Bagseed? Who cares? My first grow.


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions as to lower the temp?

I cant really have a ventilation system because it is a closet with a door.
I would try a bigger fan. Just don't blow it right on them. Aim it up just as long as the air is circulating and the plant is moving around.:peace:
I will most definately be getting another/bigger fan for circulation...but for are some new pics and stuff.

The stems on my plants look like they are shedding their skins. I am hoping that this is just natural growth causeing the stem to split and tear. I assume so.

I have moved my lights because I wanted them to be closer. I will be rotating the plants between the sets of lights. One set is 2 42W CFLs and the other is 4 26W CFLs. The 42W CFLs hang horizontally and the 26Ws hang at an angle.

For any newbie to growing, my setup is a manifestation that with a little creativity you can make a simple setup pretty easily.

I put some screws in the wall to hold the power strip in place to mount the lights. Intead of raising the lights...I will be lowering my plants as they grow. I know I'm a genious haha.

Both plants are looking wonderful. I am very happy with how things are going so far. And I do very little! All you gotta do is sing to em! They love it.


also...I watered the plants yesterday. That would be April 30th. Two party cups full each. That should last em for about 4 days. Maybe more since I recently covered the soil.
These are the updates for today.

After taking the white paper off from over the soil, and starting to close my closet door again, the plants leaves are not drooping anymore. I think they may have been drooping because the overall moisture level in the soil as well as in the room was too high.

When I got home today the temperature in my closet was almost 90 degrees!!! I had to go buy another fan. I got a 10inch oscilating fan.

I also noticed a couple of small things. At each node there are small leaves that are getting bigger and bigger each day. I am now on my fourth set of leaves at the top as well.

The most surprising this today was that there are leaves developing at the "node" by the seedling round leaves. ya know the little ones that first come with the sprout?) Leaves have begun developing right there and I really did not expect this. From reading other threads in this forum I assumed those round leaves would just die and fall off eventually.

On one of the plants the new growth developing by these round leaves actually ripped right through one!!! Instead of poking out by the stem the new little leave decided it was time to get some air and just pushed through!! You can see this in the picture. (100_2980 is the picture)

I am amazed at how well these plants are growing. They seem relentless against the heat. New leaves are growing everywhere, even in the spots I wouldnt have expected it.


So...Even after buying another fan...the temperature in my grow closet is still averages about 85 degrees with the CFL's on. Higher than I want. Does anyone know if this will ptentially be a problem? So far the plants are thriving regardless of the heat.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
85-90 is a good temp 4 most bagseed I find. If u r worried about it, water w/ cold water. Don't use ice tho, jus keep it n tha fridge.
So...I will be adding more pics later on tonight but as an update...

I added 3 more 26W CFL's. So now the setup is....

1 plant has 5 26W CFL's haning 1 inch away each.
the other plant has 2 42W CFL's 1 inch above and 2 26W CFL's with round reflector about 2 inches about.

The plants are on their fifth set of leaves and the newer sets have seven points each. I'm happy bout that.
Also, I have switched the timers on my lights to 12/12 today.

So far I haven't given my plants any extra nutes beacuse they have been growing so great.
But after a couple days into flowering I plan on starting to feed my plants a 10 50 15 flowering nutrient. I'm going to start with very very small amounts.
I doubt that my plants will need the nutrients but I'm gonna give it to em anyways.

Pics to be up soon!!


New Member
hey whats up man im also growing bagseed with some cfls im in like the 3rd week and i have regular potting soil and mine is looking very healthy and i only have i 25=75 flurescent light and its doing lovely im going to add another light in like a week but my first grow is awesome!!! i look at mine every time wen im around it and it improves everyday good luck man im watching to see how yours grow bye the way this is my small little setup for now and my seedling like 2 weeks ago i got to update it! cant wait till your next update pz



Well-Known Member
Your grow is looking good, keep it up.
But be careful, it can be very very addictive.
I started in a little closet too.

But it can get out of hand in a hurry.

Also don't get discouraged by the fat headed naysayers who think bagseed is useless. I've grown many known breeders strains with great results, but to this day, my favorite strains to grow are a couple different phenotypes of the original bagseed i started growing with.

Sorry to crap up your journal with my pictures, i just feel they speak better than i can when i'm this high.
So everyone! We have updates for my two plants! They are doing wonderfully of course. Somehow they are soldiers! Loving the strain!

So this evening I took some pictures.

I also watered the plants. First time in five days. I could see the very outer edges of the leaves starting to get dry. I also added just a pinch of 24 8 16 nutes to the water for each for the first time. But it was just a pinch. Just a little snack for em. Next watering will be with flowering nutes beacuse I switched em today.

Here are some pics of the beatues doing great! There are gonna be so ridiculously bushy.

CFL's work just as good people!! lol


Also....I have a quick question. So far I have about 130W of CFL's covering each plants leaves. I plan on adding 4 more 42W CFL's with reflectors like the one shown for flowering. Will this be enough for them?

I wanna make sure the kids grow up big and strong. Puberty is a rough time.

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Ya dude, more lights would work fine. However, did I read right, are you already on 12/12??? I ask this because your babies look awefully young for flowering. If you are considering more lights, perhaps go with something in the daylight spectrum (more blue light 5500K-6500K) to help build up more green.. More green=more food 4 ur babies=more buds! Thats just my 2cents tho...
Ya dude, more lights would work fine. However, did I read right, are you already on 12/12??? I ask this because your babies look awefully young for flowering. If you are considering more lights, perhaps go with something in the daylight spectrum (more blue light 5500K-6500K) to help build up more green.. More green=more food 4 ur babies=more buds! Thats just my 2cents tho...
I know it is quite early for me to try and flower but I dunno....I'm not worried about it. This is my first personal grow and I want to keep it small.
So...I guess by adding 3 more CFL's the average temperature in my grow room is about 94 degrees. That sucks. So now I have to keep the door to my closet open while the lights are on. Which also means I have to adjust the light schedule so that I am personally at home to close the closet door when it is time for 12 hours of dark. Ugh.

Also...beacuse it was so hot in my closet a lot of the leaves egdes turned up and looked brittle. I added a little bit of water to the top of the soil on both plants to cool em down.

Here are some new pics. Nothing much has changed since the last ones except the new branches coming out of the original nodes are forming nicely.



Subbed. I am about to do a bagseed grow also. Any pics of How you have your wiring... I seem to be more nub at electrical than i thought... Fast growing BTW . Looking good.
Today's report.

Soil is still moist.
Leaves are still a bit turned up on one plant. Not sure why....but plenty of new growth is coming and the leaves are all still vividly green.
I killed 2 tiny flies today. It gave me satisfaction. No bugs otherwise to report.

Also...just to see what will happen I topped one of the teeny tiny new growth branches coming out of a node. I wouldn't even call it topping. ha. I just wanted to cut something off and see what happened lol. I used fingernail clippers. I will wait to see...

I still havent checked th pH of my soil. Oh well.

I will wait until it becomes a problem.