Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

Here she is...

I'm going to be chopping her down on Friday or Saturday morning.


bro she looks fkn lovely!! good luck with the harvest, I'm chopping down a widow tonight and 2 on Friday, so we can have a trimming party on Friday!!...I'm ready to match a few bowls!!
Should I Be Licking The Screen....??? Thats Fine!!! Looks Like The Widow A Little, Have U Checked The Tich's, And How Many Days Flush Soo Far.???
Most Books Say About 12 Dys. I Have Used Less With Good Results.!!!

Very Nice.!!! :):):)
Yea, last time I checked the trichs were 50/50 - milky and clear. I know I may be chopping this down a bit early, but I'm ready to get the next grow going. She's definitely not getting any bigger at the moment. The reason it doesn't look like the N has been sucked because most of that damage was on all the lower leaves that are now gone.

If my calender is right, I started flushing on the 9th of June, so I'm right on track for the harvest - also waiting for soil to dry a bit. I've been going through my Grow Bible trying to figure out the best way to dry my buds. The books seems to recommend using a small closet or a box for a small harvest - my situation. I'm thinking of placing them in a box with dental floss strung through the middle, or actually just laying them in the box. If I don't go that route, I'm going to hang them from some racks in an extra closet of mine.

If I place them in a card board box, without hanging them, will I just need to flip them occasionally to ensure that they dry evenly? They need to be store in a cool dark place from what I understand, how many times can I expose them to light? This isn't as big a deal as not getting light to them during 12/12 right?

What are your guys thoughts on this?

If I place them in a card board box, without hanging them, will I just need to flip them occasionally to ensure that they dry evenly? They need to be store in a cool dark place from what I understand, how many times can I expose them to light? This isn't as big a deal as not getting light to them during 12/12 right?

What are your guys thoughts on this?


yes - if you lay them instead of hanging you should turn them to avoid flat spots.
yes - they should be in a cool, dark place.
you can expose them to light to check them out and stuff - but less is better.
right - not a big deal like 12/12. you would want to avoid leaving them under HIDs for hours (or sunlight).
Are you gonna do an extended dark period before harvest?

And Email- sweet links, thanks- i appreciate those for sure, save em all... lol

Yes, thanks again email for those links! Cron, they will be given 24 hours of darkness before harvest. I'll probably cut the lights back on at 12 am tonight and go ahead and harvest then, or wait till later on in the morning.

Ya, those are always good. That way, everyone can help add to them or just you can keep adding to it. Either way, that would be very helpful. Hit your journal up bro!

So I'm going to start working on my "box" today that will hold my buds. I think I'm going to string some floss through a shoe box (or whatever else I can find) and let the buds lay across that.


Simply string them up using the floss from some shelves I have in an extra closet.

What do you think would work best?
Check Out The Apple Thread See If U Like That Idea... Cut, De Leaf, Manicure And Hang Off Hanger I Do Believe Its All There. Me~ Tlb! :)
Yes it is, very informative. I went ahead and made my box though. After I do the manicure, I will decide whether or not I hang them or rest them across the floss in the box.

When U Do It, U Will See What Works Best For U, And Then Im Sure You Will Even Perfect That.... Db.~tlb! :)

More Porn... Needed.!!!! :)
not sure if i or others have mentioned this but i like to make sure i have everything at the ready (tools and storage - a drink a joint - that kind of stuff) before harvesting.

i were latex gloves to keep my hands clean and don't forget to use a razor blade to scrape off your scissor hash!