they are producing seeds, most of the plant's energy goes to keeping the seed set healthy at the cost of everything else - including trichome production.

but they will bud and will be smokable so if hermies are all you got - then you can finish them. unfortunately, it appears they are natural hermies and not stressed to hermie so the seeds are probably prone to deleterious hermaphroditism as well.

sorry man - are these bag seeds? i'm asking cause all males/hermies is my typical result when i try bag seed.
@ jordan

How long till I chop? You talking about harvest? I'm only 12 days into flower.

@ email

Yea, I got them from some damn mid grades that had seeds in them. I wish I would have read about that shit before I planted them. It just came to me last night that yea, they will most likely be hermie or male because they came from seeds that were either hermie or females that had been pollinated. Why didn't I think of this before? Guess it was because I got all caught up in just trying to get this grow down.

Oh well, it's no big deal. It was an excellent learning experience and I accomplished most of what I wanted to do here. Next time, I'm going to come back in full force and grow a really good strain.

I know this has been asked before, but in our journeys through all this, have you guys found a reputable seed bank that ships to the states? I'm still undecided on where to shop.

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