Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22

Yea, that's what I've been doing today. Making sure I have everything ready to ROCK N ROLL. I have a bit of OCD and other anxiety problems and this has been eating me alive. Wish I had some chill pills, but I must hold strong.

Yea, that's what I've been doing today. Making sure I have everything ready to ROCK N ROLL. I have a bit of OCD and other anxiety problems and this has been eating me alive. Wish I had some chill pills, but I must hold strong.


i do not have OCD but i know exactly what you're talking about - anxious, nervous, excited, nauseous!

those feelings will go away after the 2nd or 3rd hour of trimming and become boredom and (depending on your age) an arthritic pain in your hands from all that scissor work ;)
i do not have OCD but i know exactly what you're talking about - anxious, nervous, excited, nauseous!

those feelings will go away after the 2nd or 3rd hour of trimming and become boredom and (depending on your age) an arthritic pain in your hands from all that scissor work ;)

Exactly, all those plus the racing thoughts - that's what really gets me.

Exactly, all those plus the racing thoughts - that's what really gets me.


cause it is new and you don't want to fuck up. don't worry - by the time you've mangled your 3 or 4th bud - you'll understand how the thing grows so you'll know where to slip in the scissors to make the closest cut.

we weren't born knowing this shit and it's not like most of us have someone showing us - at least not in person.

if you can - try to relax and enjoy it. this is the single best time you'll spend with your garden.
Ok, I lied. It's not too detailed, but here is what I got. Please feel free to let me know if I need to trim more off.

The Box


Some of it manicured




Did I trim enough off?




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finally, huh? they look pretty good!

it is your call, but i usually trim all the leaves off (best i can - i don't get nutty about it - but you can if you want!) while they are still wet. I find it easier that way but everybody has their own way.

you can smoke the leaf - but it tends to be a lot harsher. you can make canna butter or hash from it though.

if you leave it on the bud it will probably harshen the mellow.

Looks damn good and your drying situation looks good too.
Thanks man, I'm pretty happy with what I accomplished on my first grow.

My temps and humidity are great right now. 78 degrees F and RH of 48 percent. I think I'm just going to leave what's on the buds, there. I got a shit ton of leaves from this. I got them in a separate shoe box as well. I'm gonna try and smoke some of it...

Hey thanks guys, I appreciate all the comments. I've been looking through the "bible" on methods for making hash. Not to sure what exactly I'm going to do. Know where I can get some of those glass jars though? The ones people use to can vegetables and what not.

Just get some mason jars from the grocery store or department store. They come in cases of like 10 or so, and vary in size.
howabout throwing the leaves in a bottle of vodka, i know what you mean when you say you don't want to make hash. shit can get messy.

personally i would trim more, but either way your buds look like some fire bro!

and walmart has some glass air tight jars you just gotta look in the bullshit isles that have kitchen accessories and shit like that. there cheap to like 5 bucks for some badass jars.