Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

The problem is that most standalone Blu-ray players are capable of producing better sound and will perform 24fps. A lot of what you are paying for is the on board decoding. I don't think PS3 supports that yet. Anyways, since the PS3 is so cheap, it keeps other makers from wanting to make players because of the price. They can't really compete right now because it is so expensive to manufacture.

Just like what happened with HD DVD. Toshiba had their prices set so unrealistic, there really was no reason for others to make standalones.

Have you taken advantage of the DolbyTrueHD and DTS-HD yet? Sound is fucking amazing!
Ok, back to marijuana business.

It was time for my plants watering and a small dose of nutes and supplements. I used 10ml of Bio Flores and 5ml of Bio boost. My waters PH from the faucet is around 8.0, but after I add the nutes, it drops down to around 6.2/6.5. The water wasn't taken straight from the faucet. It has been sitting out for a few days in that Ozarka bottle.

I took a few before shots hoping that the after shots will look good.

PH before and after


The nutes and supplements




Before shots




After shots




Not to much of a difference. These were taken 10 minutes later. We will see what they look like tomorrow.
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ha ha, so you only have your "hermie?" plant left , or did you mention a plant from outside or is that gone whats the tally?
This is no laughing matter gamble! I'm proud of my fucking hermie, so cut the shit...


Yea, all I got is the hermie and those other plants outside. Go back and read my journal bro - like two pages back.
Thanks for stoppen by man.

Nah, I vegged as long as I was planning for. Next grow will be different...
they dont veg to long or ur end up like me i veged way to long and now well they are huge maybe a little to big.... a Grn can u post pictures of the hermie preflowering?? i still have not seen it , we need proof that thats not a real female:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I snipped most of those testicle looking things off. I'll try and get some shots..I think there might be one at the very top node.

But yea man, this thing doesn't look like any other hermie I've seen.
Ok, this is all I could get. These are the top two newest nodes.



Honestly, if they were hermie, don't you think the nuts would be everywhere?
honestly man they realy dont look like ballz at all man wish u had better pictures but realy man i dont know,:-|
yeah it might just be a female Amigo. Havent really seen proof of reall balls just pre flowers that didnt open with pistils yet or something. maybe
Yea, that would be nice. This bitch has already grown a bit after her feeding. The top of the plant is leaning a bit from the unexpected growth. Gonna try and get some pics up...

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