So have you come to a final decision weither you want to declair #1 as Hermie.
And will you be keeping your shemale for the entire cycle?
Also, I think you have perty hands too!
He's the defender of the grow room. Make the wrong move and he'll blow you fucking ankles off!
No, 51" Toshiba Regza. It's a rear projection tv I got back in 2004. I'm going to upgrade very soon. I wanted to get an LED DLP, but decided to wait it out for Mitsubishi's new LaserVue DLP. Should come out sometime late this summer, just in time for football!
Mitsubishi Electric LaserVue - True Dimension Experience
Aww thanks, I love you to - LOL!
Hey thanks man! You crack me up every time I read your posts. Pretty hands? Maybe from all that fancy lotion my girlfriend buys me?
FUCKING AWESOME GROWER...dude that's the coolest acronym I've heard in awhile. How did those cookies turn out?
WOW dude am pissed now i just bought a Flat screen 47 inch i could of waited and got that boitch
Cant remember what its called but it gots some shit that i can hook up my computer to it and it will act like the computer screen
Oh, so it's plasma. When I hear flat screen I think LCD. What kind of plasma?
Yea, Blu-ray is awesome! Only thing that sucks is I bought into the whole hi-def craze before there was a winner. I bought HD DVD because I felt it was a better product and offered more things then Blu-ray did, as well as less DRM.
I will eventually get one once there standalone players drop in price. But I don't see that happening anytime in the near future.
If you ever got any questions about that shit, just hit me up. I don't like seeing people get suckered into buying shit they don't need - LIKE 100 DOLLAR MONSTER HDMI CABLES!
Ya, either a DVI port, HDMI or VGA. Most likely HDMI since they are trying to push all this HDCP bullshit on people.
it is probably the DVI port since not many comps have hdmi ports that i have seen
i have a 42" samsung rear projection, got it like 3-4 years ago, never had a problem with it, and as for blue ray, i picked up a ps3, I find that that is the best way to go for getting a blue ray player... it also acts as a computer(surf the web) can put pics, music etc on it, and of course pay games... especially since they dropped the prices on the systems
Yea, PS3 is the best way to go as far as Bl-ray goes. That's really what's hurting the format from taking off.